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Attachment theory focuses on relationships and bonds (particularly long-term)

between people, including those between a parent and child and between

romantic partners. It is a psychological explanation for the emotional bonds

and relationships between people. This theory suggests that people are born

with a need to forge bonds with caregivers as children. These early bonds

may continue to have an influence on attachments throughout life. Attachment

theory is based on the joint work of J. Bowlby (1907–1991) and M. S.

Ainsworth (1913). Its developmental history begins in the 1930s.

In this study, the researchers will be using the Attachment theory by John

Bowlby and Marie Ainsworth because in this study participants is attached to

smartphones which can cause them nomophobia and it can engaged them

into anxiety, stress and depression. In addition, this theory will be used since

the study will be focusing on the experiences of student who have a severe

level of anxiety in having nomophobia or fear of having no mobile phones.

Also Attachment theory describes psychological, evolutionary and

ethnological theory concerning relationships between humans that can help

them to understand on how to balanced theis obsession in using smarts

phones or mobile phones. So that by doing this they can provide the

information in this study.

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