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Egzamin pisemny Poziom podstawowy Zestaw 2

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

Zadanie 1. (0–4)
Track 32 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat filmów. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1.1.–1.4.)
dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
Which speaker
A is advising film lovers to avoid a particular film?
B is explaining why he/she is disappointed with a film?
C is calling a radio programme to state his/her opinion?
D regrets missing a film that had been recommended?
E is recommending a special cinema event?

1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4.

___ / 4

Zadanie 2. (0–6)
Track 33 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
2.1. Which is true about the strike?
A It may cause difficulties for other companies.
B It resulted in a decision to fire the factory workers.
C It will probably end within a week.

Tekst 2.
2.2. What is the purpose of the text?
A To criticise the latest viewing trends.
B To persuade people to watch more sports.
C To present an opinion about trends in watching sports.

2.3. From what the speaker says, we can conclude that the traditional media
A will soon change the way they broadcast their content.
B are currently unable to follow the latest viewing trends.
C will cooperate with sports clubs to create new platforms.

Tekst 3.
2.4. Which information about the school is presented first?
A Its learning programme.
B Its international character.
C Its sustainability.

2.5. The school’s learning programme

A contains mainly academic subjects.
B allows children to learn many practical skills.
C does not focus on historic events.

2.6. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?

A The reasons for building the Green School.
B The ways in which the school is environmentally friendly.
C The nationality of the students.

___ / 6

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Zadanie 3. (0–5)
Track 34 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat poszukiwania pracy. Na podstawie informacji
zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 3.1.–3.5. tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
What job? How did she find out What are the benefits of What’s the problem
about it? the job? with the job?
(3.1.) _______________ a job advertisement on located nearby (3.2.) _______________
the Internet
data analyst (3.3.) _______________ they take on employees (3.4.) ______________ –
without experience problem for work-life
assistant to the chief from high salary lots of competition for
accountant (3.5.) _______________ the job

___ / 5


Zadanie 4. (0–4)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdego fragmentu tekstu.
Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsca 4.1.–4.4. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo
i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu tekstu.
A A difference of opinion
B The short- and long-term effects
C The worst problem
D The penalties involved
E How people react
F Coping with stress
4.1. ____
Noise from the neighbours might come in many different forms, from loud arguments to the deafening bass of
a stereo system. Anyone who doesn’t get on well with their noisy neighbours say that these two are particularly
difficult to cope with. Obviously, any noise that occurs at night has more serious consequences, as it disturbs you
at a time when you need to recharge your batteries most.
4.2. ____
Too much noise is no joke. It distracts people from enjoying simple things, such as reading, or chatting to family
members. It gets even worse if you have to work or study at home. Although it will not happen overnight, it can
also lead you to become irritable and unable to cope with the everyday routine. Worse still, having to listen to
high levels of noise for a long time might result in serious health problems, including insomnia.
4.3. ____
One obvious way of dealing with the problem is to persuade the troublesome neighbours to change their ways.
However, nowadays, those troubled by noise often choose to resolve the matter officially rather than through
face-to-face contact. To avoid threats, or direct violence from the noise-makers, people often make a formal
complaint to the police or the housing administration.
4.4. ____
When asked for advice on this matter, the police recommend avoiding direct action. They also warn against
recording the noise, as this could be seen as a violation of the neighbours’ privacy. This isn’t quite the same as
suggestions made by housing associations, which advise that residents first try to deal with the problem on their
own and to not take any legal action unless absolutely necessary.
___ / 4

