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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21: 5850-5858

Absorption, metabolism and protective role

of fruits and vegetables polyphenols against
gastric cancer

Department of Surgical Sciences, Umberto I Hospital, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Abstract. – Growing evidence links free rad- that often result in close association with some pa-
icals to the aging processes, degenerative dis- thologies. There is many evidence that links radi-
eases and cancer, underlying the important
cals to the aging processes, tumor and cardiovas-
role played by some antioxidants, as polyphe-
nols, present in fruits and vegetables, which cular, neurodegenerative, infectious diseases2-12.
seem able to counteract the toxic effects in- On the other hand, another interesting aspect is
duced by oxidative stress. The gastrointestinal the role played by antioxidants, mainly found in
tract is continuously exposed to oxidant and an- vegetable foods, which can counteract the toxic
tioxidant substances and, in particular in this radical action. A large number of studies shows
district, the food rich in antioxidants could ex- that the consumption of foods and drinks rich in
ert a protective effect against the risk of can-
cer. Polyphenols have a direct protective effect
antioxidants is often associated with a decreased
on the gastrointestinal tract, detoxifying the Re- risk of developing these diseases13-19. Taking into
active Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Ni- account these observations, it would seem appro-
trogen Species (RNS), preserving antioxidant priate to prescribe antioxidant drugs to prevent
proteins and complexing metals. Although poly- degenerative diseases or slow down the natural
phenols are a class of antioxidant largely repre- aging process. Moreover, diet could be enriched
sented in vegetables and fruits, we are still un-
with products capable of defending the organism
certain whether the beneficial effects of a diet
rich in plant products, are mainly due to these from the radicals. With our knowledge we cannot
compounds. Our knowledge does not allow to determine which substances are capable of hav-
be sure about which antioxidants are capable of ing preventative or therapeutic effects, how long
having therapeutic effects, through which mech- they have to be taken, nor the therapeutic dose.
anism, the exact therapeutic dose or how long A class of antioxidant compounds (flavonoids and
they have to be taken to have a significant pro- biophenols) are largely represented in vegetable
tective effect. In this review we take into account
the most common antioxidants, usually found in
and fruits, but there is still uncertainty on the
the diet and the processes regulating their ab- beneficial effects of a diet rich in plant products.
sorption, metabolism and excretion, in order to
elucidate the mechanism that could be responsi- Physiological and Pathological Role
ble for the protection against cancer. of Free Radicals
The term “free radicals” is usually associated
Key Words: to something dangerous and harmful to health or
Oxidative stress, Gastric cancer, Polyphenols, Antiox- otherwise to avoid. This is supported by the fact
idants metabolism, Polyphenols in fruit and vegetables. that radicals are produced by radiation or environ-
mental pollutants becoming radical, during their
metabolism in our body. In fact, the free radicals
Introduction are typically substances characterized by a high
reactivity, that is responsible of their cytotoxic
Free radicals are mainly constituted by unsta- and genotoxic effects. However, less is known
ble substances able to react with a large number of about the concept that some radicals are physio-
molecules, including those present in the cells, al- logically produced by the body (bio-radicals) and
tering their structure and function1. Consequent- are essential to life. These are involved in enzy-
ly, these interactions can lead to toxic reactions matic catalysis and other critical processes as, for
causing changes of the cellular biological system, example, the regulation of embryogenesis and the

5850 Corresponding Author: Alessio Metere, MD; e-mail:

Absorption, metabolism and protective role of fruits and vegetables polyphenols against gastric cancer

