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APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................................ i

CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Research .......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Statement......................................................................................................... 5
C . Objective of Research ...................................................................................................... 5
D. Significance of Research .................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................ 7
LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 7
A. Some Pertinent Ideas ..................................................................................................... 7
B. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................ 18
RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................................................................ 18
A. Research Design ............................................................................................................. 18
B. Research Subject ............................................................................................................. 19
C. Research Instrument........................................................................................................ 19
D. Data Collecting Procedure .............................................................................................. 19
E. Data Analysis Technique ................................................................................................ 20
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................ 24



In this chapter researcher will discuss the background, problem statements,

objectives, and significance of the research.

A. Background of the Research

The development of science and technology has a major influence on the

development of the world and human lifestyle. Living in 20th century means living

alongside with technology and it comes into lot of various ways with aim of helping

support human life. Information technology is one of technology used for

processing data, include processing, obtain, compile, saving, and manipulating data

in various way to produce quality information, those are relevant, accurate, and on

time that can be used for private needs, business, government, and it is a strategic

information for making decision (Wardina, 2002). This technology use a set of

computer for processing data, network system to connect from one computer to

another according to the needs, also telecommunication technology use to the data

can be shared globally.

Development of information technology spurs a new way in life, it is called

e-life, it means this life is already influenced by various electronically needs.

Nowadays we commonly see sundry of letter start from E, such as e-commerce,

e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journal, and etc. According to the latest

findings of modern students whose prefer to use technology and how does it affect

their learning, it turned out that the use of modern devices and technology improve

student learning and interactivity. You will also find that it is much more interactive

and fulfilling. The transfer of knowledge is become very easy, convenient, and

effective. This means that our mind is now works faster if supported by the digital

technology tools. Now those are part of most of human life including education.

People dependence on technological innovation that make their life easier and

smooth journey is inevitable in modern schools, Universities and colleges (Raja &

Nagasubramani. 2018). Students can discover a lot of aid, tutorials, and other forms

of assisting material on the internet, which they can utilise to academically develop

and boost their learning.

Talk about technology in education means we talk about Information and

communication and Technology (ICT). ICT is all of technology related with taking,

acquisition, processing, retention, deployment, and information presentation

(Darmawan, 2013: 1). Communication technology is everything related with the

use of tools for processing and transferring from one device to another (Sutopo,

2012). Due to preparing all education system to maximalise students capability, of

course, it can not be separated from the latest technology digital equipment. That

is why solution of challenges in technology education era is always linked with

readiness of the human source, facilities, and infrastructure as the user of ICT.

The use of ICT in education is bring us to know about e-learning. Electronic

learning or e-learning started in 1970 (Waller & Wilson, 2001). E-learning is a

learning process facilitated and supported through utilization of technology

information and internet. The development of advanced Information and

Communication Technology has provided an excellent opportunity for teachers and

students to experience teaching English and learning activities out of their

traditional classrooms; through online learning. The literature on the use of

technology in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms has suggested a

number of benefits from using online learning modes, such as the Web, wikis, blogs

and other online learning platform, on the development of students' language skills.

In this paper researcher will talk about Quipper School as an e-learning platform

for e-learning activities. Quipper school is a web-based online learning application

originally developed by Quipper Ltd. Located in London. Quipper has been used

by million of teachers and learners around the world include Indonesia. it aims to

empower taechers to help their students by combining quality learning content with

an advance online platfom..Using Quipper School expected can improve

effectiveness and efficiency of learning also can be a fun media to support learning,

but besides of those advantages, there are problems where some of students still

confused and have difficulty while accessing it.

The use of Quipper School as the online learning methods in school also

supported by availability of internet in school area. availability of internet in school

area can make it easier to students to access information and learning materials they

need to support learning process to be easy, fast, and cheap without the constrains

of space and time. Students easily can gather information about education from the

experts without being restricted by any limit such as space and time or institution

(Elisa, 2016: 3).

