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Articles work like a magic lamp, but

instead of granting wishes they work
as a source of never-ending inspiration.

SEP 2022
The Strongest Puncher!
Shrimp or Mantis?
The Peacock Mantis Shrimp(genus:
Odontodactylus) aka Clown Shrimp
is one of the oldest and most
intriguing aquatic creatures, whose
eyes look like of a mantis, and the
body like of a shrimp(2-7 inches).

These arthropods have been around

for over 450 million years, even
before the dinosaurs! Generally, they
live in sub-tropical waters and rarely
in sub-antarctic waters. The shape
and size of these crustaceans are not
very different from lobsters. What
gives them their special status is
their colourful exoskeleton, unique
eyes, devastating claws and top-notch predator instincts. This article will tell you some stimulating info
on the Smasher Peacock Mantis Shrimps.

The mantis shrimp is the harbinger of

blood-soaked rainbows. Hexnocular Vision
The eyes of a clown shrimp look almost the same as that of
a praying mantis, but their structure is not similar at all.
Unlike human eyes, each of their eyes has 3 pupils, which
means one of their eyes can create 3 distinct visions after
sending electric signals to their tiny, yet cunning brains.
Hence, it can see 6 different images with its two
eyes(Hexnocular). Both of their eyes can act together or
individually. But the most fascinating fact surrounding
their vision is that they can detect more colours than any
other species on the planet. While the human eye can only
access 3 channels of light, this stomatopod can perceive
the world through 12 different channels of light, which is
very unique in the animal kingdom.

Ability to Perceive Polarized Light
The Mantis Shrimp has the incorrigible ability, perhaps, the superpower to see Polarized Light. It means
that the animal can see light propagating in any single plane separately, helically/spirally. Each of the
mantis shrimp’s photoreceptors contains 7 cells called rhabdoms arranged in a cylinder, and each of
these contains thousands of tiny projections called microvilli. Above these 7 cells, there is an 8th
rhabdom. The microvilli of this 8th rhabdom being very precisely positioned, helps the mantis shrimp to
observe polarized light.

Hammer Claws
The claws of the belligerent Peacock Shrimp are the
most unique and powerful ones in the whole Animal
Kingdom. Although they may look pretty normal,
these claws while hitting any prey or object are so
fast(50x faster than a blink) that the water
surrounding this creature for a split moment
becomes as hot as the SUN, resulting in a small
temporary vacuum to hurt the prey by a second
shockwave!! Alongside heat, light is also created
due to this attack of the crustacean. Acceleration of
the hammer claws can be equal to that of a .22
Caliber bullet when shot. With such power, this
monster can even fight an Octopus.

Fun Fact: When cooked, clown shrimps look & taste

no different than the normal ones! Written by:
Taskin Saadman Aritro
Club Roll:NSC103
Club member
Sources: National Geographic, Sealife Base,
Sport diver

Can Underground Because methane can escape into
the atmosphere and exacerbate
climate change, scientists do not

Bacteria Help Combat want these subsurface

microorganisms to create it.

Climate Change? Understanding How Bacteria

Respond to CO2 Many
Kilometers Below the Ground
Using DNA From Bacteria
Australian researchers at the
University of Melbourne are Drs.
John Moreau and Andre Mu. They
are researching how the earth's
crustal microbes react to high CO2
levels. Underground bacteria have
a distinct DNA pattern that may be
used as a "fingerprint" to recognize
them. The bacteria we find can
then be divided into several types;
for instance, autotrophs make
complex organic molecules from
simple ones, while others consume
complex ones as fuel or food.
Australian researchers have
Scientists are attempting to Bacteria That Live Under The pumped 150 tons of CO2 gas into
comprehend how subsurface Ground And Are Exposed To an aquifer more than a kilometer
bacteria can aid in the reduction Gases From Atmosphere deep. That is about equivalent to
of greenhouse gases in the the length of 10 Australian rules
atmosphere and the There are a lot of locations football fields and more than 2,000
maintenance of a healthy planet. underground where enormous football players combined. Before
Bacteria and other microbes are amounts of CO2 gas can be and after the experiment, water
present practically everywhere on stored. These are the countless samples were taken, and powerful
Earth, even thousands of small holes that exist inside of computers examined the DNA of
kilometers below the surface. rocks. When the CO2 is the bacteria present at various
Putting a lot of carbon dioxide confined inside the minuscule times.
underground is one method used rock holes, it stabilizes. Large-
in technology to reduce the scale outdoor investigations
amount of greenhouse gases have demonstrated the long-
that enter the Earth's atmosphere. term stability of these aquifers.
The type of microbe we
Chemicals called greenhouse studied in our research,
gases are created when we use bacteria, is a minute creature
gasoline and electricity. When with a single cell and basic
they get into the Earth's structural elements.
atmosphere in large quantities, Understanding how bacteria
they cause harm. Due to human react to subsurface CO2 is Washington University microbiologist
activity, scientists have noted a crucial because the bacteria Arpita Bose collected vials of bacterial
samples from Trunk River Estuary in
rise in atmospheric CO2. Prior to can convert the CO2 into the Woods Hole, Massachusetts, above. "There
entering the atmosphere, carbon more dangerous greenhouse are all of these invisible microorganisms
dioxide can be "caught" using gas methane through their that are doing big jobs for us, and they're
just not getting noticed," Bose said.
specialized equipment. metabolism.