functioning of neuronal cells. The production and cals can react with each other to form a dangerous
metabolism of free radicals, ROS and RNS in the oxidizing species, peroxynitrite (●NO + ●O2-→
human body are finely regulated processes, and ONOO-)25, that if produced in excessive quanti-
an alteration of these mechanisms can lead to cel- ties or in a compartment where the detoxification
lular injury as in chronical inflammatory state. In systems are unable to counteract their effects, can
fact, the persistence of the inflammatory status is lead to a significant cellular injuries. The reaction
one of the major causes for the development of between ●O2- and ●NO is a radical-radical reac-
some types of cancer and neurodegenerative or tion and its velocity is controlled by the diffusion
cardiovascular diseases20-22. Bio-radicals play a and consequently, every time the two molecules
major role in signaling pathways, modulating the meet produce peroxynitrite. Moreover, this reac-
cell’s reduction-oxidation reactions (redox status) tion is faster than the superoxide reduction reac-
and, paradoxically, also playing an antioxidant tion carried out by the superoxide dismutase, the
action as “scavenger” of other radicals (radi- antioxidant enzyme able to counteract the excess
cal-radical reactions). The importance of the cell of ●O2-. This implies that small amounts of per-
redox status is due to its capability to modulate oxynitrite may form physiologically and probably
reversibly the transport, the metabolism, the fat be useful for the cell (for example in the redox
accumulation, the activity of enzymes and tran- signals)26 and be metabolized by the tissue with-
scription factors. In fact, many of these process- out causing cytotoxic reactions27. On the other
es are regulated by redox centers (cysteines and hand, micromolar peroxynitrite levels produce
metal-containing centers) whose oxidation or re- sometimes irreversible protein and DNA oxida-
duction, is responsible for biological events such tion, confusing the border between physiological
as cell cycle, metabolism, neurotransmission, dif- and pathological activity not entirely clear28. In
ferentiation, cell-cell communication and apopto- inflammatory neurodegenerative pathologies, for
sis23. The excess of free radicals (oxidative stress), example, peroxynitrite probably plays an import-
plays a pathogenic role: hyper-activation of some ant cytotoxic role, as shown by the presence of
cellular signals (phosphorylation, transport), and 3-nitrothyrosine found in inflammatory or degen-
the oxidation of specific protein sites (metal cen- erative tissues29,30. In table I are shown the most
ters, SH, methionine, tyrosine, tryptophan, histi- common chemical modifications induced by an
dine) or DNA (guanine, xanthine, adenine). All of excess of free radicals that involve the macromol-
this leads to chronic inflammation, uncontrolled ecules present in cells.
cellular proliferation, apoptosis or necrosis, re-
sulting in cellular degeneration and a higher risk Assessment of Oxidative Stress in Man
of developing cancer24. The complexity of cellular As previously described, oxidative stress has
processes involving the oxidative stress suggests been associated with a large number of diseases
that the degenerative diseases and cancer are re- in humans, even if the relationship between the
lated to the excessive production of free radicals. free radicals and some specific pathological pro-
A critical step is the understanding of the mecha- cesses has not definitively been established. In
nisms that modulate the effects leading to the for- many pathologies, oxidative stress is not the pri-
mation of chronic inflammatory process. Recent- mary cause of the disease, but a consequence of
ly, several authors underlined the importance of the cellular alteration caused by the disease. In
two free radicals, anion superoxide (●O2-) and ni- order to protect themselves from oxidative dam-
tric oxide (●NO), carrying out essential functions age, aerobic organisms, including humans, use a
as second messenger in the cells. These two radi- variety of antioxidant defense systems, both en-

Table I. Chemical modifications induced by oxidative stress.

Protein Lipids DNA

Carbonyl group Hydroperoxides 8-hydroxyldeoxyguanosine
Hydroperoxides Conjugated dienes 8-oxy-2-deoxyguanosine
Val and Leu Hydroperoxides Isoprostane 8-hydroxylguanosine
3-nitrotyrosine Malondialdehyde 5 hydroxylmethyluracil
2-oxo-histidine 4-hydroxylnonenal 8-oxyguanosine
Dityrosine Total aldehydes

