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Spirits Chapter III: The Orphanage

Chapter III: The Orphanage

Early in the morning, the next day, Ada heard a light knocking on her door. Lifting a brow, Ada cautiously maneuvered around the table, the chairs, and the drawers and toward the door leading to the deck. Ada placed her cold, bare feet into white socks and then into dirty, brown boots. The young lady grew suspicious at the person knocking on her door with every passing minute. Surely, a group of pirates such as this bunch would walk in without knocking. Ada knew this personally, because she experienced three separate intrusions yesterday. Surprisingly, Lucas was not one of them. Ada glanced once at the closet where Sophie was hanging up Cals extra clothes for Ada. Taking a deep breath and expecting Lucas, Ada swung the door open only to find cheerful Cal ready with her breakfast on a tray. Cal must have noticed Adas fallen face because he peered up at her with wide eyes before he moved his right foot against the frame of the door nervously. Milady, I brought you breakfast, Cal said, trying to bring some enthusiasm back on her face. Ada merely glanced away, as if all appetite lost. Ada moved aside and allowed the young boy to enter his former room. Cal placed the tray on the table and looked around his room, amazed to find it cleaner, neater, and pinker than before. My room changed quite a bit. Cal recognized. Lott was being a darling, Ada said quickly, trying hard to smile. He brought us paints and helped us paint some of the upper part of the wall. You must have been bored yesterday, Cal said, remembering. Im quite sorry. It is nothing you should worry about, Cal, Ada said. Are you sure youre okay milady? Cal asked, worried. You look a bit pale. Is the Captain back yet? Ada blurted. She could not help her curiosity any longer. She must know what happened to Lucas. Nay, milady, Cal answered honestly. Ada was a bit surprised at Cals indifferent face. Does he usually disappear for days such as this? Aye, milady, Cal said, nodding. Sometimes, for weeks. Weeks! Ada cried, shocked. Captain will never leave us for a month but any shorter amount of time is a good bet for his disappearance, Cal said. And you boys are not concerned about him? Ada asked. Were quite used to it, we are. Captain is stronger than any of us. He usually comes back alive, without a scratch on him. We have nothing to worry about. Cal said with a cocked head. Are you worried about him, milady?

Ada blushed at the question. Of course not! Why would I worry about an insensitive, lustful, arrogant, and reckless hooligan like him? Cal gave Ada a suspicious look. Is that so? Aye, Ada tried to copy their language. I am speaking the truth. Just go look for him already, Sophie said from the other side of the room. Cal smirked, leaning against the wall with his gleaming eyes on her. I see, milady. Has anyone told you that youre not a very good liar? Adas eyes narrowed. No, or else the Queen- Ada stopped herself and corrected quickly. I mean no one has ever told me such a discourteous remark before. Cal clanked his boots against the wall behind him. If you want to know where the Captain is, you can ask Flaine. Im pretty sure Flaine being Lucass best friend might know something. Cal shrugged with a friendly smile. No promises of course. And so I will, Ada said, flinging her cloak over her shoulder. When she caught both Sophie and Cal smirking, Ada gave them a furious look. I am not looking for him because Im worried. Ada defended. I am looking for him because hes supposed to buy me new clothes. I am not going to wear Cals tight clothes forever. Sophie and Cal watched as Ada closed the door behind her. Cal shrugged again and went over to the tray of food he brought for her. Milady did not even touch her breakfast, Cal commented. Flaine is not going to like this. Well not let Flaine know then, Sophie suggested quickly. Cal agreed by nodding his head. Im curious Sophie started. I noticed that all the boys have various jobs on this ship what are you? Cal sighed at the question. Since Im the youngest and with the least experience, I am stuck being the servant the errand boy in other words. So you simply obey everyone elses orders? Sophie asked. Pretty much, Cal answered. Even Russ is in a higher position than you? Sophie asked in surprise. Russ cleans the deck and washes the windows and such, Cal said. That is a higher position than me. But Russ never does his job, Sophie noticed. Because the whole crew except Flaine likes the ship dirty anyway, Cal said. Thats not good, Sophie muttered. Whats not good? Cal asked quickly, noticing Sophies worried eyes. Lets just say Sophie trailed off, glancing toward the dirty windows. Ada is the female version of Flaine when it comes to neatness. Oh Goddess! **************************** Strolling casually on the deck, Ada stopped by the rails and leaned forward on the rails, looking at the ocean below. The swirling blue liquid seemed so calm. Dreamily, Ada remembered the fiction books she read back

at the library about storms out at sea, and how pirates had to have tremendous skill to pull off such a feat. At this thought, Ada made her face. She had a feeling that this group of teenage boys were probably not the best pirates to work with in a storm. Cringing, she could hear food splattering and glass crashing. Were all males outside of her castle walls like this? Yelping, Ada shook from top to bottom when a plate of scrambled eggs made contact with her back. The boys rushed out of the dining room and stood, erect, in their place at the sight of the eggs slipping off her tight, black clothes. Flaine came out last, with widened eyes at the sight of the newest addition to their group covered in scrambled eggs. Ada still did not turn around as she continued to shake. Some of the boys backed up, against the wall. They did not dare dash for the room they left. Who did it? Ada asked, still not turning around. Scary, Flaine, Kei muttered under his breath, tugging Flaines arm. I know it aint me only but the girlie sounds like Lucas right now ya? Flaine nodded, terrified. Thats Lucass scary, calm voice all right. Sherman moved silently to the side and against Kei, hiding behind his best friend and rival. I swear that wasnt me that time! Sherman told Kei quickly. Kei patted Sherman on the shoulder. Good thing it aint you. At last, a male from the back row took a step forward and walked casually over to the rail where Ada was at and leaned against it with his lanky form. Ada turned her head slowly to him and met his calm, pale face. Ada tried to recall from memory the introductions she had yesterday. Ada remembered this male, with his thick mane of dark brown hair and cold brown eyes held by multiple black beads and strings, being quite secretive about everything. His most distinct feature is his high forehead and thin face. He wore a thick sweater in which he hid a notebook of rice paper in his inner pockets. Unlike the other boys, he wore long pants that covered most of his boots. What is your name again? Ada demanded. Dirge, The male answered without hesitating. Did you throw the plate of scrambled eggs at my back? Ada asked, raising her voice and glaring angrily now. Without a hint of fear, Dirge answered, Nay. I threw it at Kei but missed. Ada tried to calm herself down. I see It was Keis turn to hide behind Sherman instead, even if Ada was not looking him. Then you clean it up. Nay, Dirge answered. Flaine hurriedly ran up to Dirge and shook his arm quickly. Listen to her, Dirge. Nay, Dirge said, tossing Flaine a look. I only listen to Lucas. I see how it is, Ada said, placing both her hands on her hips. Shes in charge of Lucas so technically shes in charge of you too, Flaine said.

