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The suggestions that can be made in an inventory control are :

1. Track sales
Should know, on a daily basis, what items being sold and how many, also update inventory
totals. But need to analyse data such as, when certain items sell faster or drop off? Is it
seasonal? Is there a specific day of the week to sell certain items? Do some items almost
always sell together? Understanding not just sales totals but the broader picture of how
items sell is important to keeping our inventory under control.

2. Audit inventory
Some businesses do a comprehensive count once a year. Others do monthly, weekly or even
daily spot checks of their hottest items. Many do all of the above. Regardless of how often
you do it, make it a point to physically count your inventory regularly to ensure it matches
up with what you think you have.

3. Prioritize inventory
Categorizing your inventory into priority groups can help you understand which items you
need to order more of and more frequently, and which are important to your business but
may cost more and move more slowly. Experts typically suggest segregating your inventory
into A, B and C groups. Items in the A group are higher-ticket items that you need fewer of.
Items in the C category are lower-cost items that turn over quickly. The B group is what is in
between ; items that are moderately priced and move out the door more slowly than C
items but more quickly than A items.

4. Analyse supplier performance

An unreliable supplier can cause problems for your inventory. If you have a supplier that is
habitually late with deliveries or frequently shorts an order, it is time to take action. Discuss
the issues with your supplier and find out what the problem is. Be prepared to switch
partners, or deal with uncertain stock levels and the possibility of running out of inventory as
a result.

5. Safety Stock
One way to overcome the lack of inventory is to provide inventory security. This overcome
the problem of lost sales, when customer’s request cannot be fulfilled due to inventory
depletion and also to meet any request beyond demand. Safety stock will result in increase
in average inventory. This means an increase in costs, resulting in a change in the total cost
of inventory calculation.

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