Some Bacteria Respond Well To The Injected CO2, While
Others Are Not Too Happy
To test whether bacteria can adjust to changes in water
chemistry, researchers introduced significant amounts of CO2
gas into an underground aquifer. Comamonadaceae and
Sphingomonadaceae, two groups of bacteria, have the
capacity to create biofilms, which serve as a physical barrier
to shield bacterial cells from an altering environment. For this
technology to work, it is critical that CO2 does not leak back
into the atmosphere. Biofilms can seal holes and weak spots in
the aquifer. An example of an autotroph is carboxydocella.
These microorganisms may create hydrogen (H2) molecules
and convert carbon monoxide (CO) from the atmosphere into
carbon dioxide (CO2). Other heterotrophic bacteria use CO2
and H2 as energy sources after that. In New Zealand's Otway
Basin, the amount of carboxydocella dropped after CO2 gas
injection. This reduction may cause the bacterial community
to become disturbed, which could harm the aquifer.

Bacteria Work Together As A Team To Support The

By creating substances that they share to stay alive, bacteria
help one another. The bacterial population in aquifers may
alter as a result of the introduction of CO2. Methanogens and
sulfate-reducing bacteria may lose their capacity to function
if Carboxydocella vanishes. This could indicate a shift in the
long-term aquifer storage of CO2.

The following phases of this research involve carrying out

laboratory experiments in which we cultivate a particular class
of bacteria prevalent in numerous aquifers and subject them
to a lot of CO2 gas. We can move closer to undoing the
harmful consequences of climate change once we have a Source Research Paper:
Mu, A., Boreham, C., Leong, H. X., Haese, R. R., and Moreau, J.
better knowledge of how carbon interacts with these M. Changes in the deep subsurface microbial biosphere
resulting from a field-scale CO2 geosequestration
microorganisms. experiment. Front. Microbiol. (2014) 5:209. doi:

Written by:
Ayman Chowdhury
Club Roll:NSC027
Club member


Dear mother Earth,

I am lucky enough to call you my mother.
I am lucky enough to feel the sweet water that you provide, to breathe the air that exhibits for
us. I am honored to walk in the beautiful scenery that you have arranged, to watch the beautiful
hues, and to feel the depth of the ocean. You have shown the beauty of sunrise and sunset. And
have shown how hope and opportunity rise with each sunrise and we get close to our goal with
each sunset.
Thanks is a small world for all those blessings that you have given us. From the food we eat to
the air we breathe are all abundant gifts from you. And yet I say thanks.
Thanks for all the gifts. Thanks for giving all those scenic beauties. Thanks for allowing us to enjoy
the beauty of the sky, with the sun and moon. And the clouds and their unique formation.
Thanks for giving us not 1 not 2 but 6 different seasons and showing us how we can enjoy every
season. Thanks for all those trees and plant that put food on our table and makes us stay alive.
Thanks for feeding animals so that we can feed them.
There are different planets but no one is like you or even close to you. Some are too hot and
some are too cold. In amongst it, u choose to be a perfect planet and choose to nourish us. You
are surely the kindest, most selfless, and most beloved planet. You have given almost all of your
strength and ability so that we can survive.

We enjoy all the pleasure that you have given us yet we ignore seeing your tears. You have
allowed us to build our home amidst you and have been to all the future generations but yet we
ignore all the pleas that you tell us. You have given us liberty but yes we are destroying you every

I am sorry. I am sorry on behalf of all those
people who are destroying you without Nature
knowing the consequences. They don't know is
that they are destroying their planet. Which is
the only place to dwell.

devastating disasters. If we don't mend our

ways then we will face more of them. We
became so greedy that we even destroyed
our homes.

Now we will have to think of the outcome

before we do any work. We will have to think
for mother Earth. Hopefully, it is not too late.
Hopefully, we can retrace our steps.

It's time to be more sensitive in our actions.

It's time to make it up for our mother Earth.
From now on we will work for our home. We
will save its resources. We won't waste water
or electricity. We will use eco-friendly things
and avoid plastic. We won't throw waste
wherever we want. We will stop if someone
does so. We will arrange mass awareness
I am sorry for all those selfish things we have
programs so that people can be aware of all
done. Sorry for not cherishing the things you
these facts and can join hands in saving our
have done for us. You have given us all the
beloved home. Because the time of talking
things that we need to live(food, clothing,
has ended now it's the time to act. It's time
shelter, water) but yet we take you for granted.
for work, to work for this planet. Because this
You have always been kind and nice to us. But
is the only planet where we can dwell and it
we on the other hand have been the exact
is the only place we can call HOME.
opposite. We have killed our kind and others.
We are the reason why many species went
extinct. We have polluted you with all our
unnecessary things. We created machines that
made this beautiful planet a dumpster. We
turned the blue water black. We made the pure
air poisonous. Our so-called smart ways are the
Written by:
worst and we have seen the results in the face Angan Istiak
of a flood, drought, famine, and other deadly Roll: 12315057
Club member