Lingga & Masriati (2016) on her research found that Quipper School can

increase students learning result because students is able to play while learning so

there is no pressures. Another research is found by Hurriyati and Arysandy (2018)

that Quipper School can boost students interest and make them reach the maximal

learning result. Students who learn with this media tend to be more passionate, since

there is lot of features can make the learning process funnier. Different with students

who do not using it, they seem not too interesting in learning and always want to

cheating to their friend. This is saw when the researcher did the observation about

students daily scores before using Quipper School where is the scores is around 65-

75, and after using Quipper School the scores is around 85-100.

Musmuliadi (2020) on his research found out the result of data analisi of

students’ response towards the use of Quipper School platform to aspect of use are

89% very good criteria, aspect of the display are 87% very good criteria, and

persentation material aspect are 90% very good criteria. With using Quipper School

as an alterative in online learning, students feel more motivated and enthusiastic

since they found a learning application that could increase their learning result.

Students think that Quipper School is very easy to use as long there is an stable

internet connection.

From the explanation above, Quipper School is an application that could

help teacher and students in maximize their teaching and learning activity..The

application provided material that good for teacher because they do not need to

make it by them self..Also for the students, the application could help them in

learning everywhere and anytime. That is why the author conducted the research

about the implementation of Quipper School in teaching English. This study aims

to find out student’s perspection of using Quipper school in second grade of

students in SMA Negeri 8 Makassar as a medium to do learning activities to see

whether it can be an e-learning platform for teaching English and how effective it


B. Problem Statement

According to the background explanation above, the researcher would like

to formulate the research question as follows:

1. How is the students’ perceptions towards the use of Quipper School in

learning English?

C . Objective of Research
Based on the research problem above, the researcher intends to find out the

students of second grade of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar perception of Quipper School

used for their learning activity.

D. Significance of Research
a. Theoretical Significance

This research is expected to provide information and become related

reference about the use of Quipper School in learning based on the students’


b. Practical Significance

1. For The Students

Using Quipper School will be a new way for students to have a fun

and relaxed learning activity.

2. For Researcher

This research can provide information to the researcher to know about how

effective using Quipper School as a learning medium for now on and in the future.



In this Chapter, the researcher will explain some pertinent ideas, and

theoretical framework.

A. Some Pertinent Ideas

a. Learning Media

Media is a communication channel. Media comes from the Latin and is the

plural form of the word "medium" which literally means "intermediary". That is

the intermediary of the message source with the recipient of the message. The

example of these media are, such as films, computers, and instructor. Examples

of these media can be considered as learning media if carrying messages in order

to achieve learning objectives (Safei, 2001).

According to Warsita (2008) Learning media is a medium that allows

interaction between the work of a subject developer (learning program) and

learners. What is meant by interaction is the occurrence of a learning process on

students when using or utilizing media. For example when students watch learning

television programs, films, education, listening to interactive audio programs,

using CIA programs, read programmed instructions, read modules and so on.

Learning media is a learning tool to make the process of delivering

information by the teacher to students easier where in the process interaction

occurs between teachers and students as a form of learning to achieve the purpose

of the learning process.

The existence of learning media certainly plays a very important role in the

learning process, the benefits of this learning media are very helpful for teachers in

convey information to students. With the various type of learning media used by

the teacher in the teaching and learning process also provides new experiences to

students so that students can try things with media used by the teacher.

b. The Use of Internet as Learning Media

Definition of Internet (interconnected networking) means computer

networks that connected to each other. It is well known as combination of

computer networks all around the world. Thus, internet is a worldwide

interconnected computer network that form a global information network system

(Supriyanto, 2009).

Internet not only used for communication but also used as learning media.

Internet can help students doing their assignment and find new information.

Internet has a huge influence toward education especially in learning process.

