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Variable Speed Pump Dialog Box Page 1 of 2

Variable Speed Pump Dialog Box

To conduct a variable speed pump analysis, from the InfoWater Control Center ->
InfoWater button -> Tools menu, select Run Manager to display the Run Manager dialog
box.  From the Standard tab, select the VSP/FPP Analysis button to see the following dialog
The Data Tab allows the user to input VSP Model parameters.  Once the data are entered,
click the Run button to conduct the VSP Analysis and then go to the Report and Export
tabs to complete the analysis. To learn more about the VSP methodology click here.

Pump Definitions
Pump ID - The Pump ID for which the VSP Analysis is to be conducted.  More than one
pump can be analyzed during a VSP simulation.
Minimum Speed - The minimum pump speed to be utilized during the VSP Analysis.  This is
the minimum value that will be employed by InfoWater.
Maximum Speed - The maximum pump speed to be utilized during the VSP Analysis.  This is
the maximum value that will be employed by InfoWater.
Target Node ID - This is an optional field. Specify the target junction node here where the
desired target pressure is to be maintained. The speed of the pump for which a VSP

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Variable Speed Pump Dialog Box Page 2 of 2

analysis is being carried out will be varied to maintain the specified target pressure at this
junction. This target junction may be located anywhere in your system and has to be
unique for each VSP pump when multiple VSP analysis is run. If the Target Node ID entry is
left blank (no entry), then InfoWater will assume that the pump discharge node is that the
target node and the desired pressure will be maintained at that location.
Target Pressure - The specified pressure to be maintained at the target junction node
during the VSP Analysis.  InfoWater will vary the pump speed between the min. and max.
values to maintain this pressure.
Pressure Pattern ID - For an EPS, the target pressure can be specified to vary during the
simulation period as a time pattern.  In that case, the time pattern ID should be specified
in the Pressure Pattern ID field.
Delete - Use this to delete an entry from the Variable Speed Pump dialog box. Select the
row that you want to delete and click on the delete button.
Delete All - Use this to delete all the entries in the VSP dialog box.
Pack - When an entry is deleted from InfoWater it is stored in the InfoWater Recycle bin.
Use this command to empty the InfoWater Recycle bin.
Set Rows - Use this to specify the number of rows while conducting your VSP analysis. The
InfoWater default is set at 50.

Option Parameters
Maximum Trials - Specify the maximum number of trials that you want to permit here.
Recommended value is 40.
Accuracy - Specify the accuracy that you want here. Recommended value is 0.001.
Ignore Pumps - Ignore Pumps With Closed Initial Status - When checked pumps that are
initially closed will be ignored.

Message Board
The message board displays status messages during the VSP run.

Choose the Run button to run your VSP analysis.

Use this button to close out of the VSP analysis dialog box.

Other Related Topics - Running a Model, Variable Speed Pump Export tab, Variable Speed
Pump Report tab, Variable Speed Pumps Methodology

Copyright © Innovyze 2017. All rights reserved.

InfoWater version v12.4  Issued December 2017.

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