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Description of the project:

A functional and accessible space which is also cozy and interesting so that it lasts
over time.

“Más allá de la Tierra y el mar” presents a model of a 61.5 metre high water drop as a
representative architectural monument of the Almeria desert.
In the hands of the designers they give rise to a three-dimensional geometric structure,
combining a very strong link between materials and sustainable elements.

As Leonardo Da Vinci rightly said "Simplicity is the highest sostification" for that reason we
make use of the benefits of the hardness of Dekton in its structure and the lightness of glass
as an exterior cladding, which plays a role of elegance and wet feeling to this water drop,
creating a sophisticated contrast in its ideation. In addition, one of the details of this façade is
its grand entrance, with the natural shape of the subtle curved sheen that is visualized in a
water drop.

The self-identity of this structure gives it its meaning and significance.

At first glance, light and space stand out in its interior, accompanied by a design that exalts
and takes on a large part of the meaning of this architectural work, finding ourselves in front
of an oasis at ground level, surrounded by a coliseum as a form of rest and relaxation for the
Taking into account the local flora and vegetation, certain species are in danger of extinction
such as Limonium tabernense, or Helianthemum almeriense, for this reason, we wanted to
reflect this thread in contact with the exterior space, thus enhancing this experience with the
abundance of vegetation in its interior that decorates and culminates the surface of the
design, with the function of appreciating the enormous beauty that our mother nature has to
give us.

This project was decided to position geographically in an arid area, being selected the
Tabernas Desert of Almeria, contrasting the landscape and in turn having a direct contact
with the surroundings, the use of a material originating from the company Cosentino, with
headquarters in Cantoria, Almeria, using Dekton for its structure, in addition to the
importance and progress that the terrain has experienced in previous decades. Despite
other desert areas, the Paraje Natural Desierto de Tabernas is considered to be the only
desert in Europe, this declaration makes sense for the location of the design.


Why a drop of water?

8 million years ago, in the Miocene stage, at the appearance of the Betic mountain range,
this desert arose, with the situation of several extensions of land broken by the
Mediterranean Sea, extended all over the desert up to the edge of the Filabres mountain
range. We can also find remains of marine fossils in certain areas.
Over the years, the area has undergone a great territorial transformation, reaching the point
of being considered a pure desert.
For this reason, the integration of this monument in the territory gains value and meaning
with the interpretation of this model.

The aim of the designers is to blind everything into a harmonious and organic whole for an
audience of all backgrounds willing to have new and high quality experiences like “Más allá
de la Tierra y el Mar”

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