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Spirits Chapter VII: Suitable for a Lady

Chapter VII: Suitable for a Lady

After waking up from a good nights sleep, Ada stretched on top of the bed before she jumped off and started dressing herself. In the closet across from her bed, she had hung up all the dresses and other garments she forced Lucas to buy for her. Ada was still furious at his lacy lingerie comment from the other night, but she decided it was too early to fight with him about something like that. Wearing brand new boots (which Lucas bought as well), Ada opened the door when she tossed Sophie a look. Sophie was occupied in front of the desk with a book in front of her face. Are you coming, Sophie? Ada asked good-naturedly. You go on ahead, Miss Zhou, Sophie said, focusing her attention on the book. I would rather stay here and read. Are you sure? Ada asked again. I had never been on a ship before so I was thinking of looking around for a bit I have been on a ship before, Sophie said without lifting her eyes from her book. I was on a warship twice. It is better if I stay here. Have fun. You are missing out Ada warned before she closed the door behind her. Leaving the forecastle, Ada stretched her arms out wide beneath the burning sunlight from above. Straightening her light blue dress, Ada observed her surroundings only to have her mood fall into a dark hole. The deck she saw around her was a mess. There was equipment scattered around the large capstans, the mass, and near the stern on the other side. Ada sighed and took a few steps when she dodged a pole that fell from above. Angry, Ada snapped her head up along the pole where she spotted a certain bright red-haired male smirking down at her at the top of the mass. Feeling dizzy, Ada clutched against the mass before she kept her head straight. Ada was not too fond of heights. In a matter of minutes, she found herself in front of the bright red-haired male with his usual loose clothes and ornaments around his neck. Every time Ada looked at the claw marks on the side of his neck, she cringed. Still, Scythe leaned down his long neck at her and stared at her curiously with those sharp grey eyes. Reddening, Ada tried to look away. What were you doing so high up Scythe? Ada asked, rocking back and forth with her hands behind her back. Aye, the lookout must do his job like hes supposed to by sitting on top of the mass, watching the horizon for other ships as well as for upcoming land, viewing the stars for pleasure at night and the direction of north by the North Star, using a telescope to report about events around the ship, spying on those lacking off like Kei and Sherman, and drinking rye where the Captain cant see him. Is there any further information the milady asks of Scythe, the lookout? Scythe said in one breath.

Ada paled considerably at his hawk-like voice. So you are supposed to be up that high Ada muttered to herself. I never knew that. Scythe had that devious smirk on his face again, Milady, you ever gambled before? With a swing of his hand, a deck of cards was shown before Ada, who gasped. Gambling is a sin! Ada cried. Only on land, I say, Scythe said smoothly. I do not know how, Ada admitted. You new at this eh? Scythe folded the cards and pocketed it in his usual baggy red pants. How about we play an easier game? What kind of game? Ada asked, after some hesitation. A little bet, Scythe announced, before he turned to the skies and looked up without blinking. I bet ya that it will rain today. Ada followed his gaze at the bright blue sky and piercing sun. It is a beautiful morning. It will not rain. Ada said. You want to bet on it? Scythe asked with sparkling grey eyes now. Ada made a face. How do we do this exactly? Well this is your first time so I wont have any gold coins involved but for future references, whenever you bet with someone, you have to bet enough gold coins to satisfy both sides or at least some other kind of object for gambling. What do you say to this little bet of mine, milady? Scythe asked. Ada was not one to make a hasty decision but she thought it might be fun to see how this play out. Besides, looking at the skies, the weather was clearly in her favor. Furthermore, even if she did lose, she would not lose anything. It was only a bet after all. Okay then, Ada said with a nod. Let us see who is correct in this guess. Excellent, Scythe grinned at her, showing a gold teeth. Ill be back to my work now or the Captain will send me to the gunners daughter. Of course Scythe winked before he climbed on the mass. The gunners dont have daughters. Maneuvering around the heavy objects scattered over the messy deck, Ada made a mental note to clean this place up. After looking at the capstans, Ada decided she was not cut out to be a pirate. Everything around her looked too heavy for a woman to pick up. This was when she noticed Russ sitting near the figurehead of Goddess Venus, tying some ropes around various sections of the prow. Ada came up to the boy who was dressed up in his usual oversize clothes. Russ? Ada asked, uncertain. Russ raised his round, brown eyes up at Ada. Aye, milady? Are you all right? You were kidnapped after all. Ada said, worriedly. Aye, Russ said. Im fine. You sure? Ada asked with more concern than necessary. After what I endure back at the orphanage, everything else pales in comparison, Russ said solemnly.

I heard you lived in a fireplace, Ada said, clearly upset. Aye, I did, Russ nodded. That woman beat me up too. She did? Ada asked with wide eyes and dropped jaw. She always hated me, Russ said. If it werent for Kiao and Lucas, I would have been dumped right into the streets where I belong. Ada felt her lip quiver at Russs words. Why was she so against you? Russ observed Ada for a minute before the boy said, You tell me. Ada bit her lip. Russ I cannot help but notice that Ada shook her head at the last minute. Never mind. I will say it in your place then, Russ said. That woman hated me because I was prettier than her daughter or at least back then. Russ! Ada cried, lacking control over her voice. Then you are a Girl? Russ asked, cocking his head. Aye, I am milady. That awful woman made you wear male clothes to make you uglier! Ada cried. Aye, Russ said with a nod. And she succeeded. That is not true, Russ, Ada said with a shake of her head. From the first time I laid my eyes on you, I can tell you are a special person you are a girl like Sophie and I. You should not have to endure in those leggings and pants! You should be able to wear dresses and bonnets and jewelry. Would you not like that Russ? I like that a lot, Russ admitted. But I cannot. I understand, Ada said. It will take time for these boys to recognize your true value. You are better than them. You should not have to endure this environment. Im quite used to this dirty ship, Russ said. And Im quite used to being with the boys. Sometimes, I even forget that I am not of their gender. It must be hard on you, Ada said sadly. Not really, Russ shrugged. These boys are better people than a lot of others I met out there. They may not have chivalry but they have everything else. I am starting to see that Ada admitted. Russ scratched his nose and then the back of his neck. Milady, you will not tell anyone about this would you? Not a word, Ada said with a wink. My lips are sealed. Besides the Captain, no one else knows, Russ said. I like it the way it is now. I see, Ada nodded in understanding. Where are the others anyway? Russ thought about it. Flaine and Cal are in the galley, preparing food. Alvin and Beau should be in the pilothouse with the steering wheel. Scythe is on the mass, on his post I believe. Kei and Sherman must be on the gun deck with the cannons. Dan Light is supposed to be in the sick bay, but I doubt it. Niels is either in the engine room or the gun deck, checking the equipment like usual. Dirge is in the hold, checking the cargo, which Im sure of. Lott may be at the hold or the scullery.

