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Title Page

I. Oral Report
B. Objective and Introduction 1-2
C. Discussions 3-6
D. Disadvantages and Conclusions 7-8
II. Case Analysis 9 -17
III. Reflection Papers 18-20
IV. Research Manuscript
A. Title 21

B. Abstract 21

C. Introduction 23-25

D. Research Statement 25

E. Literature Review 26-33

F. Discussion 33

G. Conclusion 34


 At the end of the lesson, we will be able to define Educational Technology;

 Understand clearly the meaning of Educational Technology; and

 Apply educational technology to the teaching and learning environment.


Technology integration into the field of education is a welcome site. The use of

technology in the classroom will be effective if it catches the attention of the students,

provides for cooperation, the building of skills and feedback for the student. To

incorporate technology teachers must be trained and the administration must be willing

to change the environment in which to use it.

According to Roblyer in his book “Integrating Educational Technology into

Teaching”’ educational technology is not something new at all. However, for many

educators the mention of technology seems to bring to mind the use of some gadget or

some electronic device and so essentially the mindset of educational technology is as if

it were something fairly new. (Roblyer, 2003)

Certainly, educational technology is a much more of an integrated progress but

undoubtedly, as Anglin stated, “educational technology continues to be perceived as a


field concerned more with hardware and software than with its applications for teaching

and learning.”

Before we proceed, let us first define what is Education?

EDUCATION is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction and

learning. It is both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving

knowledge from someone else. The act or process of imparting or acquiring general

knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of

preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.

Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits. There

are many debates about its precise definition, for example, about which aims it tries to

achieve. A further issue is whether part of the meaning of education is that the change

in the student is an improvement.

TECHNOLOGY comes from the word Techne meaning Art and Craft, and the

word Logos meaning Word and Speech.

It is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life. It is a tool

that can produce or make things easier, quicker and better. Technology is the

application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word

technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts, including both

tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Technology has become a crucial part of our society. Without technological

advancements, so much of our everyday lives would be drastically different. As

technology develops, it strives to

fulfill the changing needs of society. Innovation will never end; rather, it will continue to

develop at increasing rates as science and technological fields becomes more and

more cutting edge.

Educational Technology

2.) It improves learning

1.) Ethical practice of environment, which in
facilitating learning and turn is meant to boost
improving performance student learnings and
by creating, using and outcomes.
managing appropriate
technological processes
and resources. 3.) It is the integration
or making use of
technology in lectures,
learning and


1. A process, not product.

It is not only about tangible things related to technology like gadgets,

cellphones, laptops, computers, etc… It is also about the significant processes that we

apply in the teaching and learning environment.

2. A profession like teaching.

Because educational technology also aims to teach and impart knowledge to the

3. A field of study that deals with the use of educational methods, techniques

and resources.

Educational Technology promotes the utilization of methods, techniques and

resources inside the classroom. It helps the teacher to be more creative and flexible in

rendering daily lessons.

4. A tool used to enhance the cognitive thinking and critical skills of ones being.

Educational Technology develops the cognitive thinking and critical skills of the

learners because it encourages the learners to explore and discover their own

understanding on the lesson with the use of educational tools, methods, and

strategies. It makes the learning environment more student-centered. Students are

given the chance to share and connect their own forms of ideas about the lesson

being discussed by the teachers.

5. A complex process

Educational Technology is a complex process for it requires us to possess

knowledge before we can really utilize or integrate it in education. It needs guidance,

purposeful, and meaningful utilization before we can actually use technology for creative


Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of

analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional

environment, learning materials and the learning process in order to improve teaching

and learning. Just like what we do as teachers, we impart knowledge to our learners

through different methods and strategies.


Let’s take a look at the different examples we have for educational technology.

Moreover, educational technology in all its form should be included and used in

education for the attainment of effective learning. Undoubtedly, both educational and

instructional technology have certainly come a long way and will continue to grow in

popularity as our technology continues to penetrate into almost every aspect of our daily

lives. Still, the significance of educational and instructional technology will undoubtedly

become more evident as we strive towards 21 st century teaching to prepare students to

become ready for the challenges required of them in the 21 st century. Although

technology is accompanied with some disadvantages, the advantages for education are

greater and becoming more noticeable. Information systems and technology in

education are rapidly growing and have become part of the foundation for education for

years to come.

