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Lecture Assignment Activity: Thermal pollution


NAME OF STUDENT: Flavin Fulsheri Dabre
ID: 201070905
BRANCH: Computer Engineering

AIM: Write a one-page short note on role of computer engineers and innovative
technology in thermal pollution management and control.

Role of computer engineers and innovative technology in thermal pollution

management and control.

Thermal pollution is a real and persistent problem in our modern society. In

layman’s terms, thermal pollution is when an industry or other human-made
organization takes in water from a natural source and either cools it down or
heats it up. They then eject that water back into the natural resource, which
changes the oxygen levels and can have disastrous effects on local ecosystems
and communities.
Rapid urbanization and industrial growth have led to Thermal pollution. In
India, due to various reasons, there is no effective control on Thermal pollution
due to industries and urban population leading to heavy risk to public health and
damage to natural resources. Use of information technology in the field of
Thermal pollution control can help to a great extent in improving this situation.
Everybody is aware that advances in computer engineering have opened up new
alternatives for better production and quality control. New micro controller-
based instrument gadgets and servo control operated control units have
revolutionized the industry.
It is now possible to compile, store and process large static or dynamic data
with the use of computers. Data storage cost has become very low and vast
information in multimedia format can be stored on CDs. Internet has provided a
gateway to unlimited information available on any topic from the world
knowledge pool. Lot of technical information can be downloaded at a fraction
of cost. However, majority of environmental consultants in India are unaware of
this fact and are still sticking to age old design methods and traditional
treatment technology.
Though there are various methods and computer programming languages
available for developing suitable software, for environmental engineer, visual
basic is a simplest language which can easily mastered in short time and is and
powerful enough to apply for all necessary tasks in pollution control.
Programs can be designed for single user or multi user facility can be
incorporated to provide simultaneous data entry. The user interface can be
provided in regional language for uneducated operators to understand the status
of plant, problem nature and corrective action to improve the performance.
Audio and red-light alert systems can help in attracting attention of the workers
if there is failure of some unit or parameter value exceeds permissible level
needing immediate action. The reports can be generated with charts and graphs
in ready submission format. The entire history data of quality parameters of raw
and treated wastes can be stored on CDs for analysis and future reference.
Proper planning in pollution control using technology can provide better control
over performance parameters and environmental technologists should take full
advantage of the advances in the field of information technology.

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