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Week 2/3

- Using nouns and verbs to describe the levels involved in prosedur bunker / foxhole
- Name the manual tools and machines used in adequate work
- Refer to the list of names to describe the number of completion procedures in a routine
- Using nouns and verbs to describe the levels involved in prosedur bunker / foxhole
1. Bunkering
I. Procedures and responsibilities
Lead-in: pre-bunkering procedures / check what you know.
i. Listen to the Chief Officer reporting to the Master before bunkering starts.
Circle the phrases you can hear.


bunker barge, alongside, plug all scuppers,

bunkering checklist, secure moorings, sound the tanks,
put fenders in position, rig firefighting equipment

ii. What other actions can you hear about which are part of the pre-bunkering
procedure and are not included in the phrases above?
iii. Vocabulary assessment: The following words are key words for a bunkering
procedure. How well do you know them? Explain these words

 Fenders
 Scuppers
 Tank sounding
 Bunkering checklist
 Drain
 Oil spill
 Contingency plan
 Topping off
 Fill sequence
 Alongside
 Bunker pre-loading plan
 Ullage
 Bunker samples
 Taking on bunker fuel
 Tank overflow
 Pumping rate
 Drip tray
 Bunker connections
 Plug
 Hoses
 Bunker barge
 Oil absorbent materials
Vessel procedures: Bunkering ‒ Responsibility.


I. Listen about the assigned duties in bunkering and fill in the five missing ranks in the
table below. Use the following:

Chief Officer / Second Officer / Chief Engineer / Second Engineer / Third


Bunker pre-loading plan – Crew assignments



II. Checklists and controls
The following document is an authentic up-to-date BUNKERING CHECKLIST used in merchant
vessels today. Make sure you understand it well in order to use it to exchange information
about bunkering procedures.
a) The following verbs are included in the checklist. Match them to their meaning,
after locating them in the checklist.

1. ........................... : to keep
2. ........................... : to fasten or close securely
3. ........................... : to add a signature to (a document already signed by another person)
4. ........................... : to formally or officially tell somebody about something
5. ........................... : to manage to see or observe
6. ........................... : to make smaller in amount, degree, etc.
7. ……​ witness ​....... : to see something happen, to see it yourself
8. ........................... : to appoint to a job, allocate a job
9. ........................... : to make sure that the figures are correct (by using a different method or
system to check them)

b) The following phrases are included in the checklist, too. Identify them and match them to
their explanations.

1.accommodation ladder is rigged  give more than enough advance notice

2. delivery vessel  stated or asserted as true
3. determine the loading rate  when (bunkering) is finished
4. claimed by the supplying facility  fitted in position
5. give ample warning  ascertain exactly
6. on completion  the oil has run out, leaving (the hoses)
7. fully drained empty
 that supplies the fuel oil

3. Maintenance duties in the deck department

Lead in:
The following verbs describe maintenance work on deck; write them in the correct list for
similar duties below:

ii. What tools do you use to do the duties? Choose them from the tool box below and write
them under each arrow.

iii. Match:
1. scrape ................................................ the railings
2. paint ................................................... the rust off the hatch covers
3. grease ................................................. the fork-lift truck
4. service … the fork-lift truck ............... the surface to prepare it for painting
5. brush .................................................. the winches

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