On the other hand, educational technology may present problems or what we call

disadvantages. The following are the various examples of educational technology


 It can be a distraction at some point;

 Provide inappropriate access;

 Offer false information;

 Make cheating easier;

 Be expensive to maintain; and

 Hinder basic skills.

Information technology can also be difficult to integrate into lesson structures. For

example, class schedules may not provide sufficient time for Internet use during


Also, teachers could become overly focused on creating visually attractive illustrative

methods rather than lesson plans. Education on the basis of computer programs should

not replace direct communication between teachers and students (Borysiuk, 2013).

Regarding the disadvantages of technology in education, Galle states that:

1) It may be distracting to students

2) It may disconnect students from face-to-face relationships

3) It may disadvantage certain students

4) It may cause students to use unreliable resources for learning

5) It may replace the teacher

6) It may create over dependence

Numerous studies say educational technology use by teachers and students

should focus on educational purposes rather than practical computer tools and

programs. Independence, group work, basic reading, writing, drawing skills, and other

habits of the high level of knowledge are prerequisites for a successful use of

educational technology among students. Teachers need (80%) non-technical skills and

(20%) technical skills, while students must first elaborate on the information they

receive, then tie it with experiences that they recognize from their own lives, and link
them to real life and nature. Students can also interact with different people, as with

classmates, teachers, students of other classes, students from different communities

and people from around the world through modern electronic devices. When students

work in groups, they are required to be active and cooperative.

The very essence and significance of integrating technology in education is

making the teaching and learning experiences more meaningful and fruitful.


Local Area Network Monitoring: The Issue of Broadcast Storm


This article describes the main methods of analysis of local area network (LAN).

Detection of broadcast storm is an issue upon such monitoring. Storm is one of the

main failures causes of operation of corporate LAN, which can result in property and

reputation damage if it is not prevented at the level of monitoring of network resources

or at the level of network settings. This work describes in details the tools and

mechanisms of revealing, elimination, prevention of storm spreading. The results are

presented as formal models reflecting execution of business processes at the enterprise

while organizing monitoring (BPMN diagrams) and reflecting system of planning and

resource usage upon implementation of respective process (EPC diagrams). The main

protocols of LAN monitoring are analyzed, which is an important factor to understand

settings of equipment and overall LAN. The obtained results can be applied for

designing and development of comprehensive system of failure prediction or monitoring

of corporate LAN.

Operation of modern companies requires for IT infrastructure providing not only data

transfer but also capability to adopt decisions and to execute various business

operations. Integration of such infrastructure into unified network would provide the


 resource sharing by means of granting access for a set of end users to one and the

same device;

 data sharing by granting access for users in accordance with their professional duties


and levels of access;

 software sharing for efficient operation of each company officer.

Routing in such network can be both static and dynamic. In the case of static routing, it

is possible to perform rapid and simple configuration only in small sized networks due to

moderate load on network processor Herewith, it should be understood that scaling

capability is complicated because of necessity to create numerous route entries. In

addition, it will be required to keep records on routing, fault tolerance will decrease,

arrangement of reserve channels will be complicated.

In the case of dynamic routing, fault tolerance is high, configuration of reserve channels

is relatively simple, it is possible to maintain automated traffic balancing. As a

consequence, the load on network processors increases, unpredictable results can

occur during debugging of such network.

While designing network, it is required to account for all possible risks, which can occur

upon further operation of network. More often, already at the designing stage, the loads
on future network are not considered and possible scaling up is not implanted.

However, during network operation it is necessary to carry out continuous monitoring of

all constituents of the network. Sufficiently wide range of modern and scientifically

substantiated technical and engineering solutions should be used for their analysis and


Nowadays the network monitoring systems are characterized by certain drawbacks.

Thus, scaling leads to the decreased network monitoring, not complying with initially

preset parameters, including such important variable as maximum time of error

detection [8]. This can be attributed to increased intervals between polling of network



Available software uses free resources not optimally and is not adapted to various

networks. In most cases, monitoring is based on resources already used by other

applications at this time.