And the Captain? Ada asked skeptically. To be honest, he can be anywhere, Russ shrugged. Probably the bridge or his grand cabin. I want to look around for a bit, Ada decided. Where is the gun deck? Russ jumped down from his location and led Ada to the other side of the ship where Ada caught sight of the bridge and pilothouse. Instead of showing Ada the staircase to the bridge, Russ indicated at the door that led to the stairs that led below deck. Ada thanked Russ before she went down the oily stairs that was in need of cleaning. Thankfully, there was candlelight to lead the way. Ada walked carefully before she made it to the end of the stairs and to a large room with moving machines. The machines looked old and rusted. The walls and floors were dirty with mud and grease. The whole room stank of rye. Most of all, it was extremely hot down here. Catching sight of some cannons, Ada walked over and touched one carefully to find dust all over it. When were any of these washed? Ada shook her head when two familiar shadows appeared on the wall. Ada spun around to find Kei and Sherman leaning toward her with suspicious eyes. Do ya even know how to use a cannon? Kei asked. No, Ada shook her head. I thought so, Kei pulled her away from the cannon. No touchy. You two are the gunners? Ada asked in disbelief. Not only us, Sherman said, moving aside to reveal ten other men Ada had never seen before. These men work here with us. Before we set sail, Lucas always made sure to hire around thirty men to help out on board. I thought only thirteen A ship cannot move with only thirteen men at work, Sherman said reasonably. Aye, the ship is where cooperation becomes necessary, Kei provided. I thought Lucas would be more wise than to choose you two as gunners, Ada commented, lifting a skeptical eye. He aint have a choice milady! Kei and Sherman clapped hands. Were the best gunners there are yah! It is hard to believe, Ada admitted. We behave much more responsible if the lives of thirty plus men depend on us, Sherman said with a nod. That makes sense Ada said, nodding. Plus, if we dont behave, Captain will strip us of our positions, Sherman said with a frown. And ya know how we love to blow things up! Kei laughed. You two are scary, Ada said in disbelief. But reliable for this job nevertheless. Are you two slacking off again? Niels asked, walking over with a wrench in his hand and grease all over his face. Watch the cannons! Niels? Does this mean you are the engineer? Ada asked with wide eyes. Niels was one of the younger boys of the crew yet he also showed her

more intelligent than Kei and Sherman combined. Niels nodded. You are so young though Age means nothing in a ship, Niels interrupted. All these men here are probably twice my age but they can barely move the capstans and operate the engine correctly in the engine room, which is adjacent from here. This whole place is dark and ugly! Ada commented. This place hasnt seen soap and water since we stole it from good old Webster, Niels said with a shrug. The Captain likes it better this way. How can you work in such an environment? Ada asked incredulously. Niels, Kei, and Sherman shrugged. Were used to it. I can never get used to this Ada sighed. Hastily, she grabbed a cloth from her waist and rubbed Niels clean from the grease. You are dark enough, Niels. I do not want to see your face so unclean! Im nothing compared to Russ, Niels said. Still Ada shook her head. You have the darkest skin in this group. You should try to keep your face clean and neat. Niels shrugged. I can take care of myself, milady. Niels glared at Sherman and Kei. You two should help me in the engine room. That place aint so cool! Kei complained. Come! Niels dragged the two boys by their arms toward the adjacent room. Ada took one last look around the dirty boiling room before she ran back up the stairs, happy to see sunlight and breath fresh air once more. Once up, she took the stairs that Russ showed her earlier, hoping to see the bridge and pilothouse for herself. Climbing the stairs up, Ada popped her head in the bridge where she met a disaster of a room. Compasses, maps, and other navigation tools were scattered all over the tables along the wall. A large map of Mizunam was on the south wall but it was also peeling off. Like the engine room, the place smelled of rye as Ada spotted a few open bottles of that detested drink. Picking them up, Ada dumped them into the nearest trash bin, which was also overflowing with loose rice paper and other junk. Wriggling her nose, Ada walked away from the bin and started picking pieces of paper from the ground. One of the papers caught her eye because of the elegant handwriting. Ada readily picked it up and read it silently to herself. You need help, Miss Ada? Beau asked, coming in with Alvin right behind him. Today, Beau had braided his hair into multiple layers of tiny braids as the dark rosy hair above his eyes slanted to the right. Today, he wore small rectangular white shades instead of his black ones. Ada nodded as Beau crouched down besides her, picking up some compasses and quills from the ground when he noticed the paper in her hands. I wasnt lying was I? Beau asked with his usual smile. I cannot believe this beautiful piece of poetry is written by your Captain, Ada said, still staring at the piece of rice paper.

Theres more in the bin, Alvin offered, picking out a pile of white paper. The Captain usually writes and then throws them away. Out of all his work, he usually only keep one the one that satisfies him the most. So this is one of his rejects? Ada asked in surprise. Alvin also crouched down and scanned the piece of rice paper. It must be because the Captain will never let any of his best work lying around on the ground. It is kind of funny to think about it, Beau said, smiling. He may leave his boots, pants, and every other objects imaginable all over the place but he always keep his finest poetry locked up somewhere. I have no idea where he locks it all up, do you Al? Alvin shook his head. I dont believe even Flaine knows. What else does your Captain do in his free time? Ada asked, curious now. He reads, Alvin shrugged. He writes letters too, Beau added. He likes to talk to animals for some reason, Alvin said with a confused look on his face. He especially likes fish for some reason. Fish? Ada cocked her head to the side. You havent seen his pet fish? Beau asked, surprised. No, I have not, Ada admitted. He keeps little India in the pilothouse, Beau said, smiling. He insists India is a boy, but we all know Indias a girl. He is against female gender in fish too? Ada asked, hinting irritation in her voice. The two boys merely exchanged playful glances. At least hes consistent Ill go on ahead, Beau said, opening the door and leaving. Ada was about to follow when she felt a tug from Alvin. Curious, Ada turned around to the face dark purple-haired male. Today, Alvin was wearing a dark pink trench coat with a fancy white shirt on the inside as well as matching dark pink leather pants. His usual black rings were still there. Leaning against her, Alvin gave her a small smile. Ada wondered if he ever smiled widely or even laughed out loud. This is the first time we ever talked alone, eh Princess? Alvin asked. Yes it is, Ada noticed, nodding. You have something to say to me? I do actually, Alvin started tapping his right foot. You are the middle one of the Mizunamian Triplets right? Yes I am, Ada said. You know about my sisters? Not really, Alvin shrugged with that usual solemn face. I heard that most identical twins or triplets have the same taste in almost everything right? Almost, Ada stressed. For some reason, we have different tastes in colors. You like white, Mimi likes purple, and Julie likes black right? Alvin asked without hesitation or a stop intake of breath. How did you know that? Ada asked, surprised.

