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It is true video cameras are being used in many cities to deter crime.

In my opinion, although surveillance cameras can

violate our privacy, the benefits of using them to improve security undoubtedly outweigh the drawbacks.

The installation of CCTV cameras in public places definitely leads to the violation of privacy. They are designed to capture
every happens outside and make civilians feel being annoyed because they have to remain conscious to behave
respectably in public. This might not be a major issue but in general it is certainly inconvenient. For example, couples are
the ones who will find it the most unpleasant as all of their romantic moments will be witnessed by camera supervisors.

On the other hand, I would argue that the benefits of setting up video cameras at public places are more important than
the disadvantages. First, CCTV cameras make public places safer by reducing or even preventing criminal activities. This is
because surveillance cameras are born to detect people from committing crimes. Their behavior will be watched carefully,
and this stops them from violating the laws. For example, the crime rate in big cities in Vietnam is much lower than that in
the countryside due to the abundance of surveillance cameras. Moreover, cameras have a considerable higher level of
accuracy and reliability compared to the police. The ability to work nonstop every day makes them an ideal candidate to
keep the laws.

In conclusion, while I accept that surveillance cameras can invade our privacy in some cases, I still believe that the
advantages of installing video cameras outweigh the disadvantages.

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