Nay, Dirge said, turning a full circle at the taller Flaine. Lucas is the only one I listen to. Am I not making this clear? Come on now, Dirge, Kei said good-naturedly as he also made his way over with Sherman and also nudged Dirge. Lets not make a big deal about ye lousy aim. Dirge struck a dagger out without warning at Kei, in which Sherman hurriedly pushed the other male out of the way and grabbed a hold of Dirges wrist. Dirge, calm yourself, Sherman said fiercely. Dirge grunted as he released his hand from Shermans grip and spitted on the deck. I only listen to Lucas you hear me. I dont listen to the rest of you lousy asses. Dirge threw his dagger into the ocean before he stomped down the ship. Before any of the boys could do anything, Ada leapt off the ship and landed on the ground, almost falling into the ocean before she regained her balanced and stormed after Dirge. Flaine smacked his forehead with the back of his hand. Sherman went over and helped Kei up before the two boys watched Ada and Dirge go. Sherman started down the ladder with Kei right on his trails. Flaine had already cleaned up the mess for Dirge and stood up, just in time to see Kei and Sherman escaping. Where do you two think youre going? Flaine demanded. Were going after them, Sherman answered clearly. Course we will, yah? Kei asked. You two made a mess in the kitchen and the dining room, Flaine said. Go back in there and clean up, you two trouble makers. You two started the food fight. Aw, come on now! Kei whined. Ill go after them, Flaine declared. You two go back now! Fine, whatever, Sherman said, going back up the ladder. Kei watched Flaine landing on the ground before asking, Who in charge now, Flaine? Me ya? Dan Light is in charge, Flaine said from below. Take care of the boys, Light. Sherman and Kei turned murderous eyes toward the blonde male rocking back and forth with his boots. Out of all the males, Dan Light had the whitest skin, the brightest smile, and the lightest hair. Dan Light was quite a happy fellow overall. While he did the dishes, he would whistle to various pirate tunes. While he loaded boxes, he would skip with the fragile objects in his arms. While he did guard duty at night, he would play games with various crickets he found. No one took Dan Light too seriously. Still, this was beneficial in other ways. Like for example, when he killed someone, he would have this smirk on his face and this twinkle in his crystal clear blue eyes like he enjoyed it. Everyone, beside the enemies, knew that Dan Light did not really enjoy killing people. He was merely thinking of an early dinner if he finished the job early. That was Dan Light. He did not take anything too seriously.

Why did he make Aurora in charge anyway? Sherman asked Kei, jealous. I aint wanting to know what is in Rainbows head, Kei answered, giving the smiling Dan Light a nervous look. Ya aint want to be in Rainbows head, thats for sure. It aint pretty. Back to ship duties! Dan Light sang. Shouldnt we worry about Dirge, Aurora? Sherman asked, coming up to Dan Light. You know how Dirge can be he listens to no one but Lucas. Dan Light shrugged. All I know is that Flaine told me that he is going after Dirge and Lucass woman so we should continue working. Come on, Rainbow! Kei urged. Lets go raid some towns or something. Thats a good idea, Sherman agreed hastily. Dan Light rubbed his chin in thought. I would rather stay on the ship. Cal finally left Adas room and walked over to the boys on deck, curious at what happened. Dropping his arm over Russs shoulder, Cal pulled the other boy over to Sherman, Kei, and Dan Light. Where is Flaine? Cal asked. Flaine left, Russ said. Someone else is missing too Cal looked around the group. Wheres Dirge? Dirge left, Russ said. Cal knew he would not get anymore information from the usually quiet boy anyway and indicated at Dan Light, Tell me Sunny. Where are they? Dan Light indicated at the town. Dirge and Lucass woman went off. Then, Flaine went after them to make sure theyre all right. Why would Dirge run off like that, Sunny? Cal demanded to Dan Light. Dirge is in charge of the storage. What should we do now? Well watch over the storage! Sherman volunteered for himself and Kei. Russ snorted. Funny. Sherman and Kei turned on Russ. What do you want, little man? Dan Light sighed. I guess Dan Light nodded at Cal. You can do it for today. Are you sure? Sherman asked quickly. Cal aint no grownup yet! Kei cried. Cal made a face. I am only two years younger than you two. Dan Light sighed again. This was not what he was supposed to do. He did not want to continue this subject any longer. He wanted to do something else. Russ, Dan Light said. You be in charge then. Aye, Spectrum, Russ nodded, walking over to the storage room without hesitation. Dan Light was quite happy to solve the problem quickly. Lets chase chickens or something, Dan Light suggested suddenly. Kei and Sherman exchanged looks. I thought were not going to town. I changed my mind, Dan Light said. Lets raid the massage center!

Kei and Sherman exchanged smirks now. I think Im liking Aurora as a leader. Sherman said happily. Kei agreed, as always with his best friend. *************************** On the poor side of town, where most of the hopeless people lived, a group of coughing men in ripped clothing walked down the side of the street with lifeless faces. Buildings were a wreck. Windows everywhere were smashed. Trees and flowers refused to grow in this part of the town. The streets were of a muddy brown color without any cement like the rest of the town. This was where most middle-class and upper-class citizens stayed away from. There were two types of people the Mizunamian societies could not accept- the poorest of the poor and the ugliest of the ugly. Every now and then, a richer Mizunamian would get lost in this poor division. A few minutes in and he or she would be robbed from top to bottom, devoid of gold, clothes, and dignity. This was the life of those who lived here. By a two-story building on the edge of town, a group of young boys around the ages of five to ten were crowded around in a circle. The building next to them had broken windows, a half-open door without a lock, and a few holes on the side of the building. A single line of laundry connected the outer gates of the town and this building. The clothes hanging on the laundry were old and probably of a smaller size than the owner. The clothes were also losing its color. Still, despite all this, the boys continued to listen with hope at Lucas, who decided to sit against the gate with his harmonica out. The song of his harmonica floated in the air, waking up several half-asleep people by the sides of the street. They thought they would never hear that song ever again. Lucas Yeung was back. Tell us that story again, Lucas, A seven-year-old boy said, kneeling on the ground beside Lucas. Again? Lucas asked with some doubt in his voice. Again! The boys chanted. Okay, fine, Lucas said. He sat up straight, pocketed his harmonica, and placed his tied black hair behind his back before he continued. My boys and I were at the port town in Palan when we sat down by our ship to rest. Then, a noble walked back, thought us beggars, and dropped us a bag of gold coins out of pity. Lucas shrugged. Of course we did not care what people thought of us so we took the gold anyway without pride. Why not take free gold? However, the truth of the matter was, that man we thought was a noble was really a thief and he stole another mans bag of gold coins. That man was chasing him and deciding to lose this man, dropped the bag into our hands. That man saw us with it and accused us of working with the thief. Then what happened Lucas? Another boy asked hopefully. You werent here last time, were you? Lucas noticed, indicating at the new boy. The new boy shook his head. Lucas smiled. Ill continue then. Lucas paused and remembered his place before he continued. Like always, I hated to argue over something so pointless so I told the man to get lost and get his own bag of gold coins. I did not know the bag was his at that time,