I did my research, Alvin admitted. Now, tell me. Do you like nightingales? I love nightingales, Ada said with hopeful eyes. Alvin went over to the closet hidden behind a large plant and took out a cage from it. Inside, a brown and green nightingale chirped at Alvin as if recognizing him. Adas eyes shone with enthusiasm as she placed her fingers along the bars of the cage. The nightingale hopped closer to get a good look at her. Take a good look, Germaine, Alvin said, looking at the nightingale. You are giving this to me? Ada asked, excited. Unfortunately, no, Alvin said, pulling the cage away from her. Ada pouted. But you think Germaine is pretty no? I do, Ada nodded eagerly. Good, Alvin grabbed a red sheet and covered the cage much to Adas disappointment. Thanks. What was the point of showing me Germaine then? Ada asked, suspiciously. What kind of flowers do you like? Alvin asked, interrupting her. What? Ada asked, confused. Must I repeat? Alvin asked, frowning. I like Ada thought about it. Chrysanthemums. Alvin thought about it. I understand. Thanks. Wait a second! Ada stopped him from moving away from her. You did not answer my question! Im already taken by another, milady, Alvin said with a smirk. Im sorry. You are dodging the subject! You act exactly like- Adas eyes widened as she stared closely at Alvin. Prince Raul Gardner I have to go now, milady, Alvin said, breaking away from her blockade and down the stairs. Alvin took the nightingale with him. Tell the Captain I will be back in time for the departure! And with that, Alvin was gone. Ada pouted again, staring after him. Boys are only that secretive when Ada nodded in knowing now. He likes someone. How can that be possible though? He is part of this bunch that dislikes girls. Then again maybe none of the boys are like that maybe it is only Lucas Beau popped his head back in the bridge, looking for her. There you are, Miss Ada. Shall we move now? Beau looked around. Where is Al? He went out, Ada stated. Probably to deliver that letter he wrote last night, Beau said with a shrug. A letter? Ada asked, curious. Aye, Beau nodded. He wrote a letter to someone. A girl perhaps? Ada asked with a smirk on her face. Now that I think about it Beau had a surprise look on his face. Maybe.

Alvin is probably off sending that letter, that nightingale, and probably some chrysanthemums, Ada said, smiling. But Alvin never likes girls before Beau said, confused. There is a first time for everything, Ada said in a knowing matter. I will worry about him later, Beau decided, though there was some hurt on his face. Beau was probably upset that Alvin did not tell him about it. Lets go see India. Right, Ada nodded, smiling. Much to Adas surprise, India was much larger than she thought. No one told her specifically what fish India actually was. In a large fish tank, a tiny serpent-like creature swam around the massive ocean-like environment around it. Ada dropped her jaw at the sight of the blue and purple scaly animal that swam back and forth. Beau watched her with interest before he petted the glass. Not what you expected huh? Beau asked, smirking. I was expecting a clown fish to tell you the truth, Ada said with a shaky smile. India is a dragonfish, Beau explained. The dragonfishes are a rare species. Lucas caught this one by accident a few years back. Ada looked around the room around her at last. And this is the pilothouse. Aye, Beau agreed. Like the rest of the ship, the pilothouse was in no better condition. There were equipment lying around that Ada was sure belonged in the engine room or the main deck. There were barrels of rye to the side that looked months old. The floor was of different colors, as if some oil were spilled on. The walls, like every other room so far, had printed marks and scratch marks all over it. The steering wheel in the front even looked unstable to Ada. Again, she made a mental note of that. Beau, you usually stay in the pilothouse? Ada asked curiously. Aye, Beau answered. I am a helmsman after all. And Alvin? Ada asked. Also a helmsman. We trade shifts. Beau explained. And you are okay with the room looking like this? Ada asked incredulously. Beau looked around, moved his shades up and down, and returned his gaze back to Ada. Im used to it, I guess. And with that respond, Ada growled under her breath and continued her tour. After meeting all these boys, Ada had confirmed her suspicions that most of them were messy and unclean individuals themselves. Now, she had to check the hold or the storage room. The last time she was there, she was tied up and was too fearful to worry about its condition. Now, she had to check and perhaps have a talk with Dirge. Like Russ said earlier, Dirge was indeed inside the hold by himself with his eyes on a stack of rice paper on a clipboard where he wrote numerous notes down to himself with his black quill. Ada poked her head in curiously

and spotted Dirge before she moved her entire body inside and closed the door behind her. At the sound of the closing door, Dirge picked up his head as if readied for battle but calmed down to find that it was none other than the hot pink-haired woman herself. Ada shook her head at the lack of organization in this room and the sight of rats running all around Dirge. What do you want? Dirge asked, irked. Does it hurt you to speak in a more polite manner? Ada exclaimed. Stop trying to change me, woman, Dirge spat. I do what I have to do. I talk the way I want to. I act the way I want to. Im not going to obey no orders from you. You said you only obey Lucas correct? Ada asked to confirm. What I said last still stands true now, Dirge said, writing more notes down. I am starting to understand why you respect Lucas so much, Ada admitted. But I still cannot believe you do not have the same respect for the other boys. The other boys are like brothers to me and I respect every one greatly, even Kei and Sherman, Dirge said with a shrug. But Lucas is special. Lucas is not like the other boys. Lucas is one of a kind. The only people I dont respect are those who I lost respect for. Is that so hard to understand? Do you respect me? Ada dared to ask. Dirge lifted his eyes up at her. Have you done anything to lose my respect? I do not think so, Ada said, uncertain. Then I still respect you, Dirge said curtly. I am joyful to hear such news, Ada said. The young lady crossed the room and sat down by Dirges side as she peered up at his towering height. I was afraid you and I would not get along. Afraid? What an interesting word to use. Dirge said, almost coldly. Ada tried to smile at the dark male. I certainly do not want us to be at odds with one another. I want to be friends with every one on board this ship. I know I made a bad first impression when I try to dismiss all of you from Lucas but that will certainly not happen anymore. Ada clutched her hands together on her lap. I know it will be hard for all of you to accept my female presence on this ship, but I want to make our relationships better little by little. Ada rocked back and forth as Dirges eyes stayed on her intently. I feel that out of all the boys, I will have to work a lot harder to gain your acceptance, Dirge. I see now, Dirge said quietly. What do you see? Ada asked, curious. Before, you see us as pirate scum, but now, youre slowly seeing us as something more than just a criminal bunch. We are people too. We feel and we think. Dirge said clearly. Now that you see this, you want to find out more about us. You want to see if were worthy of your friendship or not.

