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Tiếng Anh 1 : Nhóm 10


Mssv : 3119510022
Lớp : DKD1191

1. Write a paragraph about your favorite subject . ( Viết một đoạn

văn về môn học yêu thích )
My major is Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology so my
favorite subject is physics. Physics helps me master knowledge of
energy, electronics, control systems, signal processing,
telecommunications... . Mastering the knowledge of physics helps me
complete my specialized subjects much more smoothly and easily.
From physics, I understand the motion of objects, the formation of
matter, how to calculate electrical energy and the capacity of
electricity, elucidate the structure and operation of the physical world
as principles and laws affecting motion, gravity, the generation and
transformation of energy, the interaction between energy and matter,
etc. .. When I study physics, I encounter a lot of quantities and formulas
used to calculate. To do well in physics, you need to memorize and
master these formulas. Because it is one of the natural sciences, the
results of physics are often accurate. If poetry is very dreamy, physics
is a very real subject. Physics is widely used in everyday life. From
building a house or designing a certain device. Once you have learned
this subject well, you will easily learn specialized subjects well, once
you have mastered the knowledge you can create useful devices for life
and earn income from those inventions . Studying physics helps me to
increase my ability to analyze, approach and solve problems logically,
math ability is increased, practice concentration habits, practice
problem solving skills, learn physics helps we put it into practice . I
love this subject very much and always want to learn and improve my
knowledge to improve my specialized knowledge.

11. Write a short profile of that person to present to your group (

Writing - Unit 1 trang 11 )

My brother, George
His strongest intelligences are musical intelligence
He likes to play the piano. He enjoys listening to Beethoven
symphonies . He's good at patience , he can sit for hours at the piano
playing his favorite songs without getting bored or tired. He has a
wonderful voice, his voice is very high and strong. I am mesmerized
every time I hear him sing, his hands are very long and beautiful , every
time he plays the piano his fingers move in a fluid and extremely
skillful way creating a charm for the viewers , he is very confident in
his voice and his outstanding piano playing ability. My brother won the
second prize in the national piano competition, every time he
participates in the competition I come to attend and give him flowers
after the competition. I firmly believe that soon he will become a
famous pianist all over the world
His weakest intelligences are physical intelligence
He doesn't like jogging every morning . He never played football with
his friends. His gymnastics scores in class are very low, he always
complains to me whenever his physical education teacher scolds him
for not completing his endurance exercises well, he always comes last
in the exercises practice on running . I tried to help him by making him
go jogging with me every afternoon even though he didn't want to but
the results were so bad, he often quickly got bored and gave up.
One way we're the same listen to melodious and soothing music, it
helps us to relax in times of fatigue , different is that he always likes
to be alone, doesn't like crowded places, and I am very extroverted like
to communicate with many people to learn from experience.

15 . Write a paragraph explaining where Jason went and what he

did. ( Writing - Unit 2 trang 19 )

First, Jason went from

London to Lagos , he went across the Channel and south to Lagos in
Portugal, he sailed across the Atlantic to Miami. Next, he was roller
skating all the way from North America to San Francisco, when he was
rollerblading in the US the car hit him and broke both of his legs, which
caused him to be hospitalized for six weeks and not he was able to walk
for nine months, his physical injuries were painful, but his spirit was
very strong. Those injuries could not stop him. After getting well he
sailed across the Pacific Ocean to Australia, in Australia when he was
swimming across a river something bad happened a crocodile attacked
him, you didn't hear that wrong a crocodile if I had been in that situation
I would have fainted and it would have eaten me. While traveling in
the pacific region, the next bad thing happened he got malaria, maybe
he got bitten by a mosquito, it made him feel very bad. Following that
, Jason went mountain biking from Cooktown to Darwin via Alice
Springs . Continued cycling and kayaking through Indonesia to
Singapore . He cycle and walked all the way to Mumbai through the
Himalayas, then pedalled Moksha across the Indian Ocean. From
Djibouti, Jason cycled and kayaked through Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt but
unfortunately for him the Egyptian police arrested him while he was
kayaking across Lake Nasser. They assumed he was a spy because he
was crossing the border from Sudan to Egypt which was an extremely
disastrous mistake and kept him in prison for a while . After being
released from prison Jason continued his journey by sailing through the
Bosphorus, he cycled through Bulgaria, Romania, Austria and
Germany to Belgium and the English Channel. He finally got back to
London on 6 October 2007-13 years after setting off, when he returned
to London he was 39 years old. After seemingly endless and difficult
distances, he became the first person to circumnavigate the world using
only human power with a distance of 74.842 km. Jason is truly a
wonderful person, his dreams, body strength and energy have helped
him complete his circumnavigation of the world.

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