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When Do I Start?

Time never tells you to begin something on a particular day.

It tells you to start something when you understand the need to
It all begins when you are lying in your bed trying to sleep at 2am
but then the thought comes to your mind “What are you doing?
Where are you standing? Is this who you are?”, and that makes
your face blank and fills your heart with sorrow for not getting
up and being who you really are. You feel the need to start
working on yourself. In that moment the inception of who you
are begins and you start understanding your capabilities. Take
the rage out hiding in your inner eye to become the new you.
Bring out the inner you and establish your empire in this world
of competition. Be you, who you desire to be. Think of who you
want to be. Believe, think, aim, work, and achieve. You can do it,
everyone can do it. The only thing you need is realisation and
when that hits you, no one can stop you. Turn down the negative
guy in you and work on yourself. It is not late, it is never too late
to realise.

- Tanmay Saini

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