and even if I did know, I wouldnt return it to him. Finders are keepers in the dictionary of us pirates. Lucas rocked back and forth with a glint in his eyes. Guess what happened? He called the authorities! The other boys chanted. Aye, Lucas agreed. Of course, we hated to get ourselves involved with the authorities but since they were here, why bother? I told them outright that if the man was accusing us of stealing his worthless bag of gold coins, then we did steal the worthless bag of gold coins. Im not directly denying or accepting their accusations or anything. Im not returning anything either. No point in arguing right? So we fought the authorities. Lucas laughed. And when were through with them, they were left with nothing but their underwear hanging in the middle of the town. We, as smart as we were, ran off with their gold, clothing, and everything else to our ship and left dock. I would assume the bounties on our head in Palan are as great as they are in Mizunam. No authorities can stop you Lucas! One of the boys said. Thats right, Lucas said with a firm nod. No damn politicians will stick their snobby nose at us. If they dare do that to us, Ill cut their damn nose off. I want to be a pirate like you, Lucas, Another boy said enthusiastically. I told you guys a million times, Lucas said in a tired tone, yet he was not at all angry. I will take you with us when youre ready. Were ready now! The boys cried. You babies are still sucking your mothers breast-milk, Lucas teased, rubbing one of the nearby boys hair. Wield a weapon and then well talk. Just wait, Lucas, A boy in the front said with a ready fist. Ill be on that ship by your side in no time! Thats what I like to see, Lucas said. Lucas quieted down and leaned back against the walk. Unconsciously, his hand took out the harmonica and once more he played it. His thoughts wandered at what he thought of himself. He did much to boast about his adventures. He did much to spread his name around Mizunam and Palan. The funny thing was that most of his boasting was to a group of orphans who had little to live for except to one day, become successful like him and his boys. They were all build out of the same mold, the same broken building he used to call his home, the same meaningless purpose in life, and most of all, the same class and gender. Lucas took the harmonica away from his lips when his thoughts came back. Then, he began telling them about the pendants he and his men successfully stole two days ago. The boys were awed at how Lucas and his boys stole the pendants from the Mizunamian Palace right under the Queens nose. Lucas, like all storytellers do, leave all the unnecessary parts of the story out like how most of the guards were away, looking for missing princesses. Lucas started telling the boys how life sucked and how by being a pirate, life did not suck as much when he felt a tap on his shoulder. The boys, at the sight of the newcomer, jumped up and

ran inside the building. Lucas lifted his eyes, only to meet the dark eyes of Poppy Gardner. Lucas Yeung, Poppy said in her usual husky voice. The light-pink haired woman crouched down in front of Lucas. Lucas remembered those dark, haunting eyes and perfect, soft hair. Now, instead of a young, thin girl a few years ago, she had grown into a twenty-three year old woman with a pretty face and a perfect bone structure to match. I never thought I would see you again, back at the orphanage. Me neither, Lucas retorted. I was wishing you were dead already. Oh, youre still as funny as ever, Poppy said, faking a laugh. Im not laughing, Lucas said with a stern face. Poppy dismissed this as being normal and continued, You should not give the children such ideas of becoming pirates. You are such a bad influence on them. Oh really? Lucas asked with cold eyes. And youre a Goddess. Lucas, Poppy said with a blush. You still think of me as always. Of your death? Every day. Lucas said calmly, with a smile. I know you miss me, Lucas, Poppy said, walking around him and leaning her legs against his back. Then, she sat upon his back and looked down at him. You are always coming back for more. Im not that desperate, Lucas shot back, moving his back so that she would fall. Poppy caught himself in time and crouched back in front of him. Poppy wrapped her arms around his head and placed the side of his head against her chest. Arent I beautiful now, Lucas? Like a typical Mizunamian? Poppy asked, but received no answer from the younger boy. Poppy released him and instead thrust her face in front of his with her pink locks in her dark eyes. Tell me the truth Lucas. Dont be shy. Lucas laughed out loud, removing his face from her and laid his head back against the wall. Poppy pouted. She hated when he laughs like that. He always did that when he found something ridiculous beyond control. His laugh was insulting her, but she kept her cool. Lucas combed his hair with his fingers before he continued with his explanation to the woman he had not met in years. I want you dead, Poppy. Do you not understand that? Lucas asked with a cruel smile. And regarding your question, you will never be beautiful enough for me. Poppy would not give up however. Poppy was basically on top of Lucas now, crushing her entire body against him. Lucas watched as her face was on top of him, devoid of teasing. Now, she meant business. Lucas did not show a sign of fear however and looked back at her, straight in the eye. When will you ever submit to me willingly? Poppy asked, moving her face closer to his. Or must I rape you a second time? Poppy, be reasonable, Lucas said. Why would I choose to submit to you when I already belong to someone else?

What? Poppy lifted herself off him and stood up straight, obvious angry. Lucas knew he had touched a soft spot. A weakness. Who is she? Poppy demanded. Youre mine, Lucas. You were always mine. Who dares steal you away from me? A young woman who is ten times prettier than you, Lucas replied. Are you calling me old and ugly? Poppy asked, daring him to continue. Lucas shrugged. It doesnt matter, does it? Lucas asked. She owns me under law an official court order. It didnt think someone like you would submit to a court order, Poppy said suspiciously, not believing the story. I had no choice. I couldnt kill the judge or anything. Lucas said. Yes, you would, Poppy asserted fiercely. There must be a reason why you submitted so easily Poppy thought of something and stared at Lucas in disbelief. You wanted the order, didnt you? You like her, dont you? Lucas knew inwardly that was not true. He could not afford to kill the judge and placed the lives of his men in danger. Ada knew a couple of his men by face and would have them executed along with him. This was one step he could not take. Plus, when he had a staring exchange with Ada in the courtroom, he knew how much it would pleased her if he had argued against the proof and tried to plead innocent. He knew the twisted mind game of women too well. Instead, he would rather plead guilty, claiming a shock on her face and having an opportunity to touch her like that in the whole courtroom. At this memory, Lucas smirked. The face Ada had on was priceless. What are you smiling about? Poppy demanded. Lucas shrugged. Youre right, Poppy. Poppys eyes widened. Lucas knew his words struck another cord. He would do anything right now to have Ada here as well to listen to his answer to Poppy. Ada would hate him, but he would be pleased at himself for upsetting not one, but two women with his next comment. His favorite lies in the world. I did want the court order because I like her pretty face and sexy body. You think I, a pirate, will like a woman for who she is? Hell no. I like a woman who is nice to keep around for special uses. You did the same thing with me, you should know Poppy. Poppys cheeks grew aflame out of pure anger. Now, after so many nights with her alone, you think I will think about you anymore? Get real. I have my own woman now. Youre lying to me, Poppy said shakily. This woman does not exist. This sexy, young thing does exist. I should know. Lucas said triumphantly with a wink. I can take you to her or are you afraid to meet some real competition? Ill see this witch all right, Poppy said with her stuck up nose. And did I mention that shes a jealous little thing? Lucas added, remembering Adas temper. So please dont touch me anymore. Poppy looked like she would explode any minute now. Shes dead.

