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Computing: Set of technical knowledge that deals with the automatic processing
of information by means of computers.

2.Computer: is an electronic machine that can store and deal with large amounts
of information.

3.Scrun: is a framework for agile software development that has spread to other

4.Keyboard: It is an input device, partly inspired by the keyboard of typewriters.

5.Mouse: It is a small, movable device that lets you control a range of things on a

6.Printer: is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and
transfers the information to paper.

7.Mother board: It is a printed circuit board to which the components that make
up the computer are connected.

8.Hard drive: It is a permanent data storage device.

9.Software: Set of programs and routines that allow the computer to perform
certain tasks.

10.Hardware: Set of physical or material elements that constitute a computer or a

computer system.
11. Ram: computer's main memory, where programs and data reside.

12. Sink: data collector. Device or piece of equipment capable of receiving data
and storing it until its use.

13.Scanner: is a device that allows images or text to be recognized by digitizing

and translating them so that they can be processed, stored.

14. Floppy: It is a data storage support formed by a circular piece made of a

magnetic material.

15. Touch pad: touch panel that allows you to control a cursor or facilitate
navigation through a menu.

16.Headphones: are a pair of padded speakers that are placed over the ears to
listen to the radio or recorded music.

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