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Group 1


2. JERNITA GULO NIM : 222102038

Course Teaching Lecturer,


IT for ELT




Praise and gratitude to God the Almighty for his blessings and grace so
that we can complete this paper. We made this paper in order to fulfill the
completion of assignments in the IT for ELT course, hopefully this paper can add
insight and knowledge to readers.
In writing this paper, we certainly cannot solve it ourself without the help
of other parties. Therefore, we would like to thank to sir Trisman Harefa, S.S.,
M.Pd as the lecturer of this course. We realize that this paper is far from perfect
because there are still many shortcomings. Therefore, we humbly apologize and
expect constructive criticism and suggestions for future improvement and
Finally, we wish you a happy reading and hope that this paper can be
useful as it should be for the readers.

Gunungsitoli, 13 September 2023

Group 1



LIST OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

A. Background.......................................................................................................1

B. Problem.............................................................................................................1

C. Purpose..............................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.................................................................................2

A. Technology Based Education..........................................................................2

B. Benefits of Technology in Education.............................................................3

C. Barriers to The Use Of Technology In The Schools.....................................5

CHAPTER III CLOSING.....................................................................................7

A. Conclusion........................................................................................................7

B. Suggestion.........................................................................................................7



A. Background
The world of education has evolved with the integration of
technology. That so important to learn about technology,because in the
globalization era,education and technology have many relation to make and
help the work of humans. The expansion of technological applications such
as computers and mobile phones in the past three decades has impacted our
lives from different perspectives. Educational contexts are no exceptions,
and like other environments, they have also been influenced by new
teaching sources and software. More recently, there has been a passionate
debate about the usefulness of the smart-phones for educational purposes
and their possible uses in educational instruction; therefore, in this chapter, a
review of the current published literature focusing on the use of technology-
based instruction by instructors or students was conducted. The results of
the study demonstrated that technology-based instruction has significant
effects on learners’ achievements; however, there are some challenges such
as social and technical barriers in blending technology and education in
different educational contexts.
B. Problem
Based on the background above, the problem formulation in this paper
1. What is the technology based education?
2. What is the Benefit of technology education?
3. How to Barriers to The Use Of Technology In The Schools?
C. Purpose
Based on the problem, we can know that purpose of technology and
education is:
1. To know technology based education
2. To know benefit of technology education
3. Give the explanation about Barriers of technology


In the world of education, a facility or media is really needed to make access

to knowledge easier and faster, in this case technology is one of the keys to
making the world of education more developed. With education based
Technology greatly influences the development of education, both in the learning
process and in preparing the curriculum, especially in building educational
facilities and infrastructure sufficient so that educational goals can be achieved.
The development of information technology, especially in Indonesia, is
increasingly growing. With information and communication technology, it can
make it easier for us to learn and get the information we need from anywhere,
anytime and from anyone.
The birth of information technology in education began with problems in
education itself. Educational problems that are currently emerging include equal
opportunity to obtain education, improving the quality of education, relevance and
efficiency of education. There are three basic principles in educational technology
as a reference for its development and use, namely: system approach, orientation
students, and use of resources Study.
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere
and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have
religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble morals,
and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. According to
Miarso (2007) Technology is a form of process that increases added value. Rogers
(1986) has the view that technology usually involves hardware aspects (consisting
of materials or physical objects), and software aspects (consisting of information
contained in the hardware).

A. Technology Based Education

According to H. Fuat Ihsan (2005) education is a human effort to
grow and develop innate potentials, both physical and spiritual, in
accordance with the values that exist in society and culture. Meanwhile,
according to Oemar Hamalik (2001) Education is a process in in order to
influence students so that they can adapt as best as possible to the
environment and thereby bring about changes in themselves that enable
them to function strongly in the life of society. and also technology-based
education is a system that utilizes technology as widely as possible in
teaching and learning activities.
Educational technology is a complex process that is integrated
including people, procedures, ideas and equipment and organizations to
analyze problems covering all aspects of learning, as well as designing,

implementing, assessing and managing problem solving. In essence,
educational technology is a systematic and critical approach to education.
Thus, in general educational technology is defined as media that was born in
the communications technology revolution which can be used for teaching
purposes, in addition to teachers, books and blackboards. Educational
technology views teaching and learning as a problem or problem that must
be faced rationally and scientifically.

B. Benefits of Technology in Education

According to Rosenberg in G. Gunawan (2009) in Sudibyo (2011),
with the development of the use of information and communication
technology there are five shifts in the learning process, namely: 1) from
training to performance, 2) from the classroom to anywhere and anytime, 3)
from paper to "on line" or channels, 4) from physical facilities to network
facilities, 5) from cycle time to real time. In accessing and utilizing this
method, the role of the internet is very necessary, because through the
internet someone can send files or upload files that you want to publish and
via the internet someone can also access the files that you want to search
Through multimedia-based learning (technology that involves text,
images, sound and video) teachers can present material in a more
interesting, non-monotonous way and make it easier to deliver the material.
Apart from that, in administrative activities, computers can be used as a tool
to collect and process academic data, for example student personal data,
student learning outcomes, etc. So that if one day required data about
students will be easily found. There are some of the advantages of applying
technology in the education sector.