Well see, Lucas said. Lucas felt himself smiling on the inside at his quick-thinking. Not only did he use this hostile order against him to his advantage for this special payback to Poppy, the girl who raped her years ago, he also could use this fun acting time with Ada to get her to realize that he was not something she could mess with. She will be under his control for once. He was sick of her using his men and him like her tools. He had to give both of these women their deserved revenge. He must balanced this scale of control with Ada one step at a time. ******************************** Quit following me, Dirge shot back with his hands in the depths of his pocket and his slouching shoulders drooping lower. Ada stubbornly placed her hands on her hips and looked at him straight in the eye. What do you want? Dirge asked, annoyed. I want to know why you obey only Lucas, Ada said fiercely. What is so great about Lucas? Why do all of you boys follow him without any will of your own? Dirge slowed down his strides, allowing Ada to follow him side by side while he spoke, Woman, you dont know Lucas well enough to ask me such a question. I want to know, Ada said. I want to know what you all see in such a boy. Ada looked down at the ground and then back at Dirge. He is your pillar your motivator and your friend but why? I dont know, Dirge admitted. I cannot speak for anyone else but myself. Then tell me from your prospective then, Ada urged. I respect Lucas and I obey him without hesitation, Dirge said. I never respected anyone other than Lucas and therefore I never obeyed anyone other than Lucas. Lucas, our captain, is only one who deserves my respect. What exactly did he do? Ada asked, curious. To tell you the truth, Im not completely sure, Dirge said. I do not understand, Ada said in respond. Maybe one day, Ill tell you, Dirge said. Maybe one day, you will find the answer for yourself. Ada did not like such an uncertain answer so she made quite an upset face, but she allowed this to slip for the moment. Ada noticed how far they went into the town, away from the ship. Ada looked around to find herself in an unwanted environment with strangers at the corner of every street. Dirge noticed her insecurity and stopped walking. Looking down at her, Dirge felt that he was responsible for dragging her around like this but what should he say? I want to find Lucas, Dirge declared. Ada blinked before she realized he was talking to her. Dirge, do you think Lucas is in trouble? Ada asked, remembering what Cal said this morning.

Nay, Dirge answered, shaking his head. Lucas said we will set sail tomorrow. I want to find him and remind him, thats all. Oh, Ada understood now. Then lets find him. Dirge glanced down at her, almost wearily. Are you sure you dont want to return to the ship instead? Even if I did, Ada stated clearly. I dont know my way back. Its your fault Im stuck here with you in the first place. Why did you run off like that? Because Dirge said slowly. I was feeling uneasy without Lucas. Flaine and the rest are fine people and all, but Lucas is the one who holds us all together. I want to find him and tell him how reckless he is being again. Ada almost smiled to hear those words. I never met someone so reckless before. Ada commented. You havent seen anything yet, Dirge said. Oh yes, Ada nodded. Cal told me he would disappear for weeks. And when he comes back finally, none of us would dare question his whereabouts. Its just not done. Dirge said. Ada looked beyond the horizon, at the far away sea. Its as if he has his own problems in his own world and he doesnt want any of you boys to be involved in. I never thought of it that way, Dirge said, a bit amazed. What can it be? I do not know Ada said sadly, keeping her eyes on the blue waves. I do not know and I do not like the sound of it one bit. Dirge grimaced right next to her. Ada opened his mouth, ready to continue when she noticed a number of white-garbed soldiers looking over in her direction and whispering to each other. Ada gulped and took a step back. Dirge let us take a different route Dirge followed her gaze at the soldiers, who decided to stand up now and walk toward her. Dirge quickly grabbed her arm and ran to his right, hoping to escape the soldiers. The soldiers picked up the chase and followed the two of them. Dirge stopped when he saw another group of soldiers in front of him. At the sight of Ada, all of them stood up with their swords and scimitars ready. Ada whirled around and saw the last group of soldiers closing in on them. What do they want? Dirge demanded, gazing at Ada accusingly. They want to take me back to the Palace, Ada answered quickly. What? Palace? Dirge asked, shocked. I do not want to be imprisoned in the castle anymore, Ada said hurriedly, backing away from the soldiers and against Dirges tall, lanky body. Thats why you must listen to me cooperate with me Dirge opened his mouth to reply but Ada cut him off immediately. I know you only listen to Lucas. I understand. Ada said, closing the gap between her and Dirge. But if they take me back to the castle, you can guaranteed losing your captain as well. Under law, he cannot be far away from me. If I go back, hes coming with me. Ada smiled up at Dirge without fear. You respect

Lucas right? You must also know how much freedom means to Lucas. I know you will do anything for Lucas. What should I do then? Dirge whispered back. Take me as a hostage, Ada said clearly. Dirges eyes widened. The soldiers were now demanding her returned to them. Ada moved around Dirge and stood in front of him now, with a hidden dagger behind her back in her right hand. The minute Dirge received the dagger from Ada, he swiftly threw his thick sweater off, revealing a lightly-clothed body with tattoos all over his arms, and placed the dagger against Adas throat. His other arm wrapped around her waist and held her to him tightly. A pirate! The soldiers cried. Release Princess Ada this instant! The commander in front said clearly. Dirge backed a few steps with his eyes glinting ferociously as his dagger lingered in front of Adas throat. The soldiers were paling now at the sight of their princess in the hands of a pirate with such a sharp dagger by her throat. Ada pretended to cry for help but the soldiers watched helplessly as Dirge moved backwards, away from them. The soldiers to the back were afraid as well at the harm that might be dealt to the princess and quickly moved out of the way, revealing a clear exit for Dirge. The minute Dirge walked enough steps away from the soldiers, he picked up Ada by the legs and dashed down the alley. The soldiers screamed for the return of the princess and chased after the two. Dirge ran as fast as he could with Ada holding tightly to his left arm. For someone like Dirge, he was pretty strong to run and carry her around with ease. Dirge announced a quick apology to Ada for the dagger in which she shook her head to forgive him. Soon enough, Dirge saw some stairs as he climbed them with swiftness with Ada on his back now. Landing on the top of the building, Dirge picked Ada up and signaled her to wrap her arms tightly around his neck. Ada obediently did so and felt his left arm held her against him as he leapt across that building to the next. The landing made her dizzy but she tried hard to not panic and closed her eyes, feeling the body carrying her jumping from building to building. After a while, Ada felt the arm loosened around her and soon enough, she was back on her wobbly feet in an area of town she did not recognize. Dirge was panting nearby, with his head against a wall. Dirge Ada came up to him worriedly. Im fine Princess Ada. Dirge answered. Ada paled and dropped her head down. Dirge took that as a confirmation and continued. How long were you planning to keep this secret away from Lucas? I hate it when people call me Princess, Ada explained, leaning against the wall. Because that title has changed the way everyone looks at me. They do not see Ada, the seventeen-year-old, but Ada, the soon-to-beQueen. You know Dirge said suddenly, peering at her. Lucas would have treated you the same either way. It didnt matter to Lucas if youre a princess or an urchin. In his eyes, you are the woman who enslaved him.