Please Dirge! I do not want you to see my situation as such! Ada cried out. I admit that at first, I thought you were all just a criminal bunch, but now, my views have completely changed. The thirteen of you are a group of young men who loves, protects, and believes in one another. You guys are one happy, loving family and I Ada glanced away shyly. Envy that. Dirge blinked twice. But you are a Princess. I know, Ada nodded. But my family is not nearly as cooperative and protective as yours. The soldiers may tell me that they will always protect me but they never show it. They can betray any time. They do not love me like family. So now you want to join our happy family? Dirge asked. I want to, Ada admitted. I am afraid I cannot. The thirteen of you seem to not want any new members to join. I accept that. I respect that. I just hope I can find a family this close to be a part of someday. Some of the boys are already accepting you, Dirge observed. Like who? Ada asked with curiosity written on her face. Flaine and Beau for one thing, Dirge said. These two are fond of you. Cal and Russ seem to already attach themselves to you as well. There is no doubt that you are becoming part of this family, or at least to some of the boys already. There is one person who will never accept me, Ada said sadly. You mean Lucas? Dirge asked with a cock of his head. Aye, Ada said softly. Believe it or not, Dirge started. Lucas is a very lonely person on the inside. That is kind of hard to believe, Ada said carelessly. For one thing, Lucas was not joking when he told Flaine that he wanted ten children of his own blood, Dirge said. Ada listened carefully. Lucas actually wants to have children a familyinwardly. Dirge paused and shook his head. He is a free soul however and he will never admit to such thoughts. Also, his hatred for most women has blinded his common sense as well. Lucas is quite stubborn. I have noticed that, Ada said with a roll of her eyes. I want to help Lucas, Dirge said. I believe you are taking the right steps in helping him change his views on certain issues. Is that why you have been supporting me? Ada asked with a timid smile. You can say that, Dirge said with a shrug. That is why I must thank you for yesterday, Ada said suddenly. Dirge lifted a brow in curiosity. You knew that I wanted peace and quiet and you spoke in such a way as to help me achieve that goal. Thank you for helping me through my shaky emotions toward Lucass absence yesterday. Like I said before, Dirge said. I only help you because I want to help Lucas.

I know, but I want to thank you anyway, Ada said cheerfully, standing up and taking a few steps toward him when a rat ran by and caused Ada to lose balance. Dirge watched in horror as Ada stumbled into a chair and almost knocked herself down with it if it werent for Dirge who quickly grabbed a hold of her arm and tugged her into his chest. After his rescue, Ada peered up gratefully at Dirge who simply petted her on the head with a teasing look in his eyes. Thank me by taking better care of yourself first, Dirge said, almost ordering her. Ada laughed. I am so sorry. Dirge shook his head, amused. Its the rats fault, not yours. Speaking of rats, I think this room could do some organizing and cleaning, Ada said with a rub of her chin. I cannot stand to see a room this untidy. Figures that a woman will say that, Dirge said, amused. What do you mean by that? Ada demanded. Women will never get over something like this. I and the boys are simply used to it, Dirge retorted. I dont care anymore. I get used to just about anything around here, even dirty, untidy rooms. I cannot stand it, Ada muttered. It was then that she noticed that Dirges arms were still wrapped around her waist and her arm. Reddening, Ada detached herself from him and said quickly, I want to check the galley and the dining room. Take a left on your way out then, Dirge answered, returning to his notes. And just to let you know, I think you are well on your way to becoming part of this family. Thank you, Dirge, Ada smiled. That means a lot to me. I have work to do, lady, Dirge interrupted. Please do not bother me anymore. I have bothered you enough, Ada decided. I will go to the kitchen then. Dirge nodded to indicate him hearing her before Ada left the hold with a somewhat pleasant smile on her face. Although most of the boys were used to the messy atmosphere of the ship, Ada could count on two certain individuals in the kitchen to tell her that she was right regarding the need for tidiness and cleanliness. With that thought in mind, Ada headed for the kitchen by entering the dining room first. And exactly like she had expected, the minute she walked in the dining room, it was spotless. Stopping, Ada observed the settings around her and noticed five different males running back and forth from the dining room to the galley through the wardroom. The wardroom was quite a busy place this early in the morning, Ada assumed. Some of the males carried trays of hot soup while others carried furniture. Dodging a couple of them, Ada proceeded through the wardroom and to the galley where the food was prepared and stored.

Entering the galley, Ada smiled pleasantly to see the blue-haired pirate himself at work through multiple dishes at once. The messy blonde-haired male was by his side in a white cooking uniform, cutting vegetables and meat. Ada stopped by the door as Flaine flipped some pancakes with his skillful hands and Cal emptied his beautifully cut vegetables in a bowl. Flaine and Cal switched places a second later. Cal emptied the pancakes and other dishes into bowls and plates while Flaine took the cut pieces Cal did and started cooking them as well. Ada could only assume that Flaine and Cal cooked together often by how precise their movements were to one another. You know, milady, you can sit down over there, Flaine said through the corners of his lips as he watched the steamed vegetables. Ada giggled to herself as she walked pass the meals on the counter and sat down where Flaine indicated. Checking the food ahead of time, eh milady? Flaine asked, picking up his head and smiling at her. Oh! Cal turned his head around and noticed Ada for the first time. Hello Miss! Cal, you are back to your old self, Ada noticed with a smirk on her face. Oh yes! I had a good nights rest I did! Cal said happily. Cal is very emotional, milady, Flaine spoke in the younger males place. Cal is usually the saddest or the happiest of us all. I love the kid. Hes so useful in the kitchen. He should be my apprentice. Flaine, youre jesting again, Cal laughed. Nay, Cal, Flaine shook his head. You are an exceptional apprentice. Ill never be as good as ya! Cal said with a wink. You never know, Flaine smiled. Ada beamed from her seat. I see that even when you two are working, the galley is spotless unlike the rest of the ship. The dining room, the galley, and the scullery are my favorite parts of the ship so I make sure they are clean at all times, Flaine answered. You will make a good husband someday, Ada commented. Flaine reddened and laughed. Who knows? I think so, Ada added quickly. I never thought about it actually, Flaine said as he finally finished cooking the vegetables and emptied them by the dishes Cal already made. I never thought about leaving Lucas or the ship ever. I am quite happy with the rest of the boys I am. Typical answer from you, Flaine, Ada said in a teasing voice. Ada shifted her attention to Cal. How about you, Cal? I want to have kids, Cal admitted. But probably not. Why not? Ada asked curiously. Im not good with girls, Cal said, shaking his head. How can you say such a thing? Ada asked incredulously. Cal picked up the kitchen utensils and placed them neatly on each plate before he continued with a sigh, Im just too young and immature.

