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UNIT 3. General Theory of Translation. Denotative Theory of Translation.

Transformational Theory of Translation. Semantic Theory of


Learning objectives:
1. Determine the main principles of the general theory of translation by applying them in practice.
2. Identify the denotata(situation) of the reality described in the source text.
3. Distinguish between the nuclear structures and the transformational ones or transforms of the source text.
4. Give arguments in using the theories of translation in practice.
5. Assess the importance of the theories of translation in practice.

1. Comment on the differences in meaning between the words in the following synonymic series, then
provide sets for the same concepts in Romanian/Russian/English. Compare the respective sets in terms
of number of words and semantic structure. Is/Are there any lexical gap(s)?
• Draw, sketch, doodle, scribble, trace.
• Shine, blaze, dazzle, glow, gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, shimmer, twinkle, flash.
• Casă, palat, castel, conac, vilă, cabană, colibă, cocioabă, bordei.
• Frică, teamă, neliniste, groază, teroare, angoasă, înfiorare.

1) Draw: This word generally refers to creating a picture or image using a pen, pencil, or other art
materials. It implies a certain level of skill and intentionality, and can refer to anything from a quick
sketch to a detailed, finished piece of art.
Sketch: A sketch is similar to a drawing, but typically implies a rough, unfinished quality. It may be
used as a preliminary study for a more complete piece, or it may stand alone as a loose, gestural
Doodle: A doodle is an informal drawing, usually made absent-mindedly while someone is thinking
or listening. It may be abstract or representational, and often has a playful, whimsical quality.
Scribble: Scribbling refers to the act of making rapid, messy marks on a surface, often with a pen or
pencil. The marks may be haphazard or chaotic, and may not have a clear subject or purpose.
Trace: Tracing involves copying an existing image or design by tracing over it with a pen, pencil, or
other tool. It is often used as a way to reproduce an image more accurately or to transfer a design to a
different surface.
In ROMANIAN: Desen, schiță, desen haotic/mâzgâlitură, scris neîngrijit, trasare.
2) Shine: To shine means to emit light or brightness, often in a steady and constant way. For example,
the sun shines during the day.
Blaze: To blaze means to shine very brightly and intensely, often with a flickering or dancing quality.
For example, a bonfire blazes in the night.
Dazzle: To dazzle means to shine brilliantly and impressively, often in a way that momentarily
overwhelms the senses. For example, a diamond can dazzle in the light.
Glow: To glow means to emit a soft and warm light, often from within. For example, a candle can
glow in a dark room.
Gleam: To gleam means to shine with a bright, reflected light. For example, a polished surface can
gleam in the light.
Glimmer: To glimmer means to shine faintly or softly, often with a flickering quality. For example,
stars can glimmer in the night sky.
Glisten: To glisten means to shine with a wet or glossy appearance. For example, raindrops can
glisten on a leaf.
Glitter: To glitter means to shine with a sparkling or shimmering quality, often in a way that catches
the eye. For example, a disco ball can glitter in the light.
Shimmer: To shimmer means to shine with a soft and undulating light, often with a slightly
wavering quality. For example, water can shimmer in the sunlight.
Twinkle: To twinkle means to shine with a small, intermittent light, often in a way that suggests
movement. For example, stars can twinkle in the night sky.
Flash: To flash means to shine suddenly and brightly, often for a brief moment. For example,
lightning can flash across the sky.
In ROMANIAN: strălucire, flacără, orbire, sclipire, strălucire, licărire, strălucire în soare, sclipire,
strălucire ușoară, scânteiere (strălucire), bliț (străfulgerare, scăpărare).
3) Casă: este un termen general pentru o clădire de locuit sau de locuit și de lucru. O casă poate fi de
diferite dimensiuni și stiluri arhitecturale.
Palat: un palat este o clădire mare și impresionantă, adesea utilizată ca reședință pentru o persoană
importantă sau ca sediu pentru o organizație. Palatele sunt adesea decorate cu lux și au o arhitectură