Ada laughed. This was the first time she laughed in a long time. The thought of Lucas finding out she was actually a princess was something she would love to see. I think it is best if Lucas continued to think of me as Ada Zhou instead of Ada Xieng. Dirge sighed. I guess I wont tell him then. You are willing to do this for me? Ada asked, pleased. Nay, Dirge shook his head. I am willing to do this for Lucas. I understand, Ada nodded. Lucas is everything to you boys. Speaking of which Dirge looked around at the settings around him. The broken buildings. The uneven, narrow street made of dirt. The people sleeping on the ground with their heads hidden in their knees. Dirge recognized this area almost immediately. Of all the places, Dirge started to smirk. We came here. Ada looked around her in surprise. Why are there so many people in poverty? This is the slums, noble lady, Dirge said as he started to walk down the streets. This is where the poorest of the Mizunamians live. Ada watched gloomily at the lifeless people who were either sitting, sleeping, or rocking back and forth. This is where we used to live. We? Ada turned her head curiously back at the male. The thirteen of us, Dirge explained further. We used to live here together. It seemed like fate had brought us back to this place. I want to see where you used to live, Ada said. You will be surprised at the conditions. Are you sure? Dirge asked. I want to see what kind of environment you boys used to live in, Ada said. Dirge did not argue and lead the way. Ada observed miserably at the people around her. The only liveliness left were a couple of women selling fruits and vegetables, a couple of girls selling flowers, and a couple of boys begging for work. Dirge quickly grabbed a bag of gold from a passing boy and threw it back to Ada. Ada gasped in surprise. This was hers. She did not even notice her lost until Dirge gave it back to her. Dirge noticed instantly the surprise she had and grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. Dirge protectively held her to him. Ada smiled up at the consideration. At the end of the road, Ada and Dirge saw Flaine looking up at the twostory house with concentration. The male was definitely displeased at what he saw. Dirge grunted, drawing Flaines attention back to reality. Flaine smiled at the recognition of Ada and nodded quickly at Dirge, relieved that the younger boy did not look like he caused any trouble. Flaine was about to ask about his missing sweater but decided otherwise and instead, pointed at the broken window. Dirge, that window used to be whole wasnt it? Flaine asked. Dirge elevated his eyes and nodded. Aye. And that door Flaine pointed at the half-open door now. I remembered it being in a much better condition. I do too, Dirge agreed.

The place changed quite a bit, Flaine commented. Then, he noticed Adas curious eyes and explained quickly. We left this orphanage quite a number of years ago. I visited this place often but I believe Flaine nodded at Dirge. This is his first time in years. When was the last time youve been here? Ada asked curiously to Flaine. About a year ago, Flaine answered. Ada gasped. A year is often? The last time I was here Dirge said solemnly. Four years ago. Ada sadly glanced back at the two-story building. How could a group of boys live in such horrible conditions? The building was not even whole. There were large cracks on the side wall. The windows were broken. The insides looked like it did not have tiles or carpets. Ada never saw such a sight before and stepped backwards unconsciously in horror. Flaine placed a firm hand on her shoulder and shook his head. When we lived here, Flaine explained. The conditions were much better. How much better? Ada was afraid to ask. Slightly, Flaine said carelessly. At least the door had a lock, the windows had panels, and the walls were whole. Ada moved closer to the door and touched the wooden object with her delicate fingers. She traced the wood up and down. It is old and worn out. Ada said. Why are you here, Flaine? Dirge asked. I can ask you the same thing, Flaine returned. We had a little trouble, Ada admitted. We accidentally came here. How amusing Flaine smiled. I came here looking for Lucas. Lucas come here often, Dirge told Ada. How often? Ada asked, suspicious. A few months or so, Flaine answered. He comes here more than all of us combined. Lucas really loves the boys here. I did not think Lucas was the type to like children, Ada said, surprised. Flaine laughed. If Lucas were ever to get married, he would work his wife constantly. She would probably bear for him ten boys before he is completely satisfied. Ada flushed immediately. Dirge nudged Flaine, indicating at Adas red cheeks. Flaine paled and remembered Ada was a woman too. Oh Im sorry milady. How do you know that? Ada asked shyly. Lucas and I used to talk about it, Flaine admitted. Since we do not believe in female superiority as much as others, we talk about making our wives bear us multiple kids. Me? I wanted three boys and three girls. Lucas wanted ten boys. I am pleased that you both decide to stay single, Ada said, smirking now.

Flaine lifted Adas chin with his hand and said smoothly, Are you trying to offer yourself as a candidate, milady? Dirge coughed. Cut it out, Flaine. Lucas wont be happy with you spreading such ideas into her heads. Now, she would probably worked Lucas to death. Ada whirled on Dirge with indignation in her eyes. Do I look like the type of woman who would work him like that? I dont know Dirge glanced away. I simply dont trust women. Period. Flaine laughed and released his gaze from Ada. By this rate, Lucas will never get married. Im worried for that guy. Its better that way, Dirge argued. Then that woman wouldnt take Lucas away from us. Lucas belongs to us and it will continue to be that way. Always protective of Lucas, arent you Dirge? Flaine asked. You came looking for Lucas. Where is he? Dirge asked suddenly. The boys said he left a while ago, Flaine said. We will never catch him at this rate, Dirge said. Thats what I thought, Flaine said. So instead, I stood here and observed our old home from top to bottom. An idea came to Flaine suddenly as he whirled to Ada and Dirge, excited. How about we clean up this place? Flaine showed them his white purse. Dirge made a face because he remembered how much Lucas hated that bag. Ada remembered all the items he had in there. Thats the least we can do for the rest of the boys. Plus, we can show Ada around. Flaine said. Dirge did not say anything but instead, walked in the building. Ada smiled. This was Dirges way of saying that he did not want to do it but he would if he must. Ada nodded at Flaine, Okay then. Lets get started. Im so happy! Flaine peeped with gleaming eyes. The boys stood, puzzled and quiet by the wall and watched as two males who they recognized as Flaine and Dirge started dusting the old fireplace along with a young, hot-pink haired woman they never met before. Ada was working on the inside of the fireplace while the two boys worked on the outside. Before long, Flaine, as social as he was, started talking while they worked. You remember this place, Dirge? Flaine asked. Dirge nodded. This was where Russ used to sleep. What? Ada exclaimed, hitting her head against the top of the fireplace. Dirge growled at her carelessness and pulled her out of the fireplace, coughing. Dirge, without warning, picked Ada up and threw her over his shoulder before he dropped her by the sink nearby and washed her face and hands. After he finished, Ada was glowing red from embarrassment. Dirge pushed her away from the fireplace and at the mirror instead, throwing her a new cloth. Flaine laughed. A little protective eh, Dirge? Flaine asked.