You will mature in no time, Ada provided. You are a growing boy after all. The milady is right, Cal, Flaine added his own impute. You will get your own share of girls in no time. Probably by then, Lucas has already found a wife of his own and wouldnt criticize you finding yours. Flaine glanced at Ada with a smirk on his face, which only Cal caught. Cal smiled pleasantly. Maybe. Hopefully, I will find a good lass. I bet you will, Ada said. And you know Flaine smiled, placed the last few dishes and bowls on a few last trays, and wrapped an arm around Cals shoulder. You can always ask for women help. Lucas is quite a sweet-talker. Flaine! Ada cried in surprise. Flaine laughed. Cal, you should not listen to him or Lucas. They are best friends and do not know better. Ada approached Cal and said in an affectionate voice. You can always ask for my help. I am a woman right? Or even better, you can ask Beau or Alvin. They are both better candidates than Lucas. Thats what you think, milady, Flaine said, smirking. I think correct, Flaine, Ada retorted. In every town, I admit that Beau and Alvin have more success with courting a woman and keeping in touch with the woman but Lucas is the real man who can fulfill womens fantasies. Flaine said. How can you say that with a straight face? Ada laughed. Thats because Flaine knows Lucas too well, Cal answered with a joking manner. He knows it first hand. Flaine flushed. Cal, dont provide the milady with false information! Ada smiled. What is this first hand Cal is telling me about, Flaine? I lost to Lucas before in a contest, thats all, Flaine answered with a shake of his head. He found more girls in one night than me in three. Lucas is an expert in this department, believe me. Of course, Cal smiled. You lost and had to wear a maids outfit for a day. Thats private information, Cal! Flaine glared. Ada giggled. I want to see you in a maids outfit. I look so awful in a maids outfit, Flaine shook his head. With my muscular physique, I looked hideous in it. I bet someone small and thin like Niels or Cal Flaines eyes flashed up at the idea. Even better, if Russ wears it, I bet he will look much better than I. Im just happy if I ever see Russ wears any clothes his own size, Cal admitted. I think Russ is good the way he is, Ada said quickly. I thought you detest his dirtiness, Flaine said with a cocked head. I used to, Ada said, reddening. But I find it cute now. Is dirtiness consider cute to girls now? Cal asked incredulously. No! Ada cried despite herself. It is only cute for Russ. Oh, Cal said disappointed. Well, I guess I like Russ the way he is too.

I still want to see Russ be clean though, Flaine said with a sigh. Every time I see him, I want to kill myself. Ada and Cal laughed at the comment. The five men earlier ran back in the kitchen, carried the ready trays of dishes, and left the room without another thought. Ada went over to help Cal and Flaine cleaned up the pots and pans, knives and forks, and other equipment used to cook the meals. Since Ada grew up as a princess, she did not know how to pick up knives and accidentally cut herself. Half-expecting Flaine to pick her up and carry her to the scullery to wash herself, Ada gasped in surprise when she met Dan Lights blue crystallize eyes up at her as he sucked the blood from her finger. Where did you come from Dan? Ada asked, too surprised to say anything else. I was in the scullery with Lott, Dan Light answered with her finger in his lips. You should stop, Dan, Ada stuttered as redness crept into her cheeks. You are making me blush, Dan. Dan Light released her finger from his lips and looked up at her with a blank expression on his face. I displease you somehow milady? I just did not expect you to be so Ada glanced to the side. Gallant? Flaine provided. I guess so, Ada nodded. Dan Light blinked twice. Am I not behaving somehow? No, it is nothing, Dan, Ada said quickly, trying hard not to confuse him. Then, Ada noticed the pearl white clothes Dan was wearing on this particular morning. On his chest, there was a red cross sewn on his white clothes. Dan Light wore the symbol of Goddess Alika, the perfect S, around his neck. Other than that, he wore translucent white gloves and white boots. If Dan Light could get any lighter than he already was, it was right now. Sunny, are you supposed to wear your healers uniform in the scullery? Cal asked, jerking a brow. I dont know, Dan Light shrugged. I just wanted to help thats all. Nay, you just want food, Light, Flaine sighed. That too, Dan Light smiled brightly. You probably came in here, looking for food huh? Cal asked suspiciously. Food is good for me, Dan Light stated. Im hungry. What if someone is injured and needs you right now? Flaine demanded. Dan Light blinked. Really? Someone needs me right now? Nay, I mean hypothetically Then, its all good, Dan Light interrupted. Plus, the milady needs me just moments ago so I think Im doing my job quite well, Flaine. Youre impossible, Flaine sighed.

Oh! Ada said in realization. Is that why you came to my rescue earlier? Dan, are you a doctor? Dan Light took her hand in his and inspected her finger with a critical eye. The cut isnt too deep. I am sure if you wash it with clean water and soap, it will heal by itself. There is nothing life-threatening about it. If it starts bleeding again, inform me immediately. And yes, I am the doctor on this ship. More accurately, Im a healer more than a doctor since I dont do surgery quite well yet. Dan Light said all of that in a more serious tone than usual. Ada turned her head toward Flaine in surprise. Flaine laughed at the expression on her face. I know what you mean, milady. Its hard to see Light as a doctor or healer but he is. He might not be too serious about anything, but he is toward his work. Just like Kei and Sherman, Ada noticed. Aye, Flaine nodded. Everyone do their job quite well. Flaine, I need to inspect your back, Dan Light demanded. You fainted yesterday after the lashing. I need to make sure your skin has fully healed over night. It is quite all right, Flaine protested. I am the doctor here, Dan Light said coldly. Ada stared at Dan Light in shock. How could a male who minutes ago was asking for food in a helpless, whiny voice suddenly started acting so responsible in a serious tones? Now, remove your shirt and obey the doctor or else, I will tell Lucas about it. Aye sir, Flaine submitted. Milady, may I show you the scullery? Cal offered, tugging Adas hand. Ada barely caught sight of Flaine taking off his shirt and revealing whip marks on his back when she finally stuttered an answer, That is a good idea right now. Cal grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her out of the gallery and into the smaller room called the scullery. The scullery was where all the equipment, pounds of meet, and dishes were at. Inside, Ada nodded at the sight of Lott, the oversized giant with his big belly and strong arms. Lott was busy storing equipment in the cabinets to bother much with Cal and Ada. Ada watched the enormous man with a skeptical eye before she arrived at the dishwasher. On the counter around the dishwasher and faucet, Ada giggled at the smiley faces made of foam. That was probably Sunny, Cal explained, noticing the smiley faces as well. He is such a happy person, Ada said. Sunny is interesting all right, Cal said. He slacks off and fools around a lot but hes a good guy overall. He always makes me happy when Im down! He speaks nonsense but everyone forgives him for it. Nothing he does really surprises us anymore. We just take him as he comes.