With the availability of internet in school, students can improve their learning

activity, do the homework and adding their own insight. Do learning activity

through internet is known as e-learning.

c. Definition of E-Learning

Due to Mason and Rennei (2009) e-learning is a effective learning process

created by combining content delivered digitally with services and learning

support tools. Learning through e-learning using medium or electronic devices

done by combine digital delivery of materials. E-learning can also interpreted as

distance learning utilise computer technology, computer network, or internet. E-

learning allows students to learn trough computer when they are in their own place

without any physical meeting needed. There are names that can use to describe e-

learning process such as online learning, virtual classroom, and web based


Fatimatur & Mudlofir (2016:174) said that “Online learning medium or

Commonly Called E-learning is a learning process that using electronic stuffs as

the learning medium. E-learning is a form of information technology that applied

in education as virtual school. In e-learning technology all the learning process

that usually held in the Class is hold on live/ that is mean the teacher is teaching

in front of the Computer and the students are learn from the another Computer at

the same time but different places. The learning materials an also obtained free in

soft file form that an be easily downloaded, whereas the interactives of teacher

and student to give a homework or discussion an be done intensively in discussion

form or email.”

Derawan (2012:11) said that e-learning in the truth is Conventional learning

form that implemented in digital form and served through information technology.

E-learning need to Created as same as Conventional learning. Superiorities of e-

learning that stand out the most is the efficiency in the use of space and time. As

said above education based from technology and information tend to no longer

depend on space and time. There is no significant obstacles for doing learning

process cross region, or even country. Through e-learning, teacher dan student no

need to always face to face in the classroom on one time.

Darmawan (2012:12) concluded that with e-learning schools easily can do

beneficial teamwork through partnership program. Therefore the developed

school can help underdeveloped school so even distribution can work on. Another

superiority of e-learning is the availability of information from sources all over

the world. With internet as a learning medium we will get an unlimited number of

sources of information for material enrichment.

Darmawan (2012;12) stated this type of e-learning with all the superiorities

above will be helpful in education in Indonesia. E-learning can be an alternative

way to develop the quality of education in Indonesia and do the equalization

efforts all over Indonesia. As well known that spreading of quality of education in

Indonesia is not equal yet. There is big gab between one region to another.

Education in Java and Sumatra (west region of Indonesia) tend to be more onward

compared to East region of Indonesia. This kind of gab supposed to get more

serious attention from the government, e-learning can be a creative solution for

the government.

d. The benefits of E-learning

For more detail, the benefits of e-learning can be seen from two point of

views, which are student’s two point of view and second one is teacher two point

of view (Ariani & Haryanto. 2010;134).

1. From Students Point of View

With E-learning activities it is possible to develop the high flexibility of

learning. It means students can access learning material every time and repeatable.

Student can also communicate with the teacher every time. With this kind of

condition, the student can strengthen their mastery on learning material.

2. From Teacher Point of View

With e-learning activity, there is benefits that the teacher can get, which are:

a. It is easier to do the upgrade of learning material which is the

responsibility of the teacher according to development demand of

education nowadays.

b. Self upgrade or doing research due to increase teacher’s knowledge

since there is relatively lot of spare time.

c. Controlling student learning activity. The teacher is able to know when

the student is study, what they study about, how long the topic studied,

also how many times the topic is repeated.

d. Checking students’ answer of the assignment and tell them the result.

Important things as e-learning activity requirements:

1. Leraning activity done using internet connection.

2. Availability of learning stuff support that can be used by the students,

for example CD-ROM, or print material.

3. Availability of tutor services that can help students when they are find


Learning using e-learning has an important role in education and has a huge

advantages especially if linked with distance and limit of time in study, where

learning process can be done through electronic devices so that e-learning is much

on demand by the educator whose busy and has limit on time and distance to do the

learning process thus they can done the process using e-learning instead.

e. Main Features E-learning

Based on Coomey and Stephen-son (in Mason & Rennie, 2009), there are

four main features od e-learning in practice, here:

1. Dialog

In dialog learner and educator can do conversation using email,

bulletin board, Realtime live chatting, discussion or group debate.

2. Involvement

Involvement means that respond on structured assignments, active

entanglement with learning materials, collaboration, and small group


3. Support

Support can obtained from face to face meeting, online tutorial

supervision, peer support, advice from the experts, feedback about

performance, service and support of the software. Support is an important

feature of online learning success.

4. Control

Control refers to how far the learners have mastering the key of

learning activity and pushed them to train their control to the key.