I am not being protective, Dirge answered. I realized that she is in charge of Lucas and if anything happens to her, Lucas might be in danger as well. So, its always Lucas isnt it? Flaine asked. Always, Dirge said without hesitation. How can you guys allow Russ to sleep in such a place? Ada demanded after she recovered. That poor child Out of the fourteen of us, our caregiver hated Russ the most, Flaine explained. We never understood why, Dirge said. The woman simply hated Russ. So Russ was left to sleep and live in that fireplace, Flaine said. Then he wrinkled his nose in distaste. Maybe thats why the boy likes to be so dirty all the time he was always covered in soot when he was younger. Oh Russ! Ada frowned. I must save that poor child. Look there! Ada followed Flaines finger toward the side wall. Ada moved toward it and saw scratch marks on top of it. Someone seemed to enjoy scratching lines on the old wall. Ada looked at the two columns of escalating horizontal lines in wonder. Flaine moved over to her and explained, Even when they were young, Kei and Sherman had always been best friends and rivals. Flaine touched one of the lines on the right column. This was Shermans column. Flaine used his other hand to touch the other lines on the left column. This was Keis column. What do these lines mean? Ada asked curiously. The boys were always trying to see who was taller between the two of them, Flaine explained. So every few months or so, they would stand against the wall side by side as Lucas scratched a line to indicate their height. Of course, as you know now, Sherman is the taller one of the two only slightly though. Kei never got over it. Ada was amused by this and lingered her eyes on the lines. It looked like for a time Kei was the taller one but as the lines escalate further and further, Sherman took a lead and now, the victor. Ada returned to her work on the mirror when she noticed painted yellow and orange kittens on one of the corners. Who did this? Ada asked curiously. Dirge and Flaine walked over and stared at the painted kittens. Who do you think? Flaine asked, amused at such a question. Cal? Ada guessed. None other, Flaine nodded. Cal was quite an artist back then. I did not know that! Ada exclaimed with wide eyes. The dirty blonde would always mess up his tidy hair and clothes by playing with water colors, paints, and all sorts of artwork, Flaine said. Of course we could not afford all those things for Cal but a nice lady down the street used to always give them to Cal after her own child was bored of them.

Cal liked to scribble drawings all over the walls Dirge said. Of course, the caregiver hated that and always gave Cal timeouts constantly. Cal never learned his lesson and always returned to his work the very next day. Of course, we stopped him after a while because we were sick of washing his mess. Dirge shook his head with a smirk. But Lucas oh Lucas he continued to encourage the boy even after we told him to stop. Lucas didnt want Cal to lose his creativity. From then on, Cal instead did chalk paintings on the streets instead. It was a compromise we could deal with. When the three were done with that room, they moved to the next room with the boys on their heels. The boys stood against another wall and quietly watched the three at work in the small kitchen. Ada glanced over at Flaine expectedly, seeing the male beaming at the sight of the kitchen. This was where I made my first cake, Flaine said proudly. It was nasty, Dirge added. This did not anger Flaine as the blue-haired male continued, I accidentally switched the salt and sugar, thats why. Ada made a face which Flaine laughed. But I learned my lesson after that and continued to cook, bake, fry, and every other technique possible. Of course, the caregiver did not like me hanging around the kitchen either and forbid me to cook. Flaine sighed and touched the basket of mold bread. However, Lucas would always thought of a plan to help distract the caregiver while I cooked in the kitchen. The deal between us was that he and the boys would distract her while I cooked, and then afterward, we would all share what I made together. Even Russ participated, Dirge said with a nod. He would rather eat Flaines fine cooking than the food the caregiver buys any day. How were you able to cook without ingredients? Ada asked curiously. Scythe was a great hunter, Flaine explained. That boy could shoot an arrow straight at a rabbits heart from quite a distant away. Then, Scythe and Lott would carry the meat home. Of course Dan Light disapproved of this because he did not like us brutally butchering animals. Flaine thought about it and snapped his fingers when he remembered. Then there was Beau who was a great fisherman. He would always carry a bag of fish back to me. Flaine nodded at Dirge. And Dirge is quick on his feet. He could steal salt, pepper, sugar, and all of that from stores nearby. That was basically it. You boys are so cooperative, Ada noticed. And you boys look out for each other constantly. We only had each other, Dirge said simply. Kei and Sherman were inseparable. Lucas and I were always fooling around town with Dirge by our side. Depending on his mood, Cal would follow one of us around. Russ liked to stay by himself in the fireplace. I remembered Dan Light and Niels sharing the same interests so they always stick together. Flaine sighed at the memories. Beau and Alvin, the most sophisticated of us, always liked to watch from afar and mind their own business, but they would always cooperate when necessary. Scythe and Lott

were the most contrasting buddies of us all. Lott was heavy and big while Scythe was light and thin, but they worked well together. And then there was Kiao. Dirge said. Kiao? Ada asked curiously. I dont believe I met him on the ship No, no! Flaine said hurriedly. Hes gone a long time ago. He passed away? Ada asked with wide eyes. Not exactly, Dirge said. Kiao left us. At the confused look on Adas face, Flaine hurriedly explained, To put it simply, Kiao was Lucass much older brother. Lucas has a brother? Ada asked at this news. I never knew that! Kiao was amazing, Dirge said with a smile. Kiao could do anything. Anything? Ada repeated. Anything, Dirge nodded. Kiao was nothing less of perfect. Kiao could jump the farthest run the fastest Flaine shook his head, with a smile on his face. Kiao had the looks, the charms, the skills, and everything else. Flaine sighed at the dreamy thought. Unlike Lucas, he was quite tidy and clean too. Kiao was like a role model for us all, Dirge continued. Before Lucas was our leader, Kiao was the one who planned everything and led us on these exciting adventures around town. Kiao was quite clever. How old was Kiao? Ada asked curiously. When Lucas was ten, Kiao was eighteen I think, Flaine said. Kiao sounds like an amazing person, Ada said. What happened to him? We never thought he had a weakness he was always so perfect Flaine started. But we were wrong. Like all men, he has that single weakness. Women, Dirge and Flaine said at the same time. Who is she? Ada asked, cocking her head to the side in curiosity. Kiao, like Lucas, was quite a daredevil. Sometimes, without saying a word, Kiao would leave the orphanage and not return until the next morning. The caregiver, as much as she liked Kiao, would punish him by making him do extra chores and stay indoors at all times. Kiao was quite disobedient however and would sneak out from time to time. We were all curious to where Kiao was going every day, but none of us dared follow him. Only Lucas dared to follow his older brother. This was when ***************************** Climbing the fence of the palace, the darkly-garbed male with a black mask around his face and short braided raven hair stealthily moved along the wall of the garden. He ducked behind a bush when a couple of servant girls passed by. Leaping up onto a branch of a tree, he climbed higher and higher until he reached the familiar lighted window. Taking a nearby leaf from the branch of the tree, he started playing a soft tune. At the sound of the tune, the window opened, revealing a young lady dressed in a white silky nightgown. Throwing the leaf away, he leapt inside and tossed his mask