Specialized software is used to detect problems occurring in corporate LAN. The most

popular monitoring systems are listed below:

1. Cacti is an open-source tool allowing to plot network load on the basis of selected

statistical data. It has not only standard templates for equipment monitoring (for

instance, servers, routers, switches, etc.) but also facilitates development of additional

templates by third-party developers. The default settings of the software are SNMP

protocol and Perl or PHP scenarios. With the aim of monitoring, data can be visualized

in the form of plots per any time interval (including online mode), showing, for instance,
traffic loading by network equipment. Internal solutions for gathering information on

CPU load and RAM usage are not provided. The main drawback is no response to

events and their automatic correction.

2. Nagios is a software for system and network administrators supported by users and

third-party developers. It provides wide range of functions for LAN monitoring (for

instance, controlling disk space on server, checking load of RAM and CPU). Flexible

mechanism of notifications by e-mail and messengers is available. The software allows

displaying controllable active network equipment in logical presentation of respective

network. Basic version of the software provides monitoring of workstations, their CPU

load, usage of HD space. A significant drawback of Nagios is configuration tuning using


only command line as well as unavailability of data storage after monitoring.

3. Zabbix is a network monitoring software with web interface. Its operation is supported

by program agents installed in controlled hosts, or by using SNMP protocol. Hosts for

checking are added manually or automatically. The software operation is based on

various templates, monitoring can be performed only for certain (meaningful) network

properties, certain network issues can be eliminated using trigger settings, plots of

capacity data for network objects are displayed (for instance, network capacity, CPU

load); customized cards, monitors, and slide show are supported to display current state

of equipment.

4. 10-Strike LANState Pro is a monitoring system of remote LAN, verifying accessibility

of hosts, servers with subsequent notification of fault or failure in the form of report

(notifications can be sent to e-mail). Numerous parameters are monitored, including

CPU load. Templates for various checks can be used by the software (for instance,
analyzing statistics on traffic usage with variations using NetFlow protocol). Analysis of

the LAN monitoring software has demonstrated that functional capabilities of the

products are similar.

Table 1 summarizes the obtained results (only basic versions are considered without

additional plugins).


Table 1: Specifications of LAN monitoring programs

Cacti Nagios Zabbix 10-Strike LANState


Type Open Open Open Shareware

source source source

Web interface + + + +

Response to network + + +


Templates + + +

Hardware monitoring + + +

Notifications Email E-mail, E-mail, E-mail, SMS

Network traffic analysis +

Long-term data storage + + +

GUI + + +

Application of this or that software depends on the properties of corporate LAN and

problems solved by its monitoring. Herewith, a significant drawback of all mentioned

software products (and many others, not reviewed here) is unavailability to trace and to

prevent broadcast storm. Broadcast storm nearly instantly blocks transfer of useful

traffic in all network and swamps the port bandwidth with exponentially increasing data

packets. The reason of such situations can be both hacker attacks and errors upon

adjustment of


equipment as well as protocol faults. Active network equipment is generally examined in

order to detect reasons of broadcast storm. At least two experts are involved in this



Numerous procedures are available to eliminate broadcast storms in LAN. They are as


1. Limiting of broadcast traffic to 10% (or 1%). This indicator depends on the model of

active network equipment. This is a simple and low efficient method.

2. Activation of loopback detection on switches. A special frame is transferred to LAN,

when it returns, it is assumed that the port is switched to storming segment. The
drawback of this method is comprised of frequent failures, since at wide-scale storms

the LAN is completely paralyzed.

3. LAN segmentation. Figure 2 illustrates the model of LAN segmentation, which allows

to create isolated virtual segments.

Safety level can be increased by application of FHRP protocols and U type topology at

the access level. In some cases, it is quite difficult to refuse loopback since it is required

to arrange fault tolerant infrastructure, for instance, with connection to the Cloud. Client

virtual networks are located inside the cloud infrastructure between all hosts of

virtualization cluster obtaining complete duplication of all LAN elements. Two solutions

to the problem can exist in this case.

RSTP protocol can be used for storm elimination, it allows to detect and to break


broadcast loops. Such variant is more preferable for data centers, not for companies

with continuously increasing number of clients. Such companies can apply MSTP

protocol allowing to combine several VLAN into one STP process (additional operator

with corresponding qualification is required for administration). An alternative to MSTP

can be, for instance, FlexLinks allowing to reserve switch links or stack under single


Monitoring system should provide not only continuous control of LAN state but also

possibility of forecasting and diagnostics of state of maintained data systems in short

and long terms. Such system should support maximum possible accuracy of analysis of

LAN units and not affect the operating data systems (that is, should minimize the impact

on intensity of administrative traffic exchange).