Castel: un castel este o clădire fortificată, adesea cu ziduri înalte și cu turnuri, care a fost utilizată în
trecut ca reședință și ca mijloc de apărare. Castelul poate fi, de asemenea, decorat cu artă și simboluri
puternice, cum ar fi stemele sau blazoanele.
Conac: un conac este o clădire mare, elegantă, adesea utilizată ca reședință pentru o persoană
importantă sau pentru o familie înstărită. Conacele sunt adesea construite într-un stil arhitectonic
elaborat și sunt decorate cu lux.
Vilă: o vilă este o clădire mare și elegantă, adesea folosită ca reședință de vacanță sau ca locuință de
lux. Vilele pot fi decorate cu lux și pot avea o serie de facilități, cum ar fi piscine, terenuri de tenis
sau grădini frumoase.
Cabană: o cabană este o casă mică, simplă, de obicei construită din lemn sau din alte materiale
naturale, utilizată adesea ca loc de relaxare într-un mediu natural.
Colibă: o colibă este o casă mică, adesea construită din materiale naturale, cum ar fi paiele sau
copacii, și poate fi folosită ca adăpost temporar sau ca locuință în zone rurale sau sălbatice.
Cocioabă: o cocioabă este o casă mică, adesea construită din materiale de construcție slabe și poate fi
folosită ca adăpost temporar în zone rurale sau sălbatice.
Bordei: un bordei este o casă mică, subterană, adesea folosită ca adăpost sau ca locuință în zone
rurale sau sălbatice. Bordeiele sunt de obicei construite din pământ și pot fi acoperite cu un acoperiș
din stuf sau alte materiale.
In ENGLISH: House, Palace, Castle, Manor house (mansion), Villa, Cabin, Hut, Shanty, Burrow
4) Frică: este o emoție negativă, o senzație de disconfort care apare atunci când se simte o amenințare
reală sau imaginară. Frica poate fi determinată de orice eveniment sau situație care este percepută ca
fiind periculoasă.
Teamă: este o emoție negativă similară cu frica, dar este de obicei mai specifică și poate fi legată de
o anumită situație sau obiect. De exemplu, cineva poate avea o teamă de șerpi sau o teamă de a zbura
cu avionul.
Neliniște: este o senzație de disconfort sau îngrijorare care apare fără o amenințare specifică. Poate fi
cauzată de incertitudine sau de o lipsă de control asupra unei situații.
Groază: este o emoție intensă de teamă sau anxietate, care este adesea legată de o situație sau un
obiect specific. Groaza poate fi însoțită de o senzație de respingere sau dezgust.
Teroare: este o emoție extremă de frică, care apare adesea în situații de urgență sau de pericol
iminent. Teroarea poate fi însoțită de o senzație de pierdere a controlului sau de incapacitatea de a
face față unei situații.
Angoasă: este o emoție de anxietate sau de neliniște, care este adesea legată de o situație sau o
problemă emoțională. Angoasa poate fi cauzată de sentimente de vinovăție, rușine sau neputință.
Înfiorare: este o senzație fizică de frison sau tremur, care apare adesea în situații de frică sau
anxietate. Poate fi cauzată de o emoție puternică sau de o experiență intensă.
In ENGLISH: Fear, Dread, Unease, Horror, Terror, Anguish, Shudder

2. Read the text and explain the origin, meaning and use of the expression 'go postal' and translate it.

Go Postal
In Britain, the only hazardous situations postmen are likely to encounter are having their fingers caught
in a vicious letterbox, and perhaps occasionally being bitten by an angry dog. How different things are in the
USA. Over the past thirty years there seems to have been a spate of killings by American postal workers, who
have gone on the rampage and shot their colleagues, members of the public and police officers. Apparently
official statistics suggest that the murder rate at post offices is lower than at other workplaces in the US.
Nevertheless – perhaps it’s just the strange idea of homicidal postmen – but for whatever reason the image
gradually caught the American public’s imagination, and by late 1993 we begin to find the expression ‘go
postal’ being used, meaning ‘to rush about in a murderous frenzy’. It got a burst of publicity with its use in
the 1995 film Clueless, which boosted its popularity still further, and it entered the general vocabulary of
everyday American English, in the rather watered-down sense ‘become extremely angry’ (as in ‘Mom will go
totally postal when she sees what you’ve done to the car’). British speakers on the whole still treat the phrase
as something slightly odd and unfamiliar, but don’t bet against it catching on here.