aside. He wrapped his arms around her soft, warm body and pressed kisses on the top of her head. Forgetting about everything around him, Kiao Yeung picked her chin up and gazed into the mesmerizing, flashing green eyes of Joan Roupeez. Removing loose strands of rosy hair from her face, Kiao delicately caressed her light skin. Mister Yeung, I wasnt expecting you this evening, Joan said, smiling. Miss Roupeez, I cannot take it anymore! Kiao pressed his lips against her, taking in every sweet nectar from the graceful, red lips. Joan was pressed up hard against him, allowing him this freedom. A few minutes later, he finally gasped for air and said, I dont want to be Mister Yeung anymore. Kiao wrapped his arms around her waist. I want to be Mister Roupeez. I want to be Kiao Roupeez. You want to marry me? Joan gasped in surprise. I dont know what to say. I prepared the ship for our leave tonight, Kiao said hurriedly. Then, he glanced over at the door. Is the door unlock right now? I do not know, Joan said, moving back over to the door and locked the door. What is so important that you must lock the door? Kiao did not answer. Instead, he went the opposite direction and closed the window. No one knows about this but us right? Kiao asked Joan directly. I think so. Joan said uncertain. Whats your hesitation? Kiao asked, clasping her hands in his. Joan sadly looked away and sat back down on her bed. Kiao would not release and wrapped his arms around her entire body. What is the matter? I cannot leave with you, Joan said at last. We planned this for days! Kiao exclaimed in disbelief. I know but you said I could think it over Joan said, glancing away. Your answer is no? Kiao asked, his voice raising. Oh, dont be mad Kiao, Joan said, releasing herself from him and toward the closet where she kept her eyes on her clothes. I would rather run off with you to Palan Limeon anywhere but here. Joan looked down at her hands sadly. However, I cannot. I thought it over sleepless nights and my answer is still the same. What happened? Why did you change your mind? Kiao asked in a shaky voice. My duty is to my people, Kiao. You understand that dont you? Joan asked. No, I dont understand that! Kiao cried angrily as he came up to Joan. That is all you guys ever talk about! The Duke, the Queen, and everyone else! All you talk about is helping the people and what do I see? The people in my neighborhood are starving are dying! There is prejudice and sexism everywhere. Why cant we escape all this? Why cant we go to a country like Limeon where there is less prejudice and sexism and live better lives? Answer me Joan! Kiao shook her shoulders with miserable eyes. Joan laid

her head on his chest and closed her eyes. I know you feel the way I do I know you do Kiao I do not want to run away from my problems Joan muttered. My family is a separate branch of the Mizunamian royal bloodline we are obliged to serve the government and I must do the same. This is so unfair, Kiao said. Why are you a Roupeez? Why? Listen to me, Kiao, Joan said softly. I never told you this before but I must tell you now Kiao felt his heart stopped beating at these words. I have cursed blood. The Roupeez is a cursed family. I dont understand, Kiao said quickly. Look at this, Joan said, throwing a flaming fire ball and burning a nearby plant to a crisp. I can use the cursed Dark Magic without its side affects. I still dont understand, Kiao said again. Everyone who has been close to me has died, Kiao! Joan cried, sobbing hot droplets of tears. My parents my friends my servants it is our punishment for betrayal we must suffer for all eternity until our blood dies out. I dont care! Kiao exclaimed, holding her firmly. I love you. I love you and your blood. I want our children to have our blood. I want to marry you and live with you for all eternity. Thats all I ever wanted. Kiao dropped on his knees and held her hands. I am willing to do anything. Anything. Joan also kneeled down along with him. I cannot run, Kiao. I cannot. If you cannot run, Joan, I will stay, Kiao declared. I cannot ask you to give up your freedom, Joan said desperately. My freedom doesnt mean anything if Im not with you, Kiao said, kissing her. I will stay. I will stay with you. Forever. Brother! Kiao jerked at the familiar sound as he and Joan stood up, only to see young Lucas at the age of ten looking straight at them with tearful eyes. What are you doing? What are you saying? How did you get in here? Kiao demanded. I jumped in when the window was still open, Lucas said. But thats not the point! Brother, why are you doing this? Havent you taught the rest of us that we must be better stronger superior than woman? That we must break the gender superiority? Why are you giving up your freedom for a woman? Answer me! Kiao shook and held Joan behind him. Lucas, Im sorry. Youre not my brother, Lucas shook his head. Kiao Joan said softly. Lucas Kiao tried to explain. When I met Joan that day, I would never forget her. Kiao gripped Joans hand and smiled at her. Of course not. You trapped me in the basement for two days, thinking I was some thief. Joan glanced away, shyly. And you, my brother, will one day love a person of the opposite sex like you never loved anyone before. Then, you will know how I feel. Im not like you Kiao! Lucas shouted. I will fight to the very end!

Lucas please listen The Kiao I know is my role model. Now, I have none. Lucas opened the window and jumped onto the branch, despite his brother calling him back. I will change this discrimination I will change this prejudice for you Lucas Kiao said, looking at the ground. You will do it as a outlaw of society one day, but for me, I will do it lawfully along the Queen. And from that day forward, Lucas never once looked at his brother again. ********************************** Kiao Ada thought about it for a few seconds before she remembered. Now I know why the name sounds so familiar. I went to the Roupeez household with my sisters at attend my aunt Joans wedding. The whole government was shocked that Lady Joan Roupeez, would marry an orphan. It was so long ago. Ada met the sad faces of Dirge and Flaine. Is that why Lucas hates politicians so much? Let us go back to the ship, Flaine decided. Aye, Dirge nodded. Leaving the building, Ada accidentally bumped into someone and almost fell over. The person she bumped into grabbed a hold of her hand and held her straight up. Surprised, Ada and Lucas locked eyes before Lucas carefully wrapped his arm around her waist and steadied her. For some reason, now looking at Lucas, Ada thought of Uncle Kiao. Uncle Kiao indeed looked like an older, mature version of Lucas. How did she not notice before? Now, flushed, Ada realized that Lucas was technically her uncle as well. Lucas probably did not know that. You again, Lucas said grumpily, grabbing a hold of her wrist now. Why are you always wandering around and causing trouble? The soldiers are looking for you. Adas eyes widened. Do you know who I am now? Ada dared to ask. Of course I know who you are, Lucas said. You are the witch who is snooping around in my childhood home. Ada suddenly gained her indignation and stood up on her tiptoes to stub a hard finger into Lucass shoulder. Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me this way, you pirate scum! Witch! Hooligan! Dirge ran over and pulled Ada away from Lucas. Flaine pulled Lucas away from Ada. These two did not want Ada and Lucas to tear each other to pieces in front of the orphanage. Ada, with all the modesty and dignity she could manage, threw Dirges arm away from her and walked pass Lucas and Flaine with a stuck up chin. Lucas felt indignation burning from his head to his legs at her sign of superiority. Quickly, Lucas ran up by her side and grabbed a hold of her wrist, pulling her another direction. Let go of me this instant! Ada shouted.