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Zadanie 5. (0–5)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
Children who have learnt two or more languages from infancy are becoming an increasingly common
phenomenon in today’s world. The number of these bilingual or multilingual children is growing as a result of the
number of transnational marriages and, most importantly, due to the fact that immigration and migration is
occurring on a much larger scale than ever before. In the US alone, over 30 million children are now reported to
speak a language other than English at home. Depending on their family or ethnic background, different methods
are currently being employed in order to develop these children’s all-round linguistic development.
A method commonly used by a transnational family is often called the ‘one person – one language’ method.
The second language is usually spoken by just one of the parents, but it may also be used by a nanny or
grandparent. This is believed to be quite an effective method. However, it also requires extra motivation for the
child, such as trips abroad, visits from family members living abroad, or, later on, playgroups or even classes that
use a particular language. Otherwise, the child might easily reach the conclusion that a language spoken by only
one other individual is not worth his or her effort.
Another widespread method of raising bilingual children is called ‘minority language at home’. As its name
suggests, this is where the minority language is spoken by everyone at home, while anyone else speaks the native
language of the country of residence. This can also be a very successful method, although parents might worry
that their child won’t speak the language used in the wider community at the same level as other kids of the
same age. But studies show that, sooner or later, the child will be equally fluent unless he or she becomes isolated
from people who speak the language.
When deciding to bring up their child bilingually, parents need to realise that this process also has some
potential negative effects, such as speech delay. According to research, bilingual children sometimes start
speaking three to six months later than their peers. This, of course, is cause for concern for parents, and they
may even consider giving up raising their child bilingually. But research also shows that bilingual children easily
catch up with other children later on, becoming fluent speakers of both languages.
Although the whole process of bringing up children bilingually may not always go smoothly as it usually
requires a lot of effort, mainly on the side of the parents, the overall result is well-worth it. Apart from the obvious
benefit of speaking more than one language fluently, studies also show that many multilingual people are able
to keep mentally active till old age.
5.1. According to the text, children who speak two or more languages
A are only found in the United States.
B are less common now than in the past.
C are often raised in immigrant/migrant families.
D usually speak English at home.

5.2. The ‘one person – one language’ method

A is only used by one of the parents.
B is quite rare nowadays.
C doesn’t usually work well.
D works well with some additional activities.

5.3. The ‘minority language at home’ method

A only fails in certain conditions.
B is neither popular nor successful.
C prevents the child from learning the wider community’s language.
D is less stressful for parents than the previous method.

5.4. Studies show that speech delay

A means a child can’t learn a second language.
B is natural and shouldn’t worry parents.
C is uncommon among bilingual children.
D doesn’t usually last for a long time.

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5.5. From the last paragraph, we can conclude that
A a bilingual upbringing requires too much work.
B the results of bilingual upbringing are most visible in old age.
C bringing up children bilingually is beneficial despite the problems.
D the results of a bilingual upbringing depends on parents’ skills to teach their children.

___ / 5

Zadanie 6. (0–7)
Przeczytaj cztery teksty (A–D) związane ze sportem. Wykonaj zadania 6.1.–6.7. zgodnie z poleceniami.
Tekst A
Fit ‘n Fun Sports Club
Looking for some fun ideas to be more active? Want to get in shape? Join us!
We’re a new sports club offering high quality sports classes and an unforgettable atmosphere whatever your age
or background.
Our classes start at 5 pm from Monday to Friday and at 10 am on Saturdays. You can choose from cardio classes,
strength classes, boxing, mind and body, and fitness dance classes. We especially encourage you to try the
football fitness classes – which is an idea originally suggested by one of our instructors. For a weekly timetable
and details of each class, click here.
Membership starts from £15.99 monthly. The longer you train, the less you pay. Our yearly membership is only

Tekst B
Friday, 12 February
I’d never been a great sports fan, which is weird because all my family are mad about it. I only did sports
occasionally, for instance, when my friends invited me to play basketball with them or to go rollerblading
together. Still, I decided to get more involved a few months ago. I took up boxing classes. I know the stereotype:
it’s not for girls. But somehow, it began to grow on me and, after a month, it was unthinkable for me not to train
at least twice a week. What have I gained? Improved strength, better motor coordination and weight loss …
But the greatest thing about it is that it gives me so much energy! It’s not that I would recommend this particular
sport to everyone. It’s better to find what you really enjoy and stick to it.