 The expression "to go postal" is an idiomatic phrase that originated in the United States in the
1980s. It refers to an outburst of extreme or violent behavior, especially by an employee in a
 The phrase comes from a series of incidents in which United States Postal Service workers,
who were frustrated with their working conditions, went on shooting sprees in their
workplaces, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries. The most notorious of these incidents
occurred in 1986, when a postal worker in Oklahoma killed 14 people and injured several
 Over time, the phrase "to go postal" has come to be used more broadly to describe any
situation in which someone becomes extremely angry or violent. It is often used humorously or
ironically, but can also be used to convey a sense of genuine concern or alarm. Overall, the
phrase "to go postal" has a negative connotation and is generally considered to be an
inappropriate or offensive way to describe someone's behavior. It can also be seen as
insensitive to the victims of the postal shootings and their families.
A înnebuni (a o luza razna, a ceda nervos)

În Marea Britanie, singurele situații periculoase cu care se pot confrunta poștașii sunt să-și prindă
degetele într-o cutie poștală sau să fie mușcați câteodată de un câine furios. Totuși, cât de diferite sunt
lucrurile în Statele Unite. În ultimii treizeci de ani, se pare că au existat o serie de asasinate din partea
poștașilor americani, care s-au dezlănțuit și și-au împușcat colegi, oameni de rând și ofițeri de poliție. Se pare
că statisticile oficiale sugerează că rata crimelor în cadrul oficiilor poștale este mai mică decât în alte locuri
de muncă din SUA. Cu toate acestea, poate că este de vină doar strania idee a poștașilor ucigași – dar, nuștiu
din ce motiv, situația a tras atenția publicului american și, spre sfârșitul anului 1993, observăm că este
folosită expresia „go postal”, care înseamnă „a se repezi într-o nebunie criminală”. A avut parte de o mare
publicitate odată cu utilizarea sa în filmul Clueless (Liceenele din Beverly Hills) din 1995, care i-a sporit și
mai mult popularitatea, astfel intrând în vocabularul general al limbii englezei americane obișnuite, cu un
sens mai moale de „a deveni extrem de furios” (ca în propoziția „Mama va deveni furioasă când va vedea ce
ai făcut cu mașina”). Vorbitorii de engleză britanică, în general, văd în continuare fraza ca pe ceva puțin
ciudat și necunoscut, dar nu sunt deloc împotriva folosirii ei.

3. Analyse the following sets of sentences and state the semantic differences between them if there are
1. I was the winner of the chess game. = I was the victor of the chess game = I was the triumpher of the
chess game. 2. How can we be of service to you? = How can we be of accommodation to you? 3. He is
internationally known for making great music. = He is globally prominent for composing great music. 4. I am
trying hard to be successful. = I am striving to be successful. 5. Her presentation was good enough for me
personally. = Her presentation was adequate for me personally. 6. He is quite skillful at playing basketball. =
He is quite adept at playing basketball. = He is quite adroit at playing basketball. 7. They are widely known
around the planet. = They are prominent around the planet. 8. I never authorized you to do that. = I never
sanctioned you to do that. 9. I am thinking positively about the future. = I am being optimistic about the
future. = I am cerebrating optimistically about the future. I have been busier these days due to having a lot on
my plate. = I have been more diligent these days due to having a lot on my plate. 10. You have been very
supportive towards my recent endeavors. = You have been very auxiliary towards my recent endeavors. =
You have been very ancillary towards my recent endeavors. 11. You will be able to focus consistently, as
long as you maintain calmness. = You will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain serenity. =
You will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain tranquility. = You will be able to focus
consistently, as long as you maintain placidity. 12. That wasn't what was implied was it? = That wasn't what
was implicatively insinuated was it? 13. You must follow my instructions in order to succeed. = You must
follow my injuctive authorizations in order to prosper. = You must follow my ordinant dictations in order to

