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Q3 Week 4 Activity 4 Answer Key (Total Score: 33 points )

A. One point each correct word placement, total of 14 points.

Longitudinal Trough
Compression Water wave
Rarefaction Mechanical Wavelength
Sound wave Energy carrier crest
Equilibrium point

B. One point each item, total of 5 points.

1. Wave A is the highest/most frequent; B and C are lowest/least frequent
2. Wave A and B
3. Wave B and C
4. Wave A because there are more number of waves passing at a period
5. Wave A and B carries the most energy and Wave C carries the least energy because both Wave A
and B has the highest amplitude and Wave C has the lowest amplitude, thus whichever waves has
the highest amplitude also carries the highest energy.

C. One point each item, total of 5 points.

1. Light wave, sound wave, heat wave, electromagnetic wave, water wave, radio waves, microwaves
(note: any 5 waves mentioned here)
2. No, because there is no presence of waves that carries energy from one point to another.
3. If we throw a stone in water pond then around point of impact caused disturbance consists of
combination of transverse and longitudinal waves.
4. The molecules in solids are packed very tightly. Liquids are not packed as tightly. And gases are
very loosely packed. This enables sound to travel much faster through a solid than a gas.
5. In sound, intensity refers to the amount of energy a sound wave carries. High amplitude sounds
carry large amount of energy, have higher intensity, and sensed as loud sound, while Low amplitude
sounds carry lesser amount of energy have lower intensity and are sensed as soft sound.

D. Two point each item, total of 4 points.

1. By learning and understanding each properties and characteristics of waves we would be able to
explain why certain phenomena occurs, such as during a)typhoon, all vessels are restricted to sail
because of the possible damage wave energy can produce, and also during b)earthquakes, high
magnitude waves can result to high intensity of damage to human properties and lives, thus by
having the knowledge helps us protect ourselves from possible harm and danger.
2. Yes, It carries massive amount of energy that can destroy human lives and properties, thus we
need to prepare to safeguard ourselves with possible harm and danger.
E. Additional Activity (5 ways to take care of your ears: (1)one point each, total of 5points:
1. Wear Earplugs Around Loud Noises
2. Turn Down the Volume
3. Give Your Ears a Break
4. Stop Using Cotton Swabs
5. Keep Your Ears Dry
6. Use Medications Properly as Directed
7. Stay Physically Active
8. Manage and Reduce Stress
9. Know the Warning Signs of Hearing Damage
10. Stop Smoking, and Don’t Start
11. Visit Your Doctor Regularly For Checkups

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