Numerous variants are available to monitor LAN. Most of them control switches,

servers, databases, etc. This allows not only to obtain online information about failures

of communication channels, process shutdowns but also to eliminate a problem prior to

its critical status (for instance, data loss). Any modern monitoring software should be

efficient, allowing not only to analyze capacity and behavior of certain devices and

overall LAN but also to be a tool to make decision for configuration, prevention of

various faults, etc. Analysis of processes in corporate LAN as well as principles of

application of existing monitoring systems allows to estimate all features of system

operation for faultless operation of overall company. Analysis of the processes has

demonstrated that there exists opportunity to integrate such numerous tools of LAN

capacity monitoring into a consolidated system. Combination of the tools in one

software makes it possible not only to control LAN capacity but also to create unified

data storage, for which reports and intelligent solutions would serve as the basis for

further faultless operation of corporate




Therefore, the obtained results are the basis to study the monitoring processes aiming

at development of universal platform for LAN monitoring, unified platform-independent

routing protocol, control system of active network equipment, improvement of network

event analysis system.



Technology: Boon or Bane?

Technology has without a doubt made people's lives better. There is a proverb that

goes, "Technology is a boon if used for construction and a bane if used for destruction."

The populace of today is totally dependent on technology. It has benefited every field,

including those in education, medical, agriculture, defense, and business. The

development of computers is a miracle for the entire human race. In actuality, using

technology helps individuals save time and energy, but when it comes to addiction, it

causes turmoil and isolates people from their social environment.

As a result, technology shouldn't control how people live. That people's lives shouldn't

be taken over by technology is the most important thing to keep in mind. If people let

technology dominate them, life would end totally. People should therefore only utilize

technology when it is required. Artificial intelligence was developed as a result of

technological advancement. Humans' role in society will gradually change as a result of

its evolution.

In addition, technology has both positive and negative aspects. The amount of time,

effort, and energy needed to do any work has dramatically decreased as a result of the

development of efficient equipment and machines. Regrettably, this blessing is

accompanied by worries. It's because technology may occasionally be harmful when

used improperly. Overusing technology leads to environmental damage, which is not a

desirable thing. Misuse of technology can also bring about destruction.


In conclusion, it is advisable to only employ technology when absolutely essential. Use

that is excessive can harm both humans and the environment. Humans won't be able to

live in harmony if the environment is ruined.



A. Title:

The Digital Transformation Strategies of the Philippines from 1992 to 2022

B. Abstract:

The report begins by looking into the different digital transformation

strategies of the Philippines from 1992 to 2022 from the different government

databases. The study used the qualitative approach particularly the

document analysis of public documents. Six strategic plans were reviewed

namely: a) National Information Technology Plan for the 21st Century (1997)
1992 – 1998, b) e-Philippines Strategy Government Information Systems

Plan (2000) 1998 – 2001, c) Philippine ICT roadmap 2006 – 2010, d)

Philippine Digital Strategy of 2011-2016, e) Philippine e-Government Master

plan of 2012, and the current f) Philippine digital transformation strategy

2022. The strategic plans focused on the Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) infrastructure development, transforming the government’s

operations and policies online, direct digital engagement among citizens, ICT

policies and laws, and bridging digital gaps. However, the policy

developments of the government should recognize the interconnection

between, digital literacy, availability of affordable connectivity, and ICT



C. Introduction:

Digital technology is continually defining society in the modern world where

the digitalization of organizations is moving far from being innovative to

becoming part of their core functions (Morisson, 2016). Various nations are

shifting for global trends in technology particularly in the government sector

(Digital Government Transformation, nd). The digital transformation of

governments examines the digital technology ability to fundamentally

transform the way the public sector operates and delivers services to the
people and offers strategies for government leaders to accelerate the rate of

progress. The adoption of digital technology is an evolution of a post-

bureaucratic form of society. In the Philippines, the government launched

several strategies to address the trend in the 21st century and aims to

achieve its vision of the Philippine Government Online thru the Philippine

Digital Transformation Strategy (PDTS) (Alampay, 2013).