You know how much I hate you right now? Lucas asked, dragging her despite her protest. But lucky for you, there is someone I hate even more now. Thank you so much for placing me as number two on your hate list! Ada said with heavy sarcasm. Oh be quiet! Lucas blurted at her. You shouldnt handle a woman so roughly, Lucas, Flaine said, skipping alongside the two to catch up. Mind your own business Flaine, Lucas said angrily, losing his temper. Lucas, if any harm is done to the lady Dirge tried. I know what Im doing, Dirge! Lucas laid his anger out at Dirge too. Dirge and Flaine exchanged worried looks. Lucas dragged the protesting Ada out of the neighborhood and into another part of town. As Lucas came closer and closer to his destination, Lucass strides quickened in pace as well, forcing Ada to move at a speed she was not used to. Lucas growled at how slow she was and grabbed a hold of her, much to her dismay and threw her over his shoulder before he continued on. Ada continuously kicked him and hit him with all her might but Lucas did not give him one look or answer. Dirge and Flaine watched as Lucas entered a new building with Ada still struggling as much as she could. In one swift motion, Lucas opened the door to a steaming room and without warning, he threw her into the water. Dirge and Flaine gasped as Ada emerged from the hot tub with glaring eyes at Lucas. Her hot-pink hair and clothes was now dripping wet. Lucas simply smirked at Adas glare and snapped his fingers. Two servant girls immediately appeared by his side, with towels, oil scents, and clothes ready. I will kill you the minute I get out of this bath! Ada screamed, losing her temper as well. Her hair was wet. What other reaction could a girl have? Lucas ignored Adas threat and returned his attention to the two girls, Make sure that woman in there comes out sparkling clean and in these clothes. If not, I will make sure my men will blow this massage center down. Yes, sir! The two girls said quickly. What is the meaning of this? Ada asked from the water to Lucas. Im ordering you to take a bath. Got it? Lucas smirked. Like our first night together. Have you forgotten that already, milady? Lucas mocked her. I refuse to obey you! Ada cried. Fine, then, Lucas said with a shrug. If you want to walk around town in those wet clothes of yours, be my guest. Lucas licked his lips before he clicked his tongue at her. Ill be more than happy to gaze at your revealing body figure. Ada shrieked before she sunk herself back into the water. The two servant girls nodded before carefully making their way over and helping Ada remove her wet clothes. Before Lucas could see anything, Flaine and Dirge pulled the leader out of the room with puzzled looks on their faces. Lucas shrugged with a smirk on his face. You know what Lucas? Flaine asked. Youre unbelievable.

Im simply asking her to take a bath, Lucas said with a shrug. Is that being unreasonable Flaine? You dont drag a woman halfway through town, carry her the other halfway, throw her into a hot tub, and then ask her to take a bath! Dirge cried. It was funnier that way, Lucas smirked. By the way you handle her, it looked like you wanted to kill her! Flaine said. I am killing her, Lucas retorted. Her pride and dignity is nothing now. Lucas sat down on an available seat and rubbed his chin. I win this time, milady. Revenge is ever so sweet. Youre next, Miss Poppy. I cant wait to see the look on your face when you meet a prettier face than yours. Lucas laughed his insane laugh, like always. You must admit we will never have a boring day with Lucas around Flaine said. Dirge nodded in agreement. However, a minute later, Lucass laughter died out at the sight he saw. Dirge and Flaine followed Lucass gaze and almost fainted. There, in front of them, ignorant of the three pairs of eyes following them, was the rest of the boys, clean and spotless from top to bottom with towels around their waists. Dan Light was leading them, chatting merrily with Cal. Dan Light, if it could be possible, was even lighter than usual. Kei and Sherman walked side by side with an arm around each other. Every one of the boys were here except for Russ, who was left behind earlier to guard the storage, substituting for Dirge. Flaine smacked his head with the back of his hand. Of all the massage centers in town, the boys happened to choose the wrong one to slack off in. Boys, Lucas called loud and clear. In an instant, all laughter, chatter, and every other kind of noise stopped. Every one of the boys froze in their stance. Flaine laughed at the sight. The boys knew Lucass voice well, even without looking. They knew as long as they kept up their silence and not move a muscle, the longer they were allowed to live. Lucas took a deep breath and walked toward them. For some reason, the boys seemed to cringe at every step Lucas took. For them, every step was like one closer to hell. Alvin, Beau, and Niels Lucas said, passing by the three boys in the back. All three answered to his call, sweating. Scythe and Lott Lucas said, passing by the next two boys. They answered, sweating as well. Kei and Sherman, Lucas continued, passing the next two boys. The two boys nodded miserably. Cal and Northern Lights, Lucas ended and dropped his arms on both of their shoulders. The two nodded. So where is Russ? Lucas asked, glancing at Cal. Hes taking care of the storage at home, Captain, Cal answered shakily. Oh damn, Lucas said casually, shaking his head. I wanted to see Russ without a trace of dirt on him. Maybe next time. Too bad, Captain, Dan Light said.

Flaine, Lucas turned around to the cook. Flaine nodded. Who did you leave in charge? Who is the troublemaker who I must punish severely? Dan Light, Lucas, Flaine answered. Ah, Mister Light, Lucas said, pulling Dan Light away from the others. The rest of the boys watched in horror. Northern Lights, are you responsible for taking these boys out when they should be back at the ship with the cargo? Dan Light nodded miserably. Oh I see. And are you responsible for taking these boys out to a massage center to take hot baths and massages? Dan Light nodded again. Then Lucas opened the door he barely closed a few minutes ago, picked Dan Light up by the collar, and threw the male into the hot tub. Take another bath! Ada shrieked and hurriedly tried to cover her chest with a towel. Dan Light tried to recover. Have fun, Mister Light. Lucas closed the door behind him and returned to the boys. Im going to count to three and every one of you have to get dirty within the next ten minutes But our clothes sir! Cal tried. One, Kei knocked Cal over and ran on ahead with Sherman on his trails. Two, The rest of the boys scrambled. Three! Cal shot up to his feet and ran as if his life depended on it. Flaine and Dirge laughed. I havent forgotten about you two ditching the crew as well. The two stopped laughing immediately. You two will give me a massage. Now! The two boys obediently obeyed. Lucas sat down, enjoying the sound of Ada screaming at Dan Light. Only the captain could ditch. Those were the rules.

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