In some education institute as school, could use e-learning by three choices,

which are: the school can independently develop the e-learning system, buy system

whish has existed., and using open source based e-learning. Schools nowadays are

commonly using e-learning with open source based to help the learning process.

System of E-learning open source based that currently developing is various starting

from system based of Quipper School, Moodle, StudentBook, kalase, etc., which

is in every those e-learning media offer their own advantage. One of e-learning that

used the most is Quipper School.

f. Definition of Perception

Perception is psychological processes through the experience gained by the

five senses, individuals can process responses into positive or negative

perceptions..Obtaining responses is obtained through the stages of selection,

interpretation, and reaction (Erin, & Maharani, 2018). Perception can also described

as the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. It can

be concluded that the Students' perception is the student's opinion or thought of

something, in this point is Quipper School.

Fieldman (1999) stated that perception is a constructive process by which

we go beyond the stimuli that are presented to us and attempt to construct a

meaningful situation. Whereas Morgan (1987) stated that perception refers to the

way the work, sound, feel, tastes, or smell. In other works, perception can be defined

as whatever is experienced by a person.

g. Types of Perceptions

According to Irwanto in Shandi’s thesis (2020), perception divide into two,

those are positive and negative perceptions.

a) Positive perception is a perception that describes all knowledge and

responses that continue with the effort to use it. This will be continued by

activating or accepting and supporting the perceived object.

b) Negative perception is a perception that describes all knowledge and

responses that are not in harmony with the object in perception. It will

proceed with passivity or reject and oppose the perceived object.

Thus, it can be said that perception is both positive and the negative will

always affect someone in doing something. Positive perception or negative

perception all depends on how individuals describe all their knowledge about an

object that is perceived.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that perception arises based

on experience and feeling of each individual. Perception is a response owned by

each individual through the process of sensing. In this case, the researcher want to

find out about students perception of Quipper School.

h. Quipper School

Quipper School is one of digital learning platform that has been developed

in Indonesia. Quipper school established by Mayasuki Watanabe in London in

Desember 2010, whereas Quipper school is online platform that can be accessed

free of charge from teachers and students. Quipper School consists by two part,

first, Link that designated for teacher, and second, Learn that designated for

students with tagline “Distribution of Wisdom” and has the goal of revolutionizing

the way people in learning dan share knowledge utilise mobile internet. Those two

part Q-Link and Q-Learn will connecting between teacher and students.

Q-Link is portal for teacher, where teacher can manage class online and

teacher can also see the development of the students. In Q-Link teacher can utilise

thousands materials and question that has been provided according to the

curriculum that applicable to be assignments for all the students or student groups

by sending them assignment and exam. Teacher also can make education content

where teacher can make new materials and questions or just change available

content, teacher can also look and analyse students development because between

Q-Link and Q-Learn connected live so the teacher can access the information

centre about workmanship rate, achievement, and strength and weakness of every


In Q-learn, every student have an account to join to a class and those

students will obtain materials and assignment relate to the subject of the class.

Through Quipper School, teacher can give assignment to the students via online

and students can working on it while studying the subject’s topic that related to

the assignment given by teacher both inside and outside the class through students

electronic devices that connected to internet. After the students done and collected

the assignment, scoring system will analysing the data and that will help teacher

to figure out about students attainment.

B. Theoretical Framework

English is one of the compulsory subjects taught in all schools in

Indonesia. This is because English is an international language so it is deemed

necessary for students to learn. English is directed to develop students' ability to

communicate orally, understand written texts, and realize it in the form of listening,

writing, and speaking in a language that can be understood by people from all over

the world. Learning English comes in various teaching methods, one of which is

using Quipper School

Quipper School is an e-learning system based on open source, so Quipper

school can be accessed by users free of charge. In this case, the use of Quipper

schools in schools is defined as the tendency of students to use and utilize Quipper

School to support them in the learning process at school. To find out the tendency

of students to use Quipper School, it can be seen from the understanding of the

Quipper School system and the frequency with which students use Quipper school.

Quipper School is used to make it easier for teachers and students to carry out

distance learning processes supported by adequate school facilities and

infrastructure and the ability of teachers to operate computers.