The PDTS picks up from previous efforts to establish an electronic

government in the country using development and innovations in information

and communications technology. These efforts include the Philippine Digital

Strategy of 2011-2016, the Government Information Systems Plan, the

Philippine Strategic ICT Roadmap of 2006-2010, and the eGovernment

Master Plan of 2012, among others. The Philippines created the Department

of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) that will give focus

on the overall goal of establishing a transparent, effective, and citizen-centric

e-government. The goal of the PDTS is to engage the citizen genuinely



available communication channels like Facebook, Twitter, and other social

media platforms on the internet. These strategies are a development plan

aimed at transforming the government into a digital platform providing

transparent and accountable governance, efficient operations, direct citizen

engagement, and innovation (Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy

2022, 2019).
According to the report of the DICT, the E-Government Master Plan of 2012

laid the foundation for the government to pursue its goal of improving the

way it provides services and how it interacts with the general public through

the use of ICT. It built the infrastructure and integrated the whole of the

government by providing connectivity, harmonizing information systems, and

promoting interoperability. With these, the country was able to gain some

grip in terms of online services and human capital development. According to

the United Nations (UN) e-Government Survey of 2018, the Philippines

jumped 48 steps in e-participation, from 67th place in 2014 to 19th in 2018.

However, in the overall e-government development ranking, the country

slipped four steps from 71st in 2014 to 75th in 2018 because of low

telecommunication infrastructures (UN e-Government Survey, 2018).

The current PDTS developed aimed at implementing the e-government

programs successfully as it focuses on the next stage of digital

transformation. It is also designed to address problems encountered in the

previous year such as lack of organizational structure and sound strategic

plan on onboarding, low awareness of DICT’s services and functions,

inadequate change


management initiatives, and scarcity of funds. Thus, this paper looked into

the digital transformation strategies of the Philippines from 1992 to the 2022

plan and discussed the primary focus of the different strategies of the

D. Research Statement

This study used the qualitative approach particularly the document analysis of

public documents (Corbin & Strauss, 2008). The design was utilized since this

study examined and interpreted the data to gain understanding and empirical

knowledge on the strategies of the government to digital transformation.

According to Bowen (2009), document analysis includes analysis of press

releases, program proposals, institutional reports, and several public records.

This study reviewed the different digital transformation strategies of the

Philippines from 1992 to 2022 from the different databases of the government

(see table 1). The list of digital transformation strategies of the country was

adopted from (2018) and (nd). The

documents should be the official report of the government and accessed only

on government websites—National Information Technology Plan for the 21st

Century (1997) 1992 – 1998, e-Philippines Strategy Government Information

Systems Plan (2000) 1998 – 2001, Philippine ICT roadmap 2006 – 2010,

Philippine Digital Strategy of 2011-2016, Philippine e-Government Master

plan of 2012, and Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy 2022.


E. Literature Review

National Information Technology Plan for the 21st Century (1997) 1992 – 1998

The Philippines has adopted a strategy that envisions bringing the country to a

work fast, setting higher goals, making the society and the economy stronger.
The strategic plan developed the country into different phases. The strategy

relies on the government and private industry who played lead roles in the

realization of Information Technology (IT) in the country. The role of the

government in IT development is to provide the national information

infrastructure and the policy, leading-edge IT applications will be implemented,

and the government will lead the key IT projects for participation and

implementation by businesses, academes, the science and technology

community, and the civil society.

According to the information technology plan, the country will lead the

infrastructure for every business, government agency, academic institutions,

and every home in the country to have access to technology by the year 2000.

This is by providing the policy environment, enhancing the physical

infrastructures, develop the IT manpower base, IT industry development,

institutional reforms, and marketing the national IT plan for the 21st century.

By the year 2005, it was expected that the companies in the country will

produce IT products that will compete in the world market. Also, the

information technology plan of 1997 was envisioned to be the knowledge

center in Asia by the first decade of the 21st century.


e-Philippines Strategy Government Information Systems Plan (2000) 1998 –


In connection to the previous ICT development objectives, the government

information system plan crafted by the National Information Technology Council

(NITC) enables policy and institutional infrastructure and environment including

the direction, priorities, and benchmarks for the computerization of core

government processes over the next five to ten years. It aimed to fully harness

the potential of ICT for good governance and promote transparency in

government operations and transactions in the country. The plan involved the

methodology used in the identification of the various information systems and

identifying the information system gaps in government and appropriate

technology solutions.

