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Ge Fernando Rodrigues Junior (olow) see Pr 00126,2018 . Sminread - © Listen [Save Speed-up InceptionV3 inference time up to 18x using Intel Core processor In this article you will learn how to speed-up your InceptionV3 classification model and start inferring near / real-time images using your Intel® Core processor and Intel® OpenVINO. Let's speed-up your inference time up to 18x, are you ready? Ifyou have a problem that you need to run in near/real-time but you don't want to use a dedicated GPU, its for you. Open in app Experiments ran using an Intel Core i7-7500U — TensorFlow 110 and OpenVINO v2018.3.343 What is the magic? That's all related to model optimization! I used Intel OpenVINO to optimize the model and ran the inferences using its Inference Engine. It is really interesting and easy to setup. OpenVINO is a toolkit that allows developers to deploy pretrained deep learning models. It has two principal modules: A Model Optimizer and the Inference Engine. Model Optimizer A set of command line tools that allows you to import trained models from many deep learning frameworks such as Caffe, TensorFlow and others (Supports over 100 public models) It performs many tasks in your model to optimize and reduce it. These things include: + Transform your model into an intermediate representation (IR) to allow the usage of the Inference Engine. Model conversion: Fuse operations, apply quantizations to reduce data length and prepare the data with channel reordering. Here you can find more information about supported models Inference Engine Uses an API based code to do inferences on the platform of your choice: CPU, GPU, VPU, or FPGA. « Execute different layers on different devices (for example, a GPU and selected lavere an a CPTN) eo Open in app Please, check the OpenVINO documentation to setup your SDK installation accordingly. https://software. Note that OpenVINO requires at least 6th generation processors. Let's get started! In this experiment we are going to use a very interesting pre-trained Keras model from Kaggle for protein classification ( transfer-learning-with-inceptionv3-for-protein/). In order to use OpenVINO, there are some steps we need to go through: 1. Freeze the model if it is not in protobuf format (.pb) 2. Convert the model to an Intermediate Representation (IR) 3. Setup the Inference Engine code to run the IR Freeze the model if t is not in protobuf format yet (.pb) In this case, our model was saved in h5 format, so we need to load the model and save it in .ckpt format first. Also, it is important to know the output node name to freeze the graph. (model .hS") ssion() -ckpt”) Open in app he result 1s: dense_z/sigmoiad Now we have the checkpoint files, we can freeze it using the TensorFlow script. Generally it is located at: (your_python_installation_path/lib/python3. 6/site- packages/tensorflow/python/tools/ # Frozen model python your_python_installation_path/lib/python3.6/site- packages/tensorflow/python/tools/ \ --input_meta_graph-model.ckpt.meta \ checkpoint=model.ckpt \ Convert the model to an Intermediate Representation (IR) It is possible to generate the IR files using the TensorFlow optimizer module from OpenVINO SDK, It is important to set the input shape according to your model topology. In this case we are working with the InceptionV3; thus, the shape used is [1, 299, 29,3]. python3 /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo_t f£.py --input_model keras_frozen.pb \ shape [1,299,299,3] \ ype FP32 # The following files will be created: keras_frozen.bin keras_frozen. xml a # You can optimize even more your model if you use data type FP16 # Check if your accuracy not reduced muc! et Open in app Setup the Inference Engine code to run the IR There are many IE samples in the OpenVINO SDK showing how to load the IR files and run an inference. You can find them here: /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk_2018.3.343/deployment_tools/inference_engine/samples/p ython_samples One important step is the pre-processing. OpenVINO uses channels first data format [CHW], it means you will probably need to do a reshape of your image array before feeding into the Inference Engine. Here is one example of pre-processing method: def pre_process_image(imagePath) : # Model input format n, c,h, w = [1, 3, 299, 299] mage = Image. open (imagePath) processedimg = image.resize((h, w), resample=Image.BILINEAR) # Normalize to keep data between 0 - 1 processedimg = (np.array(processedimg) - 0) / 255.0 # Change data layout from HWC to CHW processedImg = proc: ranspose((2, 0, 1)) proce hape((n, cy hy w)) sedIng. ingIm singImg = proc return image, processin: mg, imagePath Finally, let's get into the inference itself. Note that you can use your Intel CPU, GPU, MYRIAD(Movidius) and FPGA just changing the variable device! You will be amazed at how fast your algorithm will run. on for specified device and load extensions # Devices: GPU ( ) plugin = IEPlugin("GPU" CPU, MYRIAD > plugin_dirs= # Read IR a # Load network to the plugin exec net = plugin. load (network=net) del net # Run inference image, processedImg, imagePath = pre_process_image (fileName! res = exec_net.infer(inputs={input_blob: processedImg} # Access the results and get the index of the highest confidence score res = res['dense_2/Sigmoid'] idx = np.argsort (res (0]) (-1] That's it! Now you are ready to enjoy your inferences. If you have some extra time, make the comparison between the stock TensorFlow version and the OpenVINO. Here you are some results that I got running this model. InceptionV3 Inference - Core i7 7500 BB TensciFlon + OPU-(FP32) Ml OpenViNO + CPU-(FP32) MM OpenViNO+iGPU-(FFS2) Ml OpenvINO+iG°U-GPI6) 400 mages /sacona 89 4a 00 For more information, check the OpenVINO documentation at a Q a 3 eo Open in app Follow me on Linkedin: 7390b991

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