I just think that if everyone is like Dan taking everything so easy and not as seriously the world might not be as complicated as it is Ada said, more to herself than to Cal. The world might be a happier place. Thats a scary thought, Cal laughed. Then where would serious people like Dirge and Alvin go? Somewhere else, Ada said in a teasing voice. Lott, are you almost done? Cal asked, skipping over to the large male. Aye, Lott answered. I think Dirge needs someone to carry some cargo over to the storage room, Cal said. At least, thats what Flaine told me earlier. Understood, Lott said. Wait Lott! Ada cried, stopping Lott from leaving the scullery. What is your job on board this ship? I see you work everywhere. Cargo loader, Lott answered. Oh, so you basically carry heavy equipment? Ada asked. Aye, Lott said. You do have the muscles to do such a laborious job, Ada commented. No laborious at all, Lott said. Lucas asks. Lott listens and obeys. Ada blinked. So you obey Lucas too? Lott obeys Lucas, Lott said with a nod. Job is fun. Fun? You call carrying cargo fun? Ada asked in surprise. Not hard for Lott. Lott likes job. Lott said. What are you trying to do, milady? Cal asked, coming up to her from behind. Ada almost jumped three feet in the air. Start a mutiny? Of course not, Ada said shakily. Lott likes milady, Lott defended the girl. Milady is honest. Ada smiled at the towering man. Thanks Lott. Ada turned to Cal. See? It sounds like it, Cal said with a playful smirk. You are asking the boys if they like their job or not. It sounds like you want them to join you and overthrow Lucas. I want to overthrow Lucas, Ada retorted. But not by starting a rebellion. Cal laughed. I see your relationship with Lucas has not changed one bit. What is that supposed to mean, Cal? Ada asked, angry. Milady and Captain fight a lot, Lott pointed out. I know, Cal said with a suspicious look on his face. They never get along. Where is the Captain anyway? Ada asked, changing the subject. Lott not know, Lott said. Ask Flaine, Cal offered. Finding Cals suggestion reasonable, Ada left the scullery after she washed the counter full of smiley faces. Outside, she spotted Flaine and Dan

Light in the corner. Flaine was laying on his stomach on top of three chairs while Dan Light sat on his behind and rubbed different types of ointment on the multiple scars. Ada approached the two male cautiously, trying hard not to look at the red marks. Breakfast is almost ready, milady, Flaine announced with a smile. Are you all right, Flaine? Ada asked, worried. Im quite good, Flaine admitted. Light is offering to give me a massage. That is sweet of him, Ada said as she flashed Dan Light a smile. He needs one to help him with his health, Dan Light announced. I hope you feel better, Flaine, Ada said pleasantly. Did you check up on the Captain yet, Light? Flaine asked Dan Light. Nay, I havent, Dan Light admitted. The Captain doesnt like to be disturbed early in the morning. You know how much he is of a night owl, not a morning rooster. He hasnt had breakfast either, Flaine said with a frown. I want to speak to the Captain, Ada said suddenly. I will be more than happy to bring him his breakfast too. Would you? Thank you very much, milady, Flaine said pleasantly. His breakfast is in the dining room. Its the one with the largest bowl of soup and the smallest plate of pancakes. You are quite welcome, Ada said, picking herself up to leave when Dan Light took a hold of her arm. Something you need, Dan? You need a checkup too, milady, Dan Light said softly. For what? Ada asked, eyes widening. I need to check you for any sign of pregnancy, Dan Light said in a straightforward face. Ada blushed. But I Every woman Lucas has been with goes through the same checkup, Dan Light said. Ada gave him a stunned look. Flaine noticed her distress and quickly shook his head at Dan Light. However, the blonde-male showed no indication he caught the signal and continued on, Its for safety measures. You understand dont you Miss? Ada thought about the situation to herself. If she were to tell Dan Light she was still a virgin, then her charge against Lucas would be dropped and she would lack any protection to find the pendants. However, if she were to go through with this checkup, Dan Light would find out she was a virgin anyway. How did she not think of this before? Is that really necessary? Flaine interrupted. I have done this with every other woman Lucas has slept with in the past, Dan Light said. My checkups are very accurate. If you find me pregnant Ada started with a pale face. What will you do? Of course I will report it to Lucas and he will tell me what to do, Dan Light said. If he thinks the baby should be exterminated, Dan Light said,

making Ada cringe at the word. He will give me the word. Otherwise, he will take other measures. I thought the Captain was reckless, Ada couldnt help saying to herself. Then, out loud, Ada said, Did the Captain tell you to do this? Ada could not help but think that Lucas is trying to get her back for what she had done to him. Nay, I am supposed to do it every time without fail. I do not need his consent. Dan Light said. But I have only been here for a few days! Ada protested. There is no way you can tell if I am pregnant or not. My checkup will be within a month, Dan Light said. With my inner Light Magic and healing abilities, I should be able to tell within a months time. So soon Ada muttered. Is something the matter, milady? Dan Light asked. Nothing at all, Ada tried to smile. I will be on my way then. Good luck with Lucas, Flaine called after her. He should be in his grand cabin. Much to be expected, Ada mumbled. That lazy ass of a captain With much hesitation and regret, Ada hastily picked up Lucass tray and walked toward his cabin. ************************ Knocking on the door to the grand cabin where Lucas stayed at, Ada received no movement or answer. Sighing, Ada never would have thought the Captain of the ship would sleep in so late. Still, with some doubts, Ada opened the door ajar and stepped in quietly, in case Lucas was asleep on his bed. With wide eyes, Ada caught the raven-haired male sitting in a red chair with his legs on top of the table and his face covered by an upside-down book. Ada placed the tray on the chair nearby. Clearly upset, Ada shrieked, What in Goddess Alikas name are you doing? Lucas removed the book from his face with a bored expression on his face. I knew none of my men would disturb me this early in the morning so its only you. Stop acting like you are the boss of everything! Ada blurted. I am the boss of everything, Lucas said with a lift of his brow. I am the leader of the group. I am the Captain of the ship. I am the most talented. Any questions? You should check your huge ego one of these days, Ada muttered, irritated. My ego and I are perfectly happy the way we are, Lucas said in reply. Now, tell me why I have the good fortune to see you this early in the morning? It is not early, Ada retorted. It is nearly ten in the morning. Thats early, Lucas stated. No, that is late, Ada said clearly.