Tekst C
We are definitely a nation of sport lovers. We like talking about sport, watching it on the TV or on the Internet,
but above all, many of us actually participate in sports on a regular basis. Recent statistics show that
approximately 40.7% of men and 31.7% of women are getting active at least once a week. What kinds of sports
do we like the most?
• The most popular sports in general are rugby, • Swimming and football are the most popular
golf, football and tennis. sports among children and adolescents.
• 2 million people in England play football • About one third of us enjoys doing water
at least twice a month. sports at least once a year.

Tekst D
Grace: Hi Kasia, do you still want to join the fitness club where I work, you know, Fit ‘n Fun? If so, I have some
news for you.
Kasia: Oh, thanks Grace. Yes, I’d like to start, but I guess my motivation is not strong enough … What’s the news?
Grace: You could come to my fitness dance or step classes, what do you say? I’d keep an eye on you and motivate
you to keep on working out. You’d love the atmosphere and would see the effects after just a few weeks.
Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. You don’t even have to buy a membership card to begin with.
You can just pay for an individual class. It’s £2.99.
Kasia: It seems that you’ve planned everything. Fitness dance sounds great. I tried it a few years ago and loved it.
When are the classes?
Grace: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm. The step classes, just in case, start right after the fitness dance classes.
Kasia: Thanks a lot, Grace. Till Tuesday, then!

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Przeczytaj zdania 6.1.–6.3. Dopasuj do każdego zdania właściwy tekst (A–D). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jeden tekst nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.
This text
6.1. describes the effects of physical activity.
6.2. contains information about the fee for one visit to the club.
6.3. recommends trying a specific type of sporting activity.

Przeczytaj wiadomość Kasi do kuzynki. Uzupełnij luki 6.4.–6.7. zgodnie z treścią tekstów A–D tak, aby jak
najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać ich sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku polskim. W każdą lukę można wpisać
maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
Cześć Marta,
Po dłuższej przerwie postanowiłam znów zacząć uprawiać sport. Już naprawdę zaczyna mi go brakować, tym
bardziej, że kiedyś byłam bardzo aktywna. W Wielkiej Brytanii ponad 31% kobiet uprawia sport
(6.4.) ________________ w tygodniu. Chyba już czas pójść w ich ślady! Przekonała mnie też moja ulubiona
blogerka, której uprawianie ulubionego sportu przede wszystkim (6.5.) ________________. Wybrałam już nawet
klub sportowy. Jego oferta odpowiada mi najbardziej, ponieważ zajęcia w dni powszednie zaczynają się
o (6.6.) ________________, wtedy, kiedy jestem już wolna po zajęciach na uczelni. Najlepsze jest jednak to,
że w tym klubie pracuje jako instruktorka moja koleżanka ze studiów. Zachęciła mnie, żebym wybrała się na jej
zajęcia, żeby miała mnie na oku i (6.7.) ________________ do ćwiczeń. Postanowiłam pójść na zajęcia z tańca
fitness. Trzymaj za mnie kciuki – najtrudniej jest zacząć!
A jak u Ciebie? Znajdujesz czas na sport?
Trzymaj się,
___ / 7

Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 7.1.–7.4. Na pytania należy odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.
If you spend a lot of time on the road, you’ve maybe occasionally wished that your car could drive itself. While the
motor industry has long been working on autonomous driving, and while the vehicles are getting better
at steering and acceleration, we have not reached the point yet where cars can handle everything, allowing
the driver to take a nap.
One of the most advanced autonomous driving systems allows drivers to take their hands off the wheel from
time to time. You can use this feature only on certain roads as the system relies on information collected from
GPS, maps, cameras and radars which is currently not available for all locations. That sounds like a dream come
true, but the system still needs the driver’s attention at times. When it encounters an area on the map with
missing data, for example, the driver needs to take over. The system signals any problems by flashing lights on
the steering wheel and vibrating the driver’s seat. While on the road, you never know when something
unexpected will happen, so you need to stay focused at all times. Since not all drivers behave responsibly and
pay attention to the road, a camera has been fitted to the steering column in order to track the driver’s eyes.
If you take your eyes off the road, you will be instantly alarmed by buzzing and flashing. If you fail to respond,
the system will simply refuse to drive itself.
Although at the moment there are no 100% self-driving cars, the level of their autonomy is impressive.
Fully autonomous systems, if they ever appear, can be dangerous, though. The smarter the cars get, the more
boring the driving becomes. If drivers lose their concentration or find something more exciting to do when they
should be controlling their cars, we won’t be safe on the roads.