A. Metere, L. Giacomelli

Table II. Reduction potential of different antioxidants (pH of the endogenous antioxidant defense systems,
7.0, 20°C). as a biological marker of oxidative damage. How-
ever, this approach is relatively simple to use in
Antioxidant Reduction potential
routine clinical biochemical analysis, but it pres-
Ascorbate (Vitamin C) 282 ents some obstacles that prevent its current use.
Epigallocatechin 430
Α-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 500
In fact, the scientific literature lacks in studies re-
Theaflavin 510 porting the antioxidants plasma profile of patients
Caffeic acid 540 affected by pathologies associated to oxidative
Epicatechin 570 stress, with respect to healthy people. Moreover,
Uric acid 590 the depletion of endogenous antioxidants due to a
Glutathione 920
particular diet, is not distinguishable from the one
caused by the disease37. Consequently, the lack of
universally accepted and standardized reference
dogenous and exogenous, strategically located values for such measurements makes improbable,
in the various cellular districts. Inside the cells nowadays, the use of these biomarkers for clinical
is possible to find specific enzymes that interact diagnosis. Another aspect to take into account is
with ROS: superoxide dismutase, catalase and the “basal production” of oxidation products, that
glutathione peroxidase, while most of membrane should be evaluated with care in order to differen-
protection is due to the α-tocopherol, β-carotene tiate it from the “pathological” ones. Likewise, we
and coenzyme Q. The antioxidant protection of cannot rule out circadian variations of free radi-
extra- and intra-cellular fluids, is based on the ac- cals production.
tion of metal binding proteins as ferritin, trans-
ferrin, ceruloplasmin, which retain metal ions. Antioxidant Hypothesis
In particular, iron and copper in non-reactive There are more than 5000 polyphenols in plant
forms, are able to prevent and to limit radical re- foods, most of which are flavonoids, including fla-
actions. Moreover, the biological fluids are also vanols, flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, hydroxy-
protected by some important antioxidants such cinnamates and anthocyanins. These compounds
as vitamin E, uric acid, bilirubin, ascorbate and are distributed among plants, fruits and vegeta-
thiol groups31. It is, therefore, clear that the deter- bles in different amounts, all with different an-
mination of the balance between pro-oxidant and tioxidant activity. They represent the most abun-
antioxidant species can play an important role in dant antioxidants in our diet; for example, in 200
the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of certain g of fruits there are 500 mg of total polyphenols38.
pathologies related to oxidative stress32. A large The antioxidant activity of polyphenols is related
number of methods has been proposed in the lit- to their structure. In fact, it depends on the hy-
erature to measure oxidative stress or oxidative droxylation pattern, the position and the substitu-
damage reaction products33-35, notwithstanding tion of specific hydroxyl groups that differentiate
free radicals are short life species, thus difficult the individual compounds39. Figure 1 shows the
to determine directly36. To overtake this, a com- basic structure of flavonoids.
plementary approach could be the measurement The following structures are important for an-
tioxidant activity and detoxification of radicals:
(1) the presence of two or three hydroxyl groups
adjacent to ring B (catechol function at position 3’
and 4’ and pyrogallol function at position 3, 4’ and
5’, respectively); (2) the presence of other hydroxyl
groups in the other rings (positions 5 and 7 of ring
A, position 3 of ring C); (3) a double bond C2-C3 in
ring C. Other hydroxyl groups may be present, for
example, in position 5’ of ring B and three more in
positions 3’, 4’ and 5’of an esterified gallate group
in position 3 of ring C40. The flavonoid structures
can be very simple, such as caffeic acid, or com-
plex, such as gallate epigallocatechin (Figure 2).
The reduction potential is a measure of the
Figure 1. The basic structure of flavonoids. reactivity of an antioxidant, as a hydrogen or an

Absorption, metabolism and protective role of fruits and vegetables polyphenols against gastric cancer

Figure 2. (A) Caffeic acid. (B) Gallate epigallocatechin.