SMA Negeri 8 Makassar has been using Quipper School as an e-learning

medium since 2020 until now. Teachers, including English subject teachers, use

Quipper school as a means of student activities with teachers, with fellow students,

discussions and questions and answers, giving and working on assignments, and

teachers can monitor and see the extent to which students' learning activities outside

of learning meetings in class.

The conceptual framework below are indicates the students will be

interviewed about their experience using Quipper School in learning English and

how their perception towards it. Based on the discussion above, the researcher

describe it in a conceptual framework as follows:

English Subject

Online Learning

Quipper School

Q-Link Q-Learn

Students Perception

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework



This chapter discusses the research design, research subject, research

instrument, data collecting procedure, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Design

The research design use in this study is qualitative narrative research. This

research is aiming to find out how different people experience, in this case is

different experience using Quipper school. According to Gay, Mills, & Airasian

(2012), Narrative research is the study of how different humans experience the

world around them; it involves a methodology that allows people to tell the stories

of their “storied lives”. Qualitative research methods are based on different beliefs.

In qualitative research, context is not controlled or manipulated by the researcher.

The effort to understand the participants’ perspective requires researchers using

qualitative methods to interact extensively and intimately with participants during

the study, using time-intensive data collection methods such as interviews and

observation. Qualitative research procedures Relies on categorizing and organizing

data into patterns to produce a descriptive, narrative synthesis. (Gay et al., 2012).

This research want to get a procedure descriptive data in form of written or

spoken words about people and their opinion, because the researcher want to know

more about the perception of using Quipper School in English learning activity

from second grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar. The students will be

interviewed about their experiences and thoughts.

B. Research Subject

The subject of this study are the year eleven students of SMA Negeri 8

Makassar. The researcher will choose 34 of the students from 11 IPS 2 of SMA

Negeri 8 Makassar. Then, the 34 of them will be divided into 3 small groups;

students from high score learner, students from middle score learner, and students

from low score learner. Reason why the researcher chose second grade students

as the object of the research because the year eleven or second grade is because

they have been using Quipper school for longer, since the first year, which means

their learning experience with Quipper school is more than students from 1st

grade. This can make the variable (perception) become more various.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument that used for data collection is interview. The interview aims

to gather the students perception about the use of Quipper School. According to

Gay, Mills, & Airasian (2012), An interview is a purposeful interaction in which

one person obtains information from another. Interviewers can explore and probe

participants’ responses to gather in-depth data about their experiences and feelings.

They can examine attitudes, interests, feelings, concerns, and values more easily.

D. Data Collecting Procedure

In collecting data, researcher use several steps, as follow:

1. The researcher will ask the homeroom teacher about the students score and

choose the proper students to be the subject of this research.

2. The researcher then divided the students into 3 groups based on their score.

3. The data collection procedure consists of interview questions. The questions

will be asked to the students in due to know about their thoughts of Quipper

School as their learning medium.

4. The researcher records the interviews.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The research design use in this study is qualitative narrative research. In

narrative analysis, the researcher collets descriptions of events through interviews

and observations and synthesized them into narratives or stories. The stories is the

outcome of the research, an attempt by the researcher to answer how and why a

particular outcome came about. (Gay et al., 2012). Students response during the

interview will restorying and rewrite into narrative text as an outcome of this



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No. Variable of Research Indicator Data Source
1. The Students’ Perception of 1. Students’ Second Grade

Learning English Using experience in Students of SMA

Quipper School As An using Quipper Negeri 8

Online Learning Medium: A School Makassar

Case Study of Year Eleven 2. Students’

Students of Sman 8 perception of

Makassar using Quipper

School as e-

learning media


The Interview Guidelines

Respondents Identity

Informant Name :
Age :
Gender :

Interview Day / Date :

A list of questions

1. Was it easy to access Quipper School through internet?

2. Did you spend any cost for Quipper School?

3. Did you think Quipper School is an easy application to use?

4. Were there any difficulties using Quipper School?

5. Was Quipper School helpful for you as students?

6. Can you share about the pluses and minuses of using Quipper School from your

own experiences?


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