Philippine ICT roadmap 2006 – 2010

This strategic roadmap aims to provide a framework for the year 2006 to 2010,

which will help to provide overall policy direction while rationalizing policy

decisions and choices on ICT. It envisioned to create a wider awareness and

appreciation for ICT; identify key initiatives to rally all stakeholders and

encourage them to undertake initiatives that complement the short and

medium-term ICT development plans of government; provide investment

opportunities; layout sustainable strategies for the future development of ICTs;

provide the private sector with a reliable frame of reference to heighten their

action planning for the future, and increase coordination in implementing ICT

programs and


achieving the desired impact and outcomes.

Crafted by the Commission on Information and Communications Technology

(CICT), this strategic roadmap envisioned that it will create a people-centered,

inclusive, and development-oriented information society that promotes

sustainable development and improves the quality of life for all. This strategy is

also a part of the declaration of the belief of the country on ICT as an important

tool for economic growth and development. Moreover, it is also by empowering

the nation and its citizens as individuals.

Several projects and initiatives were implemented such as ensuring universal

access to ICT like developing the Community e-Center Program (CeC) where

they consider will address the digital divide among citizens by partnering with

private sectors, local governments, and civil society stakeholders to establish

various community – based options for telecommunications and internet

access. Various training, specifically adapted to particular needs are also

provided to ensure the sustainability and effective operations management of

the centers. Others are the Internet in Schools (iSchools) project which aims to

provide public high schools with computers with broadband internet connectivity

complemented by educator’s training, tech support, and monitoring and

evaluation. This is manifested in the report of Business World (2019) as cited

by Treceñe and Abides (2020) that the Philippines lead the global ranking as

the most country that spends most of the time on the internet. Also, eCare

centers were designed to provide access and training programs for Persons

with Disabilities; eLGU CeCs enabled local government units to deliver services

more efficiently while


providing their respective people access to the internet; Regional ICT Centers

will spur regional development through the use of ICT in education. The use of
ICT in education was seen to be advantageous as it will enhance the learning

environment of the students that the technology provides in the school

(Treceñe, 2019). Other developments in e-commerce, and governance; PC ng

Bayan are initiatives to provide low-cost computers to the Filipino people, and

the National Broadband Plan as the provision of adequate bandwidth for ICT


Other initiatives of the strategic roadmap are developing human capital for

sustainable human development where they focused on investing in human

capital such as developing the ICT competency standards, ICT for Education

that aims to encourage the education sector to incorporate the ICT in education

as well as determining and gaining access to the infrastructures necessary to

use and deploy learning technologies at all educational levels. Additionally,

using ICT to promote efficiency and transparency in government was one of the

main initiatives of the roadmap. This will help the Philippine government to be

more efficient and responsive in delivering its services to the people. Moreover,

the continued rise of the ICT sector in the Philippines was largely dependent on

the initiatives and necessary resources that will help sustain its

competitiveness. The strategic

ICT roadmap of 2006 sought to enhance business competitiveness in the

global markets through strategic business development and integrating the use

of ICT.

As part of the continued growth of the Philippine economy to promote ICT, the

roadmap proposed the creation of the Department of Information and

Communications Technology (DICT) that will ensure effective coordination and

implementation of the national ICT agenda. Part of it was transforming the

National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) into a politically independent

regulatory body, passing a Republic Act on privacy and data protection,

cybercrime bill, and the freedom of information law.

Philippine Digital Strategy of 2011-2016

The Philippine Digital Strategy (PDS) for 2011 to 2016 was crafted by the

Commission on Information and Communications Technology based on the

predecessor strategic roadmap. The PDS was larger in scope compared to the

previous ICT roadmap, it recognized that ICT increasingly permeates all parts of

the economy and society, both globally as well as in the country. There is hardly

a part of society and the economy that is not touched by ICT, either directly or

indirectly. ICT is an enabling tool, a critical infrastructure like transportation,

water, and electricity. The PDS looked at how ICT can make a difference in key

areas such as government and governance, in education, the economy,

employment, and the industries and small businesses; and how it can be used

for national development, empowering citizens, fighting corruption, and poverty,

and transforming government. This strategy aimed to show how ICT can help

fulfill the priorities of the government.