electron donor, under standard conditions (Table clear56,58. It has also been observed that frequent
II): a low reduction potential indicates greater ca- consumption of drinks and foods (fruit juice and
pacity in hydrogen or electron donation, therefore apples) rich in polyphenols, leads to a modest and
reducing reactive species with unpaired electrons. transient increase in the total plasma antioxidant
Polyphenols generally have an average reduction capacity. This could be explained by the increased
potential in the natural antioxidant scale compa- levels of urate caused by fructose, contained in
rable to that of vitamin E41, while ascorbic acid drinks and foods, rather than polyphenols59,60.
is considered the best natural antioxidant42. Poly- The different biological activities shown in vitro
phenols are able to detoxify most of the ROS and and in vivo by polyphenols, are not only related
RNS, such as superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, to the heterogeneity of these molecules or to their
hypochlorous acid, singlet oxygen, peroxyl radi- structural and functional characteristics, but also
cals and peroxynitrite43. In addition, a major prop- reflect how these compounds are absorbed and
erty tied mainly to the catechin structure is the metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract61.
ability to complex transition metals (copper and
iron principally), preventing their catalytic activ- Transport and Absorption
ity in redox reactions44,45. Moreover, polyphenols The antioxidants’ concentration in the stomach
also exhibit anti-inflammatory activity attributed is comparable to that present in foods, while is
to the inhibition of cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, not always predictable the amount of antioxidants
myeloperoxidase, nitric oxide synthase and xan- actually available at the intestinal and hepatic
thine oxidase46-49. level, because of the digestive processes happen-
ing there62-64. The absorption and the effects of
Factors that Contribute to the Different polyphenols already begin at the level of the oral
Biological Activities of polyphenols cavity65,66, although greater absorption occurs in
in vitro and in vivo the gastric tract and, to a lesser extent, in the in-
Although there is a huge amount of data on the testinal tract. After the consumption of 10 to 500
antioxidant capacity in vitro of individual poly- mg of polyphenols, the maximum plasma concen-
phenolic compounds in scientific literature, the tration generally does not exceed 1 μM, mainly
efficacy of their consumption has not always been due to poor absorption and metabolism by tissues
confirmed in clinical trials conducted on humans. and gastrointestinal microflora67-69. Consequently,
In some cases, evidence of a protective effect was polyphenols are less available than ascorbate and
obtained46,50-53, while in others it was not possible tocopherols, which have a specific absorption sys-
to correlate the efficacy of polyphenol consump- tem. It was demonstrated that the antioxidant ac-
tion, with a decrease in oxidative stress markers tivity due to micromolar concentrations of poly-
(F2-isoprostanes, oxidized LDL, oxidation prod- phenols is significantly lower than that detected
ucts of plasmatic proteins, damaged DNA)54-57. in plasma (>103 μM); in fact, at least 20-50 μM
Moreover, some researches showed an increase of polyphenols would be needed to effectively
in plasma protein oxidation after the consumption compete with endogenous antioxidants. In vitro,
of fruit juice, supporting the fact that the mecha- polyphenols and their metabolites, can decrease
nism of action of polyphenols is not completely or inhibit the activity of some cell’s membrane

