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Boys will be boys.

1) Introduction: “Boys will be boys” is a statement normally heard as an excuse for male
misbehavior. It implies that male behavior is inherent, unavoidable, and unchangeable
and they are naturally inclined to engage in risky or inappropriate behavior. The phrase is
often used to justify or dismiss negative behaviors such as bullying, aggression,
promiscuity, and other forms of toxic masculinity. This notion needs to be done away
with to promote equality of genders in society.

2) Exposition of the Statement/Unearthing the Statement

3) The prevailing Gender inequality in society: (reasons and instances)

● Social (prevailing taboos, patriarchal society, religious injunctions’
● Political (Low representation, issues as voters, contestants,
● Economic (No preferences to mainstream them in economic life)

4) How the statement “Boys will be boys” are used to justify male behavior

I. The statement reinforces the stereotype that boys and men are inherently
mischievous, wild, and uncontrollable.

II. To evade responsibility, criticism and accountability for their actions; as a

result, it perpetuates the notion that male misbehavior is acceptable and

III. It promotes negative and harmful male behavior as well as toxic


IV. Critics totally discard the notion that aggression or rough behaviour of male
is inherent rather than results from social and cultural factors. They argue
that male behavior is not predetermined and that boys and men are capable
of positive change and personal growth.

V. It serves as the best excuse for maintaining gender inequality; a woman

victim of male violence feels like she is not entitled to protection.

VI. The flooding sarcasm and memes of this statement on social media has
further cemented this tagline in society to an unprecedented level

VII. In family setups, and in society as well, this prevailing notion of “Boys
been boys” shape the minds of young boys to behave accordingly
VIII. Even religion is often misinterpreted to justify cement the notion that men
are superior and inherently entitled to be the prime agent in society

4. Impacts of the acceptability of stereotype “boys will be boys”

● Prevailing violence
● A major challenge to feminism movement
● Suppression and increasing vulnerability of women in society

4. Alternative views of male behavior emphasize that such notion promotes positive and
healthy male behavior as they serve as active agents in society.

5. Suggest a way forward like

● Equal parenting,
● raising awareness through education and
● promoting equality within society through pro-women legislation,

6. Conclusion

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