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Aulia Yasmin Tuhfatul Ula


2A – English Department

Good Reasons Why You Should Choose Being a Vegan

Vegan is a principle to exclude the exploitation of and cruelty to animal life for human needs. Being
vegan is not only cutting out meat and dairy products from your diet but also avoiding all animal-
derived product consumption. Choosing to be vegan can also mean of lifestyle changes. Living a
vegan lifestyle means abstaining, as far as possible and practical, from anything that requires the
exploitation of another living being. There are several good reasons why you should choose being a

The first cause is countering climate change. Animal agriculture is a major part of the climate
problem. It produces a lot of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change. Besides being a
huge source of emissions, animal agriculture further worsens climate change as massive areas of
forests are cleared to provide land for grazing and animal feed crops. Choosing veganism offers the
greatest potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse emissions might be
decreased by 35% by replacing half of all animal-based meals with vegan diets.

The second cause is providing more health benefits. Research has shown that vegan diet can help do
the following; provide weight loss, reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels,
lower your chances of getting cancer, and manage diabetes. It also tends to provide more fiber and
antioxidants. Vegetables also appear to be richer in potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamins A, C, and
E. Yet, not all vegan diets are created equal. That’s why you should consider supplements for
nutrients such as vitamins B12 and D, zinc, and calcium, since these may be lacking in a vegan diet.

The last cause is to alleviate world hunger. With less demand for meat, more soil and water are
available to be allocated to environmentally friendly production of plant-based food. Plant-based
food is more sustainable and more equitable than diets heavy in meat and dairy. The widespread
adoption of a vegan diet would have enormous positive implications for the globe, freeing up large
quantities of land and producing more food with fewer resources.

Vegan, as a way of living, is applicable to many aspects of our lives, including medicine, cosmetics,
fashion, and even entertainment. Nowadays, with the rise in development and demand, more vegan
products are available. It opens the opportunity for people to be creative while providing
environmentally safe and sustainable options for us.

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