This Strategy presented a renewed vision for ICT and its use in transforming the

Philippine Society into a competitive force in the digital economy in the year


Development of the strategy was an inclusive process involving a broad


of stakeholders including government at all levels, private industry, and civil

society, and incorporating best practices in the use of ICT by other countries.

This PDS was a blueprint on how the country and its people can benefit from the

use of ICT in governance, the economy, and improving one’s way of life. The

digital strategy focused on the transparency of the government and efficiency of

the services delivery, creating internet opportunities for all as it ensures that the

Philippines has inclusive growth and helps eradicate poverty. Investing in the

digital literacy of the people aimed to increase digital literacy in the country, and

establishing the ICT industry and business innovation for national development.

Philippine e-Government Master plan of 2012

With the several efforts of the government to reinvigorate e-Government such as

the National Information Technology Plan for the 21st Century in 1997, to the

previous digital strategy of 2011 – 2016, the government released the Philippine

e-Government Master Plan of 2012 to address the crippled growth of e-

Government such as its policy-making and implementation of policies. The

master plan aimed to draw a bigger picture of e-Government. A master plan that

was achievable for four years as it allows the government to better respond to

the economic and climate changes, and also to introduce innovations within the
government system that will promote efficiency and allow more citizen

engagement in the decision-making process of the public sector.

The master plan prioritized 15 projects such as strengthening e-Government


security, development of an electronic document and archiving system,

government portal, enhancement of government information network,

establishing the e-Community center, national disaster, and safety management

system, automation of business activities, IT governance development, creation

of government integrated data center, construction of the national database,

government for the foreign system, the WORK NET, government e-Procurement

Services, electronic agriculture systems, and the government enterprise


Philippine digital transformation strategy 2022

The Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy of 2022 (PDTS 2022) was

created with the Department of Information and Communications Technology

(DICT) aim of making the digital transformation of the country into the next level.

The PDTS 2022 was based on the 2015 ASEAN ICT Master Plan of 2015 (AIM

2015) where it is anchored on the three pillars and foundations, namely the

economic transformation, people engagement, and innovation, and the

foundations are infrastructures development, human capital development,

bridging the digital divide. The underlying motivation formed part of the

Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy which developed to prioritize the

national interest of the country while remaining responsive to the ASEAN

economic agenda.

Moving forward, the governments enabling programs focused on the digital

transformation for transparency and accountability in governance, efficiency,

and dexterity in the operations, direct citizen engagement, and a platform for


innovation. Moreover, the digital transformation strategy also dubbed as the e-

government 2.0 where it focuses on the inclusions of features of government

systems like the social web, user-generated content, the delivery and use of

open data, and network effects through more user engagement (Boughzala,

Janssen & Assar, 2015 as cited by DICT, 2019). The e-government 2.0 aimed at

achieving genuine citizen engagement institutionalizing closed-loop, multi-

dimensional, and multidirectional communication channels.

Part of the transformation strategy is its ability to execute the plan from paper to

the realization of its full potential. It is encouraged that the government must

consider prioritizing policies that enhance the executability of the digital

transformation strategy.

F. Discussion

The ideas of mental development in inclusive education are the third main

direction of the researches. Its main idea is that children with disabilities including

those with impaired mental development can gain some impulse in the regular

school accelerating the pace of their cognitive development in the case that

educational environment will be organized in a right way. the conceptual ideas,

methodological approaches of this period do not lose value from the perspective

of the changes taking place in education today. Accumulating and extrapolating

theoretical heritage of the past in a modern space transformation, we obtain a

significant capital for the development of the theory and practice of inclusive



G. Conclusion

Technologies and methods of inclusive education The teacher, implementing

creative practices in the process of inclusion, should be guided by the principles

of V. Zafar, stated by him in the book "The genius in me": 1) do not be afraid of

low IQ - he is not an indicator of the level of intelligence, 2) discard the prejudices

existing in society, 3) apply the strategy of small steps leading to great success,

4) Strength emerges from weakness, 5) Sport is useful not only for the body, but

also for thinking, 6) it is necessary to sleep enough.


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