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Advantages of Living in a Big City

Do you live in a big city? It is said that

living in big cities is really expensive.
There are also a lot of traffic
problems that make living in big cities
unpleasant. However, many people
enjoy living in big cities because they
offer convenience (=Bequemlichkeit)
and countless options for entertainment.

Many big cities already have good public transportation systems, which make it
easy for the citizens to go anywhere around the city. This also helps with the
problem of traffic jams that often occur at peak times. With the convenience
of public transportation, the citizens do not have to drive everywhere and can
save money as they do not have to pay for parking charges.

Another positive thing about big cities is the medical care. You can find the
best hospitals and doctors to help you with a disease.

There is a saying that big cities never sleep. This is true for some cities in which
the nightlife begins just when people in other cities are ready to go to bed. Big
cities like New York, Madrid, London and Paris have a wild nightlife. People can
find entertainment, eat out or go shopping at any time of the day! Who
wouldn’t want to live here?

1) Name three positive things about living in a big city:



2) Explain these words in English by writing a sentence:

Traffic jams:

Peak times:

Medical care:

Big cities never sleep:


3) Can you think of three negative things about a big city?



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