1) "I was the winner of the chess game" is a straightforward statement that simply means you won the
game. It is a neutral, factual statement that does not carry any particular emotional or cultural
"I was the victor of the chess game" has a slightly more formal or elevated tone than "I was the
winner." The word "victor" suggests a more strategic or competitive victory, and it may connote a
sense of pride or accomplishment.
"I was the triumpher of the chess game" is the least common of the three sentences and has a
somewhat archaic or poetic feel. "Triumpher" is a more obscure word than "winner" or "victor,"
and it has a more exultant or celebratory connotation. It implies that winning the game was a
particularly significant or hard-fought victory.
2) "How can we be of service to you?" is a more general and formal phrase that is commonly used in
business or customer service settings. It implies that the person or organization offering the service
is willing and able to assist the customer in any way possible.
On the other hand, "How can we be of accommodation to you?" has a more specific connotation,
implying that the person or organization is willing to make specific accommodations or
adjustments to better suit the customer's needs or preferences.
3) Both sentences convey a similar meaning in that they describe someone who is widely recognized
for their musical abilities. However, there are slight differences in their connotations.
The sentence "He is internationally known for making great music" implies that the person has
gained recognition beyond their country of origin and is well-known in multiple countries around
the world. The phrase "internationally known" emphasizes the global reach of the person's fame
and suggests that they have achieved success on a global scale.
On the other hand, the sentence "He is globally prominent for composing great music" emphasizes
the person's prominence and suggests that they are a highly visible figure in the field of music. The
word "prominent" suggests that the person is highly respected and influential in their field, while
the phrase "composing great music" emphasizes their specific talent in music composition.
4) Both sentences express a desire to be successful, but there are slight differences in their
The sentence "I am trying hard to be successful" suggests that the person is making a strong effort
to achieve success, but it may not necessarily imply that they have a clear strategy or plan in place.
The phrase "trying hard" emphasizes the person's effort, but it does not necessarily imply that they
have a specific direction or focus.
On the other hand, the sentence "I am striving to be successful" suggests that the person has a clear
goal or objective in mind and is working intentionally to achieve it. The word "striving" implies
that the person is putting in effort with a specific purpose in mind, and that they are actively
working towards their goal.
5) The sentence "Her presentation was good enough for me personally" suggests that the speaker was
pleased with the quality of the presentation and felt that it met their personal standards or
expectations. The phrase "good enough" implies that the presentation may have exceeded the
speaker's minimum requirements or expectations, and that they were personally satisfied with its
On the other hand, the sentence "Her presentation was adequate for me personally" suggests that
the speaker felt that the presentation met their basic requirements, but may not have been
exceptional or noteworthy. The word "adequate" implies that the presentation may have been
satisfactory, but did not necessarily exceed the speaker's expectations.
6) The sentence "He is quite skillful at playing basketball" emphasizes the person's technical abilities
and suggests that they have developed a high level of proficiency in playing the game. The word
"skillful" implies that the person has mastered the technical aspects of playing basketball, such as
dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.
The sentence "He is quite adept at playing basketball" suggests that the person is not only skilled,
but also has a natural talent or ability for playing basketball. The word "adept" implies that the
person has a natural inclination or talent for the game, and has developed their skills to a high level
through practice and dedication.
The sentence "He is quite adroit at playing basketball" suggests that the person is not only skilled
and talented, but also has a high level of finesse or grace in their playing style. The word "adroit"
implies that the person is not only technically proficient, but also has a high level of elegance,
precision, and agility in their movements on the court.
7) "They are widely known around the planet" means that many people all over the world are familiar
with the subject being referred to. The phrase "widely known" emphasizes the fact that the subject
has gained a lot of recognition and is known by a large number of people.
"They are prominent around the planet" means that the subject being referred to is noticeable or
distinguished in some way. The term "prominent" suggests that the subject stands out or is
significant in some way, but doesn't necessarily imply that it is well-known to everyone.
So, while both sentences convey that the subject is recognizable on a global scale, "widely known"
emphasizes the degree of recognition, while "prominent" emphasizes the subject's distinguishing
8) "I never authorized you to do that" means that the speaker did not give permission or approval for
the action in question. The phrase "authorized you" emphasizes the idea of granting official
permission or authority to carry out a particular action.