Until I get breakfast, it is still early, Lucas said in a know-it-all tone. What do you think you are doing in your bedroom when all your men are working outside and getting ready to depart the ship? Ada asked sternly. As you can see, Lucas shook the book above his head. I am reading. Let me rephrase that, Ada said, trying hard to cool down her temper. What else are you doing beside reading your book in order to help your ship? Nothing, Lucas said with a shrug. I am busy reading. Now if you excuse me Lucas was about to return to his reading when Ada went up to him and placed a hand in the middle of the pages. Now, you are just being rude. Lucas said. Have you taken a good look at the men outside? Ada asked curiously. They are working in order to depart this ship with goods you merchants bought. While they are doing all the work outside, what are you supposed to be doing, Captain? My duty is to sit here and read, got it, Miss Zhou? Lucas asked arrogantly. Do you not have some kind of responsibility of some sort? Ada asked with wide eyes. For example, cleaning the deck like Russ or cooking like Flaine? Is it not the Captain who has to supervise and handle some of the work on the ship too? Is it not a rule that the Captain has to work off his fair share of the work as well? Im the Captain here and I never made a stupid rule like that, Lucas said with a lift of his brow. If you excuse me Again, Ada refused to comply and instead, took the book away from him completely. That is not your property. Well, technically, it is, Ada said as she looked at the book curiously. I own you, so technically, I own this book this ship this room everything else. You keep shoving that fact in my face, dont you? Lucas asked, irked. And what is it with you trying to fight at me at every opportunity? Ada asked. You are the one who walked into my bedroom. You are the one who bossed me around. And you are the one who took away my book. Yet, youre saying I am trying to start a fight with you? Lucas asked with his major emphasize on himself and her. Ada rolled her eyes. You are making up excuses for not helping your men and doing nothing in this room! I told you a million times! Lucas growled, snatching his book back. I am not doing nothing. I am reading. I am reading a damn book, woman! Who are you trying to fool? Ada asked, jerking a chin at the book. The book has been held upside down! You have not been reading at all, have you?

For your information, first, I happen to like this book a lot, Lucas said, returning his eyes to the pages. And second of all, I read upside down. You happy now? You read upside down, Ada stated with a lift of her brow. I read and write upside down, Lucas said. Is something wrong with that? Are you actually trying to convince me of this nonsense? Ada asked. Believe it or not, I am a very weird person who does a lot of weird things okay? Reading upside down is just one of them. Now, leave me be. Lucas said. I am not going to stop bothering you until you show more effort, Ada stated. I noticed that and its getting really annoying, Lucas said. Good, now you should go out there and help, Ada demanded. I refuse to obey a woman, Lucas said, sticking his head deeper into the book. Besides, I am reading a very exciting scene right now. Ada glanced at the title and tried to read backwards when she gasped in surprise, You read the Fangs of the Heart series? Lucas lifted a skeptical eye up at her. Is there something wrong with me reading a book about pirates, treasure, mermaids, and other beauties of the world? I love that series, Ada gasped, kneeling down now so she could read the title more closely with sparkling eyes. You have the seventh book in the series already? I stole the seventh book from the massive printing company before it even published it. It should be coming out next month. Lucas said with some satisfaction on his lips. Amazed, milady? I only read up to the sixth book, Ada whined. Im surprised you even read books like these, Lucas said, almost teasingly. I assure you that my parents would never allow me to have such books in my private library at home, Ada said with a stern voice. However, she returned to her lighter tone. I snuck out from the Palace many times though to read series like these. Lucas chuckled. I cannot believe a lady like yourself would be interested in a romantic story full of attractive women, knights, and pirates. Speak for yourself, Ada blurted. This book aims at a female audience by making it romantic and exciting. Why would someone like you read a book like this? What can I say? Lucas shrugged. Im a hopeless romantic. I do not see it, Ada stated. Lucas gave another one of his ridiculous laugh. Ada glared at him. Just because I am not romantic to you doesnt mean I am not romantic at all, Lucas smirked. How do you think I find girls all over the place to rape? I charm them first. More like seduce them first, Ada said through the corner of her lips.

Like how Captain Luthando seduces the main heroine Adelie into thinking he is a simple sea captain when he is really a pirate in disguise? Lucas asked, amused. So you have read the first six books! Ada cried, quite surprised. It gets better, Lucas said with a smirk. Adelie denies the Captains claim to be the father of her child, only to have it backfire when she finds out that Sir Rance no longer loves her and seeks someone else instead. Poor Adelie. She suffers for trying to defy the Captain now she is homeless and loveless. Lucas laughed. I am not that far yet! Ada covered her ears. I dislike spoilers. Ill happily lend you the book after Im done, Lucas offered. I want to see your reaction at the explicitly written rape scene since you now know about a man and a woman after the court ruling and everything. You are making fun of me, Ada pouted. But yes, I would like to borrow the book after you are done with it. Hopefully, after the last book comes out, that rebellious Adelie will finally see her ways and come crawling back to the Captain. Lucas said happily. Never! Ada shot up from her feet. Lucas smirked at her reaction. Why would Adelie ever find interest and submit to that hated Captain who has lied, cheated, and hurt her countless times in the past? It is common sense that Sir Rance, who is loyal and sweet to her all these years, will be the victor in the end. And you call yourself a woman? Lucas laughed. Adelie, like all women in real life, finds no interest in men who are submissive and sweet to them. Those men are no good. All women, especially Adelie, like the bastard who will rip their heart into shreds but who can win them back easily with sweet words every time. Are you suggesting that Adelie will even give a second thought to that horrible Captain Luthando? Ada asked, almost angry now. And I cannot believe you are suggesting that Adelie will like a weakling like Sir Rance who is nothing but a gentleman and a submissive servant. Lucas said. Adelie will never choose someone who will hurt her! Ada cried. And I believe Adelie will never choose someone who is that bland, Lucas said. I still stick with my opinion, Ada said at last, glaring at him still. I bet after reading the seventh book, youll change your mind in no time, Lucas said confidently with a teasing smile playing on his lips. I bet I wont, Ada said curtly. Lets see whos right then, Lucas said daringly. Okay then! Ada blurted. Before Ada realized it, she found herself outside of the grand cabin and blinked at the bright blue sky above. That stupid Captain! How dare he tricked me like that! However, Ada felt that if she were to enter the cabin one more time, it would give Lucas a reason to say she was coming back for

