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Integrated strategic framework of HUL

According to the above study and perception of HUL. Hindustan Unilever Limited has a
highly qualified and efficient sales team. Since the sales force is the primary point of
communication between the company and the consumer, it is crucial for the salesforce to
create value in the eyes of the customer in order to attract and maintain customers.
Reporting required to be done by sales force:
As mentioned in the sales structure we have divided the force in three categories regional,
state and national levels.
For reporting there will be three stages too:
1. Territory Level: It will include Sales reps reporting about their daily visits, sales made
by them, sales number and revenue collected by them in a written doc sent via emails/
notified by text chain to their superior daily. They also need to handle the distribution
channels handled by them in the reporting. Territory sales officers will report to sales officers
which will in turn report to area sales managers/ Branch Head. Regular meeting is to be
conducted by the branch head for the area sales manager by the end of every week to discuss
next week’s agenda.
2. Regional Level: In this level, there will be monthly reporting done by Branch head to
the state head and regional head about the sales numbers, sales distribution and profit made
by each branch. Monthly meetings will be held among these in same manner
3. National Level: In this level, regional heads will report to national heads. This will be
divided into two categories: refrigerators and washing machines sales department. Regional
heads have to report monthly sales to the national level and meetings will be held on a
quarterly basis. Also the national heads for both categories will have to report to the vice
president for sales and marketing with their sales numbers and profit margins done on a
monthly basis.

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