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If winter was a person, I would think it might be the one I would get more along with, there is

something intriguing and unexplainable about it. Every 21st of December has me mesmerized
with its arrival, while other people find it sore and awful I merely think it is the most
wonderful time of the year. Winter is comfort, hot chocolate weather, staying cozy and least
but not less important Christmas. For me winter equally represents a time to be with you and
for you, as not many outdoor activities can take place, it gives time for yourself, well at least
for me.

Moreover, winter has endless reasons to be my favorite season, so here are some shreds that
will strengthen my claim. Nothing is compared to the happiness you feel the day you wake up
and see the snowflakes falling from the leaden sky. Morning walks just hit different, with the
cold air hitting your face and clearing all your thoughts as you go forward along the serene
paths in the park. Maybe cold is somehow annoying, but nothing a hot coffee can’t fix. I also
happen to love skiing, so obviously, it’s the only time in the year I can practice it.

In closing, the cold season is definitely my favorite time of the year because it's a period of
introspection, a time to take it easy and reflect. On our way, we also hibernate like animals,
and it’s a moment to stay at home with our beloved ones, making the arrival of spring even
more special. For these reasons and more I think Winter and I would really get along pretty

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