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Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Blue Sapphire is one of the most precious and sought-after gemstones in the world,
known for its deep blue color and its association with royalty and wisdom. It is a variety
of the mineral corundum, which also includes the red ruby, and is considered to be one
of the four "precious gemstones" along with diamond, emerald, and ruby.

Blue Sapphire is renowned for its brilliant color, which is usually a rich, velvety blue hue
that is often described as "cornflower blue." However, it can also range in color from
light to dark blue, and can even have secondary colors of violet, green, or gray. The
intensity of the color is determined by a combination of factors including the amount of
iron and titanium present in the crystal structure, the clarity of the gemstone, and the
lighting conditions under which it is viewed.

The most valuable Blue Sapphires are those that have a deep, vivid blue color, with a
high level of transparency and minimal inclusions or flaws. These gems are rare and
highly prized, and are typically found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and East Africa. Other
significant sources of Blue Sapphire include Myanmar, Australia, Thailand, and the
United States.

One of the most notable features of Blue Sapphire is its association with royalty and
wisdom. Throughout history, Blue Sapphire has been used to adorn the crowns and
jewelry of kings and queens, and has been regarded as a symbol of power and
authority. In ancient times, it was believed that Blue Sapphire had the power to protect
the wearer from harm, and to bring them wealth and prosperity. It was also believed to
enhance mental clarity and wisdom, making it a popular choice among scholars and

In addition to its historical significance, Blue Sapphire is also prized for its metaphysical
properties. It is said to be a stone of spiritual enlightenment and inner peace, helping
the wearer to access higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. It is also
believed to promote self-discipline and self-control, and to enhance intuition and
psychic abilities. Many people use Blue Sapphire as a meditation tool or as a talisman
for protection and guidance.

From a scientific perspective, Blue Sapphire is a fascinating gemstone that has a unique
crystal structure and a range of interesting physical properties. It is a type of aluminum
oxide, with a chemical composition of Al2O3, and is characterized by its hardness,
durability, and high refractive index. It has a hexagonal crystal structure, with well-
defined faces and sharp edges that give it a distinct appearance.

Blue Sapphire is one of the hardest substances known to man, with a rating of 9 on the
Mohs scale of hardness. This means that it is highly resistant to scratches and abrasions,
and is an excellent choice for jewelry that will be worn frequently. It is also very durable,
and can withstand exposure to heat, chemicals, and other harsh conditions.

In terms of its optical properties, Blue Sapphire has a high refractive index of 1.76-1.77,
which means that it has a high degree of light dispersion and can produce brilliant
flashes of color when viewed from different angles. It also has a strong pleochroism,
which means that it can appear different colors when viewed from different directions.
This is due to the crystal structure of the gemstone, which causes light to be absorbed
differently depending on the angle of incidence.

Blue Sapphire is commonly used in a wide range of jewelry, including rings, necklaces,
earrings, and bracelets. It is often paired with diamonds or other precious gemstones to
create stunning and elegant pieces that are perfect for special occasions. It is also a
popular choice for engagement rings, as its brilliant color and durability make it a
timeless and symbolic choice.

When purchasing Blue Sapphire jewelry, it is important to consider the quality and

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