With creating, photography literally

brings something into existence that
didn’t exist before, and shows the
depth of a feeling or emotion

SEP 2022
Photo Album Farhan Abir Swakkhar
Vice-President, Dept. of Photography
Executive Committee 2014-’15

Photo Album Shafeat Alam Abir
Student ID: 1163135
Club Roll:16NB88

Spotted Deer Lesser Adjutant

Spot-Winged Starling Small Minivet

Saltwater Crocodile

Spot-Winged Starling Chestnut-headed Bee-eater

Photography is the art of making an image by captivating
light with a camera, usually using a digital sensor or film. It
is a universal language that transcends all language
barriers.Being able to take good photographs is clearly a
precious skill. If you're just starting out in the world of
photography, consider the following:
Exposure happens in three steps. The opening will be our
first focus. Light enters the lens through this tiny opening
on the inside.
It resembles the opening in your eye, or pupil. A larger
aperture lets in more light, while a smaller one lets in less.
When photographing landscapes, this is not ideal.
Following is a list of aperture settings: f/1.4, f/2.8, f/4, 5.6, f/8,
f/11, f/16, and f/22.

Exposure happens in three steps. The opening will be our
first focus. Light enters the lens through this tiny opening
on the inside.
It resembles the opening in your eye or pupil. A more
enormous aperture lets in more light, and a more
diminutive one lets in less. When photographing
landscapes, this is not ideal. The scale goes as follows: 1.4,
2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 16, 22, and 22.
Shutter Speed
Light reaches the shutter after entering the lens and
passing through the aperture. The amount of light entering
the camera is now a variable you must adjust.
Typically, a shutter speed of 1/250 of a second or less is all
that's needed to avoid blur caused by motion. Different
shutter speeds, however, go better with various scenarios.
What you shoot and how much light you have will
determine the best settings.
Colors are everything—be a butterfly.
90% of the time, you'll want to choose images that are
bright, colorful, and full of contrast. Occasionally you'll
include something black and white for effect, but it usually
won't get you the results you're after.
Written by:
Farhan Tajwar Ahmed
Roll: 12315054 So, here is an overly simplified overview of digital
Club member photography for newcomers. To build the skill ,wander
around with the settings of your precious camera.

Photography: Experience
Beyond Observation
Every moment in the universe is like a frame-to-frame
playback of the most realistic cinemas in its existence.
Sometimes we experience such moments that we want to
capture and keep with us for our lifetime. Hence comes the
amazing aspect of photography. But what is photography?

In literal terms, Photography is the art, application, and

practice of creating durable images by recording light, either
electronically utilizing an image sensor, or chemically using a
light-sensitive material such as photographic film. This
definitive structure may seem inexplicable to many of us. So in
a basic sense, photography is the tool or process that helps us
capture those ever-cherishing moments and keep a memory
of them in an analog or digital way. But photography is
beyond just keeping memories. As Ansel Adams said,
“Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real.”
Every photograph not only reflects a particular moment but
A photographer is an artist who represents the
also says a story, it substitutes words and expresses what
authenticity of life. But being an artist requires hard
sometimes words cannot. The uniqueness of a photograph
work and some out-of-the-world mentality. Not every
can evoke feelings, such as anxiety, fear, familiarity, comfort, or photograph taken is a piece of majestic art. But the
reverence depending on the subject and object matter. photography that meets the criteria of the art world
Photography can also have the effect of reflecting the soul and is just a tiny sliver of the camera's artistic riches. From
thoughts of the person photographing and photographed. news images to the Hubble telescope, Photography is
the art of real life – however, manipulated. And real
life creates true art.
In our times, photography is now an established art form all
around the world. It also happens to be the most accessible
and democratic way of making art that has ever been
invented as it gives you both active and passive feelings. When
you see a photograph, you get the visual but when you know
the story behind it or read out the caption written below, you Written by:
realize the real scenario. It then gives you a hypothetical visual Afrahim Mohammad Fahad
playback of the events that happened there in your mind. President
Dept. of Virtual and
International Affairs
Executive Committee 2021-’22



From making you a leader to teaching

you about the world and nature,
clubbing gives you many things. In
some sense this becomes your passion.

SEP 2022
38th Anniversary Celebration International Vulture Awareness day Achieving 2nd Prize from Md. Shahab Uddin
Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate
2022 Celebration Change, for our Poster Presentation

Upcoming Activities

8th divisional fest of 13NNS -Barisal Division

V e n u e : To Be announced soon.
D a t e : January, 2023

Finals of 13NNS
February, 2023

Bird Watching & Photography Training at

Jahangirnagar University Campus

Outreach programme at Department of

Environmental Science and Management
(ESM), North South University

Wildlife Photography Workshop & Training

Reach us at:

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