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Chris Jobert R.


1. Come up with your personal definition of GRIT ( using the acronym--- per letter). 
How  did  GRIT personally influence you in the following aspects: as a
a. Student
b. son/daughter
c. citizen

A. As a student, being a goodhearted and reliable person does really help in making friends and
overall getting along with everyone in school which will help for both sides since we will always be
there to help each other when things get hard. School life will often get scary and overwhelming quite
often so being intrepid and tenacious is something I need because without these 2 the problems of
school life will run over me and I won’t be able to do much about it.

B. As a son I need to be a goodhearted and reliable person to my family all the time since they are
some of the closest or even the closest people in your life so you need to reciprocate all the love and
care they give you. Being intrepid and tenacious as well is important because there will be problems
that will arise that you as a family will deal with like a big argument, bills and such, so it’s important to
face these problems and keep going no matter how hard or scary it may me.

C. As a citizen, it’s important to be goodhearted and reliable person to your fellow citizens to get
along with even though you are complete strangers, be kind to them like when they ask for directions
or ask to help them. Showing kinds can go a long way. Of course you need to be intrepid and
tenacious for the same reasons as letter A and B
Chris Jobert R. Almacen

2. What makes you grittier? Share some relevant  examples.

What makes me gritter in terms of being a goodhearted and reliable person is seeing how happy it
can make someone feel, and with my belief system I want to spread that kindness towards other
people and that kindness will keep going on a never ending cycle. I still remember that one where I
helped a complete stranger carry some heavy boxes, and that smile and thank you he gave me felt so
good that it’s the main reason why I want keep being a goodhearted and reliable person. What makes
me more intrepid and tenacious is constantly reminding myself how far I have come and knowing that
things won’t last forever, I do this because we constantly forget on how far we have come in our
journey so taking time so look back and reflect really helps. While understanding that things don’t last
forever even though it’s often used to say that good things don’t last forever even bad things don’t
last forever which is something that my philosophy teacher taught me back then and was stuck with
me all this time. Having that realization really helps be become more gritter because it is true, all of
our problems end eventually even those that seem that it won’t. Like with how I’ve used to think that
I would have depression for the rest of life but now I’m really happy with my life, so remembering
things that like always helps me be more gritter.

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