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Q3 Week 5 Activity 5 Answer Key (Total Points: 30)

Exercise 1 : One point each item, total of 4pts

1. The wavelength of wave 1 is longer that wave 2
2. Two different colors because each color possess different wavelength
3. The amplitude of wave 1 is shorter than wave 2
4. Wave 2, because the higher the amplitude the higher is the intensity of light

Exercise 2 : One point each item, total of 6pts

1. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
2. Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red
3. The frequent the wave is the shorter is the wavelength thus it is inversely
proportional or related.
4. The frequency (f) of light is directly proportional to its energy( E )
5. Inversely proportional or related
6. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

What I Have Learned

1. E 6. H
2. D 7. I
3. C 8. G
4. F 9. J
5. K 10. M

Critical Thinking : One point each item, total of 4pts

1. Illumination, and distance
2. The higher the amplitude of the wave, the higher the intensity of light
3. Because, our eyes interpret these wavelengths as different colors so if there is no
difference in wavelengths that means it is of the same color.
4. It is said that the intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance, since light source A has longer distance than light source B, therefore, the
intensity of light source A is lesser than light source B.

Application : Two points each item, total of 6pts

1. Absence of light means total darkness, we won’t be able to see anything that is why
light is very important in order to see things.
2. Literally, it is impossible to become a light source but technically speaking one can be
a bearer of light to people who are in darkness. This refers to people who are troubled
probably physically and emotionally. So, by showing them kindness, and giving them
hope can be considered as giving light to others.
3. Poor lighting can be safety hazard it can lead to accidents in workplace, and can
attract people who have bad intentions such as robbers, rapist, and killer. It can also be
a health hazard because poor lighting can cause eye strain and may cause eye irritation
and headaches.

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