more. Grumbling to herself, Ada decided to take the opposite direction. That Lucas and Sophie on this bright morning when they can be doing something else, they decide to sit in their rooms and read. Ada shook her head. They should get together. They are perfect for one another. With that thought in mind, Ada went back to her room to find Sophie still reading intensely with the same book she had earlier this morning. A bit irritated, Ada picked up a dustpan and a broom before she walked over to Sophie, urging the girl to read somewhere else while she started cleaning up the entire room. Miss Zhou, are you sure someone of your status should be doing housework? Sophie asked with a lift of her brows as she held her book against her side. I might never have done it before, Ada admitted. But I will learn how! Are you in need of assistance? Sophie asked. If you want to assist me, you can help by heading to the grand cabin where the Captain is and read there, Ada said curtly. You can keep him company while I change this ship around. What are you planning to do, Miss Zhou? Sophie asked curiously. I am planning to have this whole ship washed, Ada stated. You have not seen the deck, the engine room, or the pilot house. I cannot believe these boys can live in such an unclean environment. It must be hazardous to the health somehow. What did they say to this plan? Sophie continued to ask. I have not told them of this plan yet, Ada said. I am planning to announce it to them right after. They might be able to survive under such filth but not for two ladies such as ourselves. Now that they have women on board, they must change this environment so that it is suitable for ladies, not just men. I approve of this as well, Sophie said with a nod. I cannot believe all these boys are used to this Ada shook her head. With the exception of the kitchen and dining room, everywhere else is in terrible conditions. I will make sure this ship is sparkling clean before it departs to sea. I agree wholeheartedly, Sophie nodded. I will go distract the Captain then. Thank you, Sophie, Ada nodded. It is good to have a lady like you around. No problem at all, Miss Zhou, Sophie said, leaving and closing the door behind her with the book still in her possession. The purple-haired officer walked across the messy deck and toward the grand cabin before she nodded and waited for an answer. The door swung open to reveal the Captain with an annoyed look on his face. When he saw her instead of the person he was expecting, his expression changed to one of curiosity.

Standing against the door, Lucas leaned on it and said smoothly, What a pleasure to have your company this fair morning, Miss OHaggins. Hello Captain, Sophie nodded. I have been kicked out of my room out of unfair means. May I reside in your place for some quiet reading? Did the milady kick you out? Lucas asked, interested. Yes, Captain, Sophie nodded. She had some business to attend. That ridiculous woman, Lucas muttered to himself before he turned his attention to Sophie. I have no problem with you reading in my room. It is a bit messy though, I have to say so myself. I just need somewhere to read, Sophie stated clearly. I understand, Lucas said. But before I can allow you to enter, I need to ask you a simple question first, Miss OHaggins. And what can that be, Captain? Sophie asked as if interested. What type of books do you read? Lucas asked, eyeing the book in her hand. I read historical fiction, Captain, Sophie answered. And you? I read romance, fantasy, or anything that has a lot of action and romance, Lucas answered, shrugging. I did not expect that from you, Captain, Sophie said. To me, you seem more like the realistic type, unlike Miss Zhou. I am the realistic type, Lucas defended. But I do not like to read realism in books. That is much too boring for my taste. Sophie walked pass Lucas and into his room before she said, I always look for realism in books. I do not like inaccuracies or unrealistic things happening in books. Lucas glanced at the girl who had made herself comfortable at the seat by the door. Luckily, Lucas had already ate his breakfast and left the tray in the washroom or else, Sophie would be sitting on it right now. For some reason, Lucas felt like Sophie insulted him by stating her distaste in his types of books. However, after observing Sophies serious face, Lucas concluded that she was probably stating the hard-cold truth of her opinion on books, without thinking about his feelings or taste. Sometimes, Miss OHaggins, you need to live life a little, Lucas said with a smug look on his face. Sophie lifted her eyes in surprise. Go over the edge a bit. No thank you, Sophie said, shaking her head. I prefer staying on the cliff. Quite a loyal officer, arent you? Lucas smiled. I am a top-rank officer because I follow the rules and only the rules in the book, Captain, Sophie said coldly, looking up. I do not see the significance in defying such laws set up by a government that tries to protect its people. More like a tyrant government that chokes its people, Lucas blurted. Sophie shot up to her feet out of anger. You are entitled to your own opinion, Captain, but I beg you not to say such treason about my government in front of me.

Lucas merely chuckled and sat down in his seat. Then I will keep my lips seal. Thank you, Sophie said, sitting down once more. Someone seriously need to stay away from books and smell the fresh air now and again, Lucas muttered under his breath. Lucas admired Sophies feminine form by the door. The pretty girls are always the scariest ones. It is a shame I only have taste for pretty girls. Poor me. Lucas returned his attention to his book once more. Opening the door to the dining room, Ada waited for the boys who were eating their breakfast to move their heads over in her direction. After gaining their full attention, Ada took a deep breath before she made her announcement to the thirty or more boys in the room, eating away their breakfast. Before this ship can depart, I want every room, every area, every deck, and every other wooden part of this ship to be spotless and clean, Ada announced loud and clear. Cal looked back at his food, managed to gobble down another pancake, and returned his head in Adas direction as if he never moved at all. Ada sighed. I am being dead serious here. I am a lady. Sophie is a lady. You boys might have managed to live in this filthy environment fine, but not for ladies such as ourselves. You must change your messy habits from this day forward and keep this ship sparkling clean from now on. Now that you have ladies on board, all of you have to make changes from now on. Finally, Flaine said, bursting into tears. Someone who understands! I aint gonna be clean! Kei blurted. Aye to that! Sherman said, supporting his friend. What is the problem with the ways things are now? Dan Light asked, cocking his head. I like the ship the way it is. You mean you like the ship muddy and stinky? Ada asked. Dan Light frowned. I forgot what my previous argument was now. Good, Ada said with a smile on her face. After breakfast, everyone must pick an area to work on and start scrubbing! Hooray! Flaine cried, ready to run for the galley when Dirge held him back by the back of his neckline. What is the matter, Dirge? Flaine asked curiously. What does the Captain say about this? Dirge asked grumpily. The Captain will be informed after we are done, Ada said. Then I cannot comply, Dirge said in a stern voice. You will or else the Captain gets it, Ada said harshly, holding up the document up at the boys. Any of you dare to disobey me will have to see your Captain punished. She is abusing her powers as Queen of the Pirates, Kei whined. Damn her, Dirge said through gritted teeth. I see that everyone is agreeing to me plan. Any questions? Ada asked quickly.

Just then, the door swung open to reveal Alvin who returned to the ship only to find pale faces on all his friends and crewmembers. Did someone die or something? No, except Mister Filth, Beau answered. Ada gave a triumph smile.

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