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7.1. Why can the autonomous driving system currently only be used on certain roads?
7.2. How does the system inform the driver that they should assume control of the car?
7.3. How does the system check if the driver is concentrated on the road?
7.4. In what way might fully autonomous cars be dangerous?

___ / 4


Zadanie 8. (0–3)
W zadaniach 8.1.–8.3. spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens
wyróżnionego (fragmentu) zdania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
8.1. Scientists in this institute perform advanced biochemical experiments.
A work out
B find out
C carry out

8.2. I think it would be better if you stayed at home.

A I’d rather
B It’s high time
C I’m afraid

8.3. Do you have to go there for the whole day?

A Are you allowed
B Do you need to
C Is it possible for you to
___ / 3
Zadanie 9. (0–3)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (9.1.–9.3.), przekształcając wyrazy podane w ramce w taki sposób,
aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów. Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
behave amuse ill heavy explain
A few days ago, I was on a bus talking to my mum on the phone. Normally I don’t do that, but there was only one
other passenger, who was sitting quite far away. Suddenly, I noticed his strange (9.1.) ______________.
He jumped up as if he was trying to escape from an invisible pursuer. Then he started to breathe
(9.2.) ______________. Apparently, he was very stressed. I quickly told my mum I’d call her back and
disconnected. I was just going to ask if he needed help, but he rushed past with the (9.3.) ______________ that
he had a fear of insects and what I had just witnessed had been his nervous reaction to a fly.

___ / 3
Zadanie 10. (0–3)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (10.1.–10.3.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny
tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
A recent survey about the amount of sugar we eat every day has scared some people. It seems unbelievable
that a fruit smoothie has more sugar in it than a glass of lemonade! The problem is that people no
(10.1.) ___________ trust the statistics that we are regularly exposed to. This is because the advice keeps
changing. One day we are told not to eat too (10.2.) ___________ eggs, and the next day we hear that we are
not eating enough. I remember when the newspapers were talking about the dangers of butter and then,
last year, I heard that it was actually good (10.3.) ___________ us! Who knows what the next bit of useful
advice will be?
___ / 3

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Zadanie 11. (0–4)
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie
poprawne zdania. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
11.1. At this time tomorrow, I (będę spacerować) ____________________ along one of the busiest streets
in Europe.
11.2. My sister had to buy a new smartphone because she (zgubiła) ____________________ her old one.
11.3. I met some interesting people (podczas wakacji) ____________________.
11.4. (Gdybym wiedziała) ____________________ more about music, I would take part in this quiz.

___ / 4

Zadanie 12. (0–12)
Podczas wakacji podróżowałeś/podróżowałaś po Stanach Zjednoczonych. Na prowadzonym przez
Ciebie blogu:
• opisz dwa miejsca, które najbardziej Ci się podobały,
• przedstaw problem, który miałeś/miałaś podczas podróży powrotnej, i wyjaśnij, jak udało Ci się
go rozwiązać,
• napisz, czym musiałeś/musiałaś się zająć po powrocie do domu,
• napisz, jak planujesz spędzić swoje kolejne wakacje.
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić
od 100 do 150 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji (5 punktów), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), zakres środków językowych
(3 punkty) oraz poprawność środków językowych (2 punkty). Podpisz się jako XYZ.

Let me tell you about the trip to the USA I went on this summer.

___ / 12

TOTAL: ___ / 60

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