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Using CCTV cameras to deal with criminals is now very common these days.

While many people accept

that these cameras can guarantee the security against criminals, others believe that they are more likely
to have negative impacts.

There are a variety of reasons why electronic surveillance are an optimum choice in fighting against
crime. One of the main benefits is that they can provide the authorities and citizens with an effective
security system, which allows remote monitoring on computers, tablets and mobile phones. For
instance, if some suspects commit crimes, police will receive notifications immediately and stop them
sooner. Furthermore, CCTV cameras can play a big role in providing evidences for police which may lead
to a huge development in investigation. If a crime occurs in the range of these electronic surveillances,
the suspects can easily be identified and prosecution will have a greater chance of being successful.

Nevertheless, several people would argue that the benefits of using CCTV cameras to fight against crime
are outweighed by the detrimental effects. Firstly, electronic surveillance, which might be an expensive
system, can only have a negligible effect on preventing serious crimes. Even though CCTV camera
systems can detect petty crimes easily, they cannot monitor other illegal activities on the Internet such
as money laundering and financial scams which can create more disastrous outcomes. Secondly, it is
better to prevent wrongdoings from happening through educational programs than to just record illegal
activities and punish them later. For example, governments can launch nationwide campaigns on TV and
social networks like Facebook and Instagram to illustrate the dire consequences of antisocial behaviors.
It might lead to the alleviation of crime rates generally.

In conclusion, it seems that the benefits of CCTV cameras are equal to their drawbacks

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