"I never sanctioned you to do that" also means that the speaker did not give permission or approval
for the action in question. However, the word "sanctioned" suggests a more formal, official, or
legal process of approval or authorization. It can also imply that the speaker has the power or
authority to grant or withhold approval.
9) "I am thinking positively about the future" simply means that the speaker is considering the future
in a positive light. The emphasis is on the mental activity of thinking and the positivity of the
"I am being optimistic about the future" suggests that the speaker is actively choosing to be
optimistic about the future, rather than just thinking positively. The word "being" implies a
deliberate and conscious effort to adopt an optimistic mindset.
"I am cerebrating optimistically about the future" uses the less common word "cerebrating" which
means "thinking, using one's brain". The sentence carries a similar meaning to the first two but
with an emphasis on the cognitive activity of the brain. The word "optimistically" indicates that the
thoughts are positive.
"I have been busier these days due to having a lot on my plate" suggests that the speaker has a lot
of tasks or responsibilities to handle, and as a result, they are busier than usual. The emphasis is on
the amount of work or tasks that the speaker has to deal with.
"I have been more diligent these days due to having a lot on my plate" suggests that the speaker is
working harder or being more careful with their work due to the increased workload. The emphasis
is on the effort or care that the speaker is putting into their work, rather than the amount of work
10) "You have been very supportive towards my recent endeavors" suggests that the person has
provided a lot of help, encouragement, and assistance towards the speaker's recent projects. The
emphasis is on the person's positive influence and active involvement.
"You have been very auxiliary towards my recent endeavors" suggests that the person has played a
supporting role, providing additional help or resources, but may not have been as actively involved
as someone who is "supportive". The word "auxiliary" implies a secondary or supplementary role.
"You have been very ancillary towards my recent endeavors" suggests that the person has provided
additional support, but their involvement is more on the periphery or in a supporting role. The
word "ancillary" implies a less significant or essential role than "supportive" or "auxiliary".
Overall, the first sentence emphasizes the person's active involvement and significant contribution,
while the second and third sentences suggest a more supportive or supplementary role. The choice
of words affects the degree of importance or significance placed on the person's contribution.
11) All four sentences suggest that maintaining a certain state of mind will help the person focus
consistently, but there are subtle differences in the semantic implications of the words used:
"You will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain calmness" suggests that the person
needs to stay calm in order to focus. The emphasis is on the need for a peaceful and quiet state of
"You will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain serenity" suggests that the person
needs to maintain a state of inner calmness or peacefulness. The emphasis is on the importance of
tranquility and inner stillness.
"You will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain tranquility" also emphasizes the
importance of inner stillness or calmness, but the word "tranquility" suggests a more active state of
"You will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain placidity" suggests that the person
needs to maintain a state of calmness or quietness, but the word "placidity" implies a more passive
and less active state of being.
12) Both sentences express doubt about whether something was understood correctly, but there are
significant semantic differences in the words used:
"That wasn't what was implied, was it?" suggests that something was suggested or hinted at, but
not directly stated. The speaker is questioning whether the listener understood the implicit meaning
"That wasn't what was implicatively insinuated, was it?" uses more complex and formal language,
and suggests that something was hinted at indirectly and with intention. The word "implicatively"
emphasizes that the meaning was implied, while "insinuated" suggests that it was done with
Overall, the second sentence is more formal and carries a stronger implication of intentionality in
the hinting, while the first sentence is more straightforward and simply suggests that something
was implied rather than directly stated.
13) All three sentences convey the idea that following the speaker's instructions is necessary for
success, but there are subtle semantic differences in the words used:
"You must follow my instructions in order to succeed" is a straightforward and common way of
expressing that following the speaker's guidance is necessary for success.
"You must follow my injunctive authorizations in order to prosper" uses more formal language,
and emphasizes the speaker's authority to issue instructions. "Injunctive authorizations" implies a
legal or official context in which the instructions are being given.
"You must follow my ordinant dictations in order to prosper" also uses formal language and
emphasizes the speaker's authority to give instructions, but the words "ordinant dictations" carry
connotations of a more authoritarian or dictatorial style of leadership.
Overall, all three sentences convey the same basic idea, but the choice of words can imply different
levels of formality, authority, and style of leadership.

4. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the possible asymmetries in the use
of the category of voice between the two languages:
1. In acest hotel se vorbesc limbi străine. 2. Ni s-a cerut să arătăm paşapoartele. 3. Ni s-au spus lucruri
foarte interesante la conferinţă. 4. Evenimentul a fost comentat de toate ziarele. 5. Scrisoarea va fi pusă la
poşta cat mai curând posibil. 6. Nu s-a auzit nimic despre el de când a plecat la Constanţa. 7. Această
informaţie trebuie tratată confidenţial. 8. Sensurile cuvintelor noi trebuie căutate în dicţionar. 9. Când a ajuns
acasâ şi-a dat seama ca i se furase portofelul. 10. Cursul profesorului a fost ascultat de toţi studenţii. 11. Ni se
vor da instrucţiuni detaliate in privinţa referatului. 12. Se construiesc multe blocuri noi in cartierul nostru. 13.
Muzeul a fost închis pentru reparaţii. 14. Acest timbru nu a fost bine lipit pe plic. 15. America a fost
descoperită la sfârşitul secolului al XV-lea.

1. Foreign languages are spoken in this hotel OR The staff in this hotel knows foreign languages.
2. Our passports were required/They required our passports.
3. They told us very interesting things at the conference.
4. All newspapers commented on this event.
5. The letter will be posted as soon as possible.
6. Nothing has been heard about him since he left for Constanța.
7. This information must be treated as confidential.
8. You must look up the meanings of new words in the dictionary.
9. When he got home he realized that his wallet had been stolen.
10. All the students listened to the teacher’s lecture.
11. We will be given detailed instructions regarding the report.
12. Many new blocks are being built in our neighborhood.
13. The museum was closed for repairs.
14. This stamp was not properly affixed to the envelope.
15. America was discovered at the end of the 15th century.

5. How would you translate the following complex sentences? Consider (at least) two possibilities:
• All that was mild in him, all that was melancholy, shrank with sickened reluctance from the task of
breaking - with what consequences delicious and perilous in the future or, in the case of the deserved snub,
immediatelly humiliating? - a silence which by the tenth or twelfth shop window, had become quite
unbearably significant. (A. Huxley)
• Tot ce avea el mai bun, toată melancolia, se retraseră cu o scârbită îndârjire de la munca distrugătoare
- cu ce consecințe minunate și periculoase în viitor sau, în cazul unui refuz bine meritat, neîntârziat de
umilitor? – o tăcere care, la a zecea sau a douăsprezecea vitrină, devenise cu totul insuportabil de
• La asta mă gîndeam deunăzi seara cînd răvăşind printre hîrtiile mele ca să văd ce mai poate găsi de
ars... am dat peste o scrisoare care mi-a deşteptat amintirea unei întîmplări ciudate, aşa de ciudată că, de n-ar
fi decît şapte ani de cînd s-a petrecut, m-aş simţi cuprins de îndoială, aş crede că într-adevăr am visat numai,
sau că am citit-o ori am auzit-o demult. (M. I. Caragiale)
• That's what I was thinking the other night when rummaging through my papers to see what else I
could find to burn... I came across a letter that reminded me of a strange event, so strange that, if only seven
years since it happened, I would feel doubted, I would think that I really only dreamed, or that I read or heard
it long ago.

UNIT 4. Theory of Equivalence Levels

Learning objectives:
1. Define the concept of equivalence in translation.
2. Identify the components of equivalence in translation.
3. Distinguish between the equivalents at diferent levels in the source and target languages.
4. Determine the difficulties in achieving the pragmatic equivalence.
5. Evaluate the role of the occasional equivalent in translation.

