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B. Objective and Introduction 1-2
C. Discussions 3-6
D. Disadvantages and Conclusions 7-8


 At the end of the lesson, we will be able to define Educational Technology;

 Understand clearly the meaning of Educational Technology; and

 Apply educational technology to the teaching and learning environment.


Technology integration into the field of education is a welcome site. The use of

technology in the classroom will be effective if it catches the attention of the students,

provides for cooperation, the building of skills and feedback for the student. To

incorporate technology teachers must be trained and the administration must be willing

to change the environment in which to use it.

According to Roblyer in his book “Integrating Educational Technology into

Teaching”’ educational technology is not something new at all. However, for many

educators the mention of technology seems to bring to mind the use of some gadget or

some electronic device and so essentially the mindset of educational technology is as if

it were something fairly new. (Roblyer, 2003)

Certainly, educational technology is a much more of an integrated progress but

undoubtedly, as Anglin stated, “educational technology continues to be perceived as a

field concerned more with hardware and software than with its applications for teaching

and learning.”

Before we proceed, let us first define what is Education?

EDUCATION is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction and

learning. It is both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving

knowledge from someone else. The act or process of imparting or acquiring general

knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of

preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.

Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits. There

are many debates about its precise definition, for example, about which aims it tries to

achieve. A further issue is whether part of the meaning of education is that the change

in the student is an improvement.

TECHNOLOGY comes from the word Techne meaning Art and Craft, and the

word Logos meaning Word and Speech.

It is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life. It is a tool

that can produce or make things easier, quicker and better. Technology is the

application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word

technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both

tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Technology has become a crucial part of our society. Without technological

advancements, so much of our everyday lives would be drastically different. As

technology develops, it strives to


fulfill the changing needs of society. Innovation will never end; rather, it will continue to

develop at increasing rates as science and technological fields becomes more and

more cutting edge.

Educational Technology

1.) Ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance

by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and
2.) It improves learning environment, which in turn is meant to boost
student learnings and outcomes.

3.) It is the integration or making use of technology in

lectures, learning and education.


1. A process, not product.

It is not only about tangible things related to technology like gadgets,

cellphones, laptops, computers, etc… It is also about the significant processes that we

apply in the teaching and learning environment.

2. A profession like teaching.

Because educational technology also aims to teach and impart knowledge to the


3. A field of study that deals with the use of educational methods, techniques

and resources.

Educational Technology promotes the utilization of methods, techniques and

resources inside the classroom. It helps the teacher to be more creative and flexible in

rendering daily lessons.

4. A tool used to enhance the cognitive thinking and critical skills of ones being.

Educational Technology develops the cognitive thinking and critical skills of the

learners because it encourages the learners to explore and discover their own

understanding on the lesson with the use of educational tools, methods, and

strategies. It makes the learning environment more student-centered. Students are

given the chance to share and connect their own forms of ideas about the lesson

being discussed by the teachers.

5. A complex process

Educational Technology is a complex process for it requires us to possess

knowledge before we can really utilize or integrate it in education. It needs guidance,

purposeful, and meaningful utilization before we can actually use technology for creative


Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of

analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional

environment, learning materials and the learning process in order to improve teaching

and learning. Just like what we do as teachers, we impart knowledge to our learners

through different methods and strategies.

Let’s take a look at the different examples we have for educational technology.

Moreover, educational technology in all its form should be included and used in

education for the attainment of effective learning. Undoubtedly, both educational and

instructional technology have certainly come a long way and will continue to grow in

popularity as our technology continues to penetrate into almost every aspect of our daily

lives. Still, the significance of educational and instructional technology will undoubtedly

become more evident as we strive towards 21 st century teaching to prepare students to

become ready for the challenges required of them in the 21 st century. Although

technology is accompanied with some disadvantages, the advantages for education are

greater and becoming more noticeable. Information systems and technology in

education are rapidly growing and have become part of the foundation for education for

years to come.

On the other hand, educational technology may present problems or what we call

disadvantages. The following are the various examples of educational technology


 It can be a distraction at some point;

 Provide inappropriate access;

 Offer false information;

 Make cheating easier;

 Be expensive to maintain; and

 Hinder basic skills.

Information technology can also be difficult to integrate into lesson structures. For

example, class schedules may not provide sufficient time for Internet use during


Also, teachers could become overly focused on creating visually attractive illustrative

methods rather than lesson plans. Education on the basis of computer programs should

not replace direct communication between teachers and students (Borysiuk, 2013).

Regarding the disadvantages of technology in education, Galle states that:

1) It may be distracting to students

2) It may disconnect students from face-to-face relationships

3) It may disadvantage certain students

4) It may cause students to use unreliable resources for learning

5) It may replace the teacher

6) It may create over dependence

Numerous studies say educational technology use by teachers and students

should focus on educational purposes rather than practical computer tools and

programs. Independence, group work, basic reading, writing, drawing skills, and other

habits of the high level of knowledge are prerequisites for a successful use of

educational technology among students. Teachers need (80%) non-technical skills and

(20%) technical skills, while students must first elaborate on the information they

receive, then tie it with experiences that they recognize from their own lives, and link

them to real life and nature. Students can also interact with different people, as with

classmates, teachers, students of other classes, students from different communities

and people from around the world through modern electronic devices. When students

work in groups, they are required to be active and cooperative.

The very essence and significance of integrating technology in education is

making the teaching and learning experiences more meaningful and fruitful.

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