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: Saadi


Date & Place of birth : 13/05/1996 Algeria

Study : Hydraulics engineering at E.N.S.H

E-mail :

Topic : My favorit exemple of engineering

As hydraulic engineering Student hydraulic engineering is the study of fluid mechanics and its
properties, the fluid mechanics is fondamental science which include the hydraulic theorics.

The hydraulic engineer is the person whi is charged to calculate and transform also to regenerate the
utilisation of liquids in the best way includinding liquids pressions.

The education of hydraulics cover all tasks related to liquids flow and dams structures To the
microfluids and pomps.

The study of hydraulic in free surfaces which include my branch of study is the calculation of water
flow intensity whicj mean I have to give the write amount of water from the alimentary area to the
final station to avoid all circonstances may return with negativ results on the surface such as flooding
which include rivers tu tubes and dams.

Hope that my answer was sufficient enough to answer your question.

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