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Lesson Delivery Plan

Pay attention to the R-words to activate the brain for learning!

1. Objective (Rigor) - SMART and should be visible on your board daily.

Students will identify the correct way to ask for directions and locations, using action words and positions.

2. Opening (Retrieval) – How will you "hook" your students into the lesson--at both the thinking and
emotional level?

• What will you do to open the lesson to motivate and engage the students’ interest in the content?

I will start the lesson by asking students questions. What do they think is the most important thing they
need to know if they want to go somewhere? How do we do that? in another language? But in this case our
target language is Spanish. So, what will be the key words that we need to learn? They can give us the
information that we need. And I will say in this lesson, we are going to learn all about it. And learn how to
ask questions that can help us go to the place that we need.

• How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge?

I will start making connections with students about a time when they were somewhere, and they needed it
to get directions. We will start sharing our information. And I will give them examples of where they can
connect with the information that I am giving them. Like for example, there was a time I went to a country that
speak Spanish and I needed to ask for directions, so I use my language knowledge to ask the right direction
guides, and with that information, I made it to the place I needed to go.

• How will you identify and present your essential questions, Central focus, and Learning Targets (I CAN

I will start by introducing to my students the essential question by asking then an open-ended question for them
to cooperative start defining answers and scaffolding information. I will have the question on the board to get a
visual statement like: What information would you need to have to effectively answer questions about where
you are and where are you going? I will display a map where students are able to share information and answer
questions using the target language. Students will develop knowledge about action words, positions and
location that will be used in any other lesson of the current unit but also can be used in another unit by
improving communication skills and oral language. Having students in small groups working cooperatively I
can evaluate how the students apply knowledge in many different scenarios in where is necessary the use of the
correct vocabulary and I can observe how students acquire information to be used to improve communication
skills and oral language.

• How will you identify / teach / assess language demands?

I will identify, teach, and assess language demands by observing, monitoring and have discussions with
students and groups about the action words that they need to use in order to effectively communicate in the
target language.
Lesson Delivery Plan

• How will you introduce language supports?

I will introduce language support by using visuals, technology, flash cards and numerous resources to
make sure the students understand and are able to create connections.

• Is your opening congruent to the objective?

My opening aligns perfectly with the objective, because students are going to be able to use their
background knowledge to make connections in the target language and create a extender vocabulary to
help them meet their objective: “by the end of the lesson, students will identify the correct way to ask for
directions and locations, using action words and positions, with at least 90% accuracy.”
Lesson Delivery Plan

3. Teacher Input (Relevance) – What information is needed for the students to gain the knowledge/skill in the
objective? (Be sure you have done a task analysis to break the information/skill into small manageable
steps). How will you use strategies, technology, learning styles? What vocabulary and skills do the students
need to master the material? Are the strategies you plan to use congruent to the objective?
Students will learn vocabulary before reading a text and organizing sentences to correctly answer the questions. They will
arrange the words to create meaningful sentences. Students will be able to find their answers in the graph. Students will be
able to describe their answers while talking with partners using the correct vocabulary. Students will be in Cooperative
Grouping (Think-Pair-Share) and work with Advanced Organizers (KWL Chart) to show mastery of the lesson by using the
vocabulary learned to answer questions.

• Model (Routing) – Outline your I DO activities. Be sure to model strategies and academic language
supports needed.
In this stage, the teacher will explain, model, and give students examples about the correct use of action words to ask
position and location questions, and the correct way to answer them as well using diverse vocabulary words and introduce to
students KWL Chart to help scaffold the information. (Robert Marzano’s strategies in advance organizers).

• Guided Practice – Students demonstrate a grasp of new learning under the teacher’s direct
supervision. The teacher moves around the room to provide individual remediation as needed. “Praise,
prompt, and leave” is an excellent strategy to use. Outline your WE DO activities. Be sure to incorporate
strategies and academic language supports that are needed.
Based on Robert Marzano cooperative grouping strategy, this phase involves, Role-play situation in where students will ask
questions in the target language and will have the teacher support to get appropriate answers. In this stage, students will be
directed to be in small groups, having the map displayed on the boar, I will ask all the groups to answer two question:1. How
do I get from school to the library? 2. How do I get from school to the mall? Students will use the map to take turns
answering the question to each other, I will monitor and provide feedback while they are using the target language to
complete the assignment.

• Independent Practice (Retaining/Rehearsing) – Students demonstrate an independent

application of new skill. Outline your YOU DO activities. Students demonstrate an independent
application of new skill. Be sure to praise and assess strategies and academic language supports that are
being used.
The last phase involves the students demonstrating understanding by practicing with partner how to ask and answer question
in the target language and using the learned vocabulary. Think-Pair-Share strategy (Robert Marzano). This independent
practice involves students to create questions to their peers and to answer them in small groups using target language as well
and action words that define location. Students will demonstrate application of new skills by using a variety of vocabulary to
formulate and answer questions in the target language.

• Check for Understanding (Recognizing) – Practice doesn't make perfect; it makes

permanent. So, make sure the students understand how to proceed before moving to the practice phase
of the lesson. You may need to stop and reteach, so students practice correctly. How do you plan to
assess understanding? What HOTQs will you ask? List at least 3
I plan to assess understanding by asking questions, have them ask questions, share with peers, and create their own list of
actions words. If they need any support, I will provide visuals, videos and graphs to help with understanding, I will give
examples and model sentences. I will ask students for example: 1. How is the fastest way to get from the school to the mall?

2. If there is traffic is there any other way to get to the library? 3. Could I walk from the pharmacy to the mall?
Lesson Delivery Plan

How will you check for understanding or reteach?

I will check for understanding by asking questions, have the students come up with questions, share with peers,
and create their own list of actions words. If they need any support, I will provide visuals, videos and graphs to
help with understanding, I will give examples and model sentences.

4. Assessment – How will we know that the students have individually mastered the objective? What
evidence will be collected? What will be an acceptable score? What evidence will be collected to demonstrate
mastery of language demands?
I will assess students orally while they are working in small groups, I will collect individually evidence that they have mastered
the objective when they answer the questions using the action words and the vocabulary learned during this lesson. The data
will be collected with a rubric (previously explained to students) That way, this data will demonstrate the mastery of their
language demand and the accuracy of the objective.

5. Resources - What materials will you need for a successful lesson?

I will use a map to be displayed on the promethean board to students to use as guide of location. Journals to write sentences,
Ipads to annotate in google map screen and paper and pencil.

6. Closure (Re-exposure) – How will you have the students end the lesson/reflect upon what was learned?
I will have students in the whole group setting, have them share what they thought about the lesson, if they think that they
are going to use this vocabulary in some setting, even if they are just going to ask their peers how to get from the classroom
to the cafeteria in this school. If they know, what will be the keywords to use to ask a friend in the target language and we will
wrap up the lesson by all sharing our thoughts, about how this lesson went and if there was anything that they will change
about it, to have better understanding or development of this lesson.


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