A. Metere, L. Giacomelli

transport systems, as demonstrated for glucose sulphate and glucuronidated products; (b) protein
(GLUT2) and ascorbic acid (SVCT1), whose or thiols adduct (glutathione); (c) RNA or DNA
transport activity is inhibited by the presence of adduct75. A further transformation takes place at
flavonoids70. The flavonoid glucosides, the most large bowel level, where the intestinal microflora
abundant polyphenol in the diet, can be transport- degrades flavonoids to simple phenolic acids, sub-
ed to the enterocytes, via the sodium-dependent sequently absorbed and metabolized in the liver,
glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) and metabolized through the enterohepatic circulation. The meth-
to intracellular aglycones, by a β-glucosidase71. ylated, sulphate and glucuronidated products con-
However, this pathway is less important because tinue to have biological activity76, although lower
of the presence of an effluent intracellular glucose with respect to the original molecule, because of
system directed towards the digestive tract lu- the chemical modifications of the same (hydrox-
men, through the Multidrug Resistance Associat- yl) groups responsible for the antioxidant activity.
ed Protein 2 (MRP2) transporter. In the lumen of
the digestive tract, with the contribution of the in- Interactions and Synergies Between food
testinal bacterial flora, the flavonoids glucosides Antioxidants and Endogenous
are definitively transformed into aglycones and Antioxidants
absorbed from the intestinal and the blood cells The interactions and synergies between food
through the MRP372. antioxidants and endogenous antioxidants are due
to the redox potential of antioxidants (Table II).
Polyphenols Biotrasformation Antioxidants with lower redox potential are able
The polyphenols undergo some significant bio- to regenerate (reduce) other antioxidants, which
chemical modification in the oral cavity and gas- have been previously oxidized into radicals.
trointestinal tract, before entering the circulatory Regeneration reactions occur, for example, be-
system and reach the liver to be metabolized to tween polyphenols, ascorbic acid and vitamin E77.
several active metabolites. In fact, in saliva, the
flavonoids glucosides are hydrolyzed to aglycones Gastric Cancer, Antioxidant
and then converted into compounds that can be Polyphenols, ROS and RNS
absorbed by the epithelium of the oral cavity73. The highest concentration of polyphenols in-
The reduction of polyphenols to monomeric units troduced with the diet can be found in the oro-
occurs mainly the stomach (Figure 3). In the small pharyngeal tract, in the stomach, and partly in
bowel and later in the liver, the two step trans- the intestine, before the absorption, metabolism
formation occurr: phase I, deglycosylation and or excretion process begins. In fact, after a diet
formation of aglycones; phase II, transformation rich in these antioxidant compounds, in the gas-
through the oxidative metabolism by the enzymes trointestinal tract can be detected μM concentra-
belonging to the P450 cytochrome family74. This tions of polyphenols, that could exert the protec-
last step leads to the formation of (a) methylated, tive effect against gastric and colorectal cancer.

Figure 3. Metabolism of flavonoids.

Absorption, metabolism and protective role of fruits and vegetables polyphenols against gastric cancer

Furthermore, the gastrointestinal tract is partic- phate and methylated conjugates, whose adducts
ularly exposed to the oxidative stress due to the are subsequently absorbed. Since the flavonoids
ROS and RNS species from the diet and from the and their metabolites are potent bioactive mole-
activation of the intestinal inflammatory cells78. cules able to interact with the intracellular signal
In particular, RNS play an important role in the pathways, it is mandatory to clarify their mech-
onset of stomach cancer, because in the presence anisms of action such as antioxidants or signal-
of acidic pH they are able to form nitrating/ni- ing molecules, in order to assess their potential
trosating species that support the formation of anti-tumoral role. More attention should be given
carcinogenic nitrosamines79. Polyphenols have to the effects of polyphenols in the gastrointes-
a direct protective effect on the gastrointestinal tinal tract, where these compounds probably ex-
tract, detoxifying the ROS and RNS, preserving hibit the highest antioxidant capacity, before they
antioxidant proteins and complexing metals80. In are metabolized and absorbed in the circulatory
the stomach the acid amplifies the peroxidation stream.
reactions catalyzed by the pro-oxidation com-
pounds present in food, for example meat (i.e.
Fe3+-myoglobin, non-conjugated iron, fatty acids Acknowledgements
and hydroperoxides). These reactions are inhibit- This work represents a Ph.D research project of the Doc-
ed by catechin and red wine polyphenols, that in torate Biotechnology in Clinical Medicine of the Sapienza
University of Rome. We are grateful to prof. S. Filetti, and
the gastric model were able to shift the reactions prof. M. Arca for the helpful advice.
from pro-oxidants to antioxidant81. Similar results
were obtained in other studies in conditions clos-
er to physiological ones, where the polyphenols Conflict of Interest
concentrations were comparable to those found in The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
the stomach after a meal. All these results show
that the polyphenols prevented the formation of
nitrosamines involved in the pathogenesis of gas- References
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