1. Technology can help teachers teach. It can be a tool for teachers to

convey their teaching material to students. By using technology in the
learning process, teachers can deliver lesson material very easily and
effectively. Teachers who teach using technology will usually find it
easier to achieve their learning goals.
2. Technology will trigger teacher creativity. This can create teacher
creativity. They can be more creative in creating teaching methods.
With that, they will be encouraged to be creative because technology is
just a tool that requires someone to operate it. Without teachers, it
cannot influence education optimally.
3. Technology helps students learn. The implementation of technology in
teaching and learning will make students more interested in taking
lessons. If students are interested in what the teacher is teaching, there

is no need to ask students to be serious about studying because students
will be active automatically and will not feel bored because of learning.
4. Technology can create interesting learning activities. With technology
teachers can create an exciting learning atmosphere. This is very good
for triggering students' understanding in learning so that they will
quickly understand what the teacher is saying. Apart from that, students
will not feel bored.
5. Make it easy for students to find learning resources. Technological
information, especially the internet, provides various kinds of learning
resources that students can access anytime and anywhere. They can get
all the references they need for free. The more the more they learn from
different sources, the more intelligent students become.
6. Technology can improve school standards. Schools that use technology
in the teaching process will improve its quality. The school will become
a favorite school and become a destination for students to study at
7. Technology makes students have broad knowledge. Students who use
technology correctly will have broad knowledge.

Positive Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

1. The information needed will be faster and easier to access for educational
2. Innovation in learning is increasingly developing with e-learning
innovation which makes the educational process even easier.
3. Advances in ICT will also enable the development of virtual classes or
teleconference-based classes that do not require the teacher and students
to be in the same room.
4. The administration system at an educational institution will be easier and
smoother due to the implementation of the ICT system.

The following is a common use of technology in the education process.

1. Tutorial Media
Educators use video, digital audio and e-book media to create
tutorials. The tutorial in question is not only about material such as using
software. The learning materials are also explained by utilizing
visualization of the material in the form of video, audio and images

2. Communication Technology
The use of communication technology is one of the important
factors to facilitate communication between individuals in the education
process. Examples of communication technology include cellphones,

gadgets and the internet in which there are applications that function for
chat, SMS, video conferencing, mailing lists and so on. Social media is
part of communication technology where people can communicate
openly and online. Digital educational materials are also distributed
regularly through communication media the.

3. Information Media
Information such as activities, learning materials and ideas
regarding education are conveyed widely using website technology,
blogs, vlogs, wikis, online forums and so on. Through web technology,
all information can be conveyed accurately, completely and quickly.

4. E-Learning
Learning online is the right choice to replace time & space
limitations. E-learning usually uses web technology through the
development of educational applications. In e-learning systems, the term
Learning Management Systems (LMSs) is also known. LMSs is a
technology for carrying out assessments, analysis and development
reports digitally, online or offline. Usually LMSs are included in e-
learning programs. E-learning technology, learning materials are used,
web technology is used to transfer learning materials and carry out test
or exam activities.

5. Simulation
Untuk menampilkan simulasi-simulasiuntuk tidak melakukan
tindak pidana korupsi.

C. Barriers to The Use Of Technology In The Schools

1. Budget
It requires large costs to build a technology-based system that is
comprehensive and evenly distributed throughout the region.

2. Human Resources Management

Apart from teaching staff who master technological
developments, reliable developers or programmers are also needed.
What is no less important is improving the mental and morale of
officials and all elements in education so that they do not commit
criminal acts of corruption.

3. Limited learning facilities

For example: computers, narrow buildings or classrooms,
inadequate libraries and limited books to support learning. According to
Mahmud (2008) in his book entitled ICT for Excellent Schools, there

are several requirements for can apply information and communication
technology-based learning, namely the availability of infrastructure that
supports ICT-based learning.

4. Curiculum
There is no standardization and responsibility for the application of
technology in learning. The implementation of curriculum and learning
does not fully utilize ICT. Evaluation of the student learning process
does not yet refer to the application of ICT. One solution is that
students can see their exam results on their school's website, as is
currently widely implemented in universities.

5. Lack of Teacher Competence

What is meant here is the teacher's lack of competence in
integrating ICT into pedagogical practice, namely not having the
knowledge and skills in using computers and not being enthusiastic
about changes and integration with learning using computers in their

6. Hardware
There are many problems found here. Starting from the difficulty
of providing ICT equipment, the lack of experts who can operate the
equipment, the difficulty of keeping up with the rapid development of
ICT, to limited funds for maintenance and repairs if damage occurs.

7. Software
Lack or very little software that provides all study materials.
Limited software development innovation to overcome problems with
the use of ICT.


A. Conclusion
In the new era, education and technology can help us. Technology
and education is a complex and integration process include that human,
procedure, idea and facilities to analyze the problem of the all process to

B. Suggestion
With this technology-based education, we should be able to use it in
accordance with the rules and regulations of technology which can also be
beneficial for ourselves and others.


Miarso, Y. H. (1986). Defenisi Teknologi Pendidikan Jakarta. Jakarta: Rajawali

Rogers, E. M. (1986). Communication Technology: The New Media InSociety.
London: The Free Press.
Gao, F., Luo, T., & Zhang, K. (2012). Tweeting for learning: A critical analysis of
research on microblog-ging in education published in 2008–2011.

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