1. Find the words and word combinations in the text which have permanent Russian/ Romanian
equivalents. What part of the English vocabulary do such words belong to?
When a grain becomes popular worldwide, there are two main effects. Farmers who grow the grain
earn more in profits. And people who use it for food pay more. Quinoa, a grain native to South America, has
become popular in many areas in recent years. In fact, the United Nations’ General Assembly approved a
declaration making 2013, “The International Year of the Quinoa.” Quinoa is a traditional food crop in the
Andes Mountains. The plant grows in an area near Lake Titicaca, along the border of Peru and Bolivia.
Historical evidence shows that local people were growing quinoa as far back as five thousand to seven
thousand years ago. During this period, they used both the seeds and leaves of this wild plant. There are many
kinds of quinoa. The plant can be grown in different climates. And it does not require a lot of water. Both the
seeds and leaves can be used as food. The seed is the most commonly used part. Quinoa can be ground into
flour or cooked whole. It is used in cereals, drinks and fresh salads. It can also be mixed with vegetables or
beans for a full meal. The leaves and stems can also be used for medicinal purposes. Some people use them to
reduce pain, heal wounds and even keep insects away. Quinoa is full of amino acids and minerals. Amino
acids are organic compounds that form protein. The body needs them to help break down food, and to grow
and repair tissue. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization believes that quinoa can be used to fight hunger
and feed a growing world population. The reason is the high value of protein provided by quinoa. The crop
has also become popular among those seeking healthier ways to eat. The center of the seed contains up to 45
percent protein. Quinoa is currently grown in more than 70 countries. Peru and Bolivia together produce 92
percent of the crop. The rest comes mainly from the United States, Ecuador, Canada and Argentina. Starting
about 10 years ago, the popularity of Quinoa caused its price to rise quickly. Many Bolivian farmers have
gained from this increase by earning more. They have been able to buy vehicles and other goods with the
increased profits.
However, other Bolivians have had to give up their main food because it costs too much. Instead they
are buying and cooking with other foods that are not as rich in healthy minerals and proteins.

2. English proverbs on health paying attention to equivalence.

1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 2. Good health is above
wealth. 3. Health is not valued till sickness comes. 4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 5. Who has a
toothache, should keep/hold his tongue on it. 6. He whets his teeth on something. 7. He shows the whiteness
of his teeth. 8. Prevention is better than cure. 9. Eat to live, not live to eat. 10. Five portions of vegetables and
fruit are a good deal for every day. 11. Never let the sun go down on your anger. 12. A stitch in time saves
nine. 13. You are what you eat. 14. A smile is an unexpensive way to improve your looks. 15. To get angry is
to punish yourself with other people’s mistakes. 16. Seven days without exercise makes one weak. 17. Eat
well, be active, feel good about yourself. 18. Tri-colour meal is a good deal. 19. The less you eat, the longer
you live. 20. He who has health has hope.

1. Cine se trezeşte de dimineaţă, departe ajunge! (Culcatul devreme, sculatul devreme

face omul sănătos, bogat şi înțelept)
2. Sănătatea e cea mai bună avuție.
3. Sănătatea nu este prețuită până când nu apare boala/ Preţuieşte ceea ce ai, înainte să
preţuieşti ceea ce nu mai ai!
4. Un măr pe zi ţine doctorul departe.
5. –
6. A-și ascute dinții după ceva. (A pofti cu lăcomie ceva)
7. –
8. Paza bună trece primejdia rea.
9. Omul nu trăieşte ca să mănânce, ci mănâncă ca să trăiască.
10. Se recomandă să mâncăm cel puțin cinci porții de fructe și legume în fiecare zi.
11. Să nu apună soarele peste mânia voastră.
12. Cine nu cârpeşte spărtura mică are necaz să dreagă borta mare./ Nu lăsa pe mâine ce
poți face azi./ O vorbă spusă la timp valorează mult./ Paza bună trece primejdia rea.
13. Ești ceea ce mânânci.
14. Un zâmbet este o modalitate necostisitoare de a-ţi schimba înfăţişarea.
15. O supărare este ca o pedeapsă pe care ți-o dai singur pentru greșelile altora.
16. –
17. Mănâncă sănătos, fii activ, simte-te bine în pielea ta.
18. –
19. Mănânci mai puţin, trăieşti mai mult.
20. Sănătatea înseamnă Speranță.

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