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is a concept of managing human resource in an organization or any other place

considering factor like
recruitment of employe, their traninings, analysis and performance study,
compensation and remuneration,
their development in future period which all compundedly act as a single factor to
achieve objective and
goals of organization.

HRM is an art and science
HRM is a function & Service
HRM focuses on humancs --> kie their employees, their energy, their competenceies
HRM is pervasive --> All departmens require HRM. There should be no discrimination
in all levels
HRM is continuous --> always performed. The activites is done considered present
and future
HRM is Mutually oriented --> trying best improve relation between employers &
employee & achieve their goals mutually
HRM is dynamic --> affected by environment and its changes so adpt acc to

- should define employee task, their duties and rights, responsibility and
- should keep track of their employee's working ablity, performance
- should motivate their employee
- teach them the work environment culture
- make them comfortable with their workspace
- manae and coordinate employee of different levels
- achieve organizational goal mutually in respective time
- motive employee to achieve their full potential
- Encourage diversion, inclusion, care and teamwork
- Resolving conflicts
- Attracting and retaining right talent for organization

- Acquisition
- Development
- Maintenance
- Utilization

Acquisition Function
In this function HRM planing and strategy for what king of talent, rsource, people
to acquire,
- It estimates th right no of people in right place[department], right level, right
- It also checks/detrmines and encourags right candidates to apply for the right
- It maks decision of choosing right person from a pool of applicant
- It makes appointment and assigning specific task to selected employees
- It works on socializing of new worker with other worker, management and get
adjusted in new workspace

human Resource Planning

Development Function
After socialization, an employee is assigned with task. As he does it, it is
analysed and according
to it the the employee is given training to unlock his full potential.
- First, analysis of performance, working style and ability is monitored in this
- Further more, the new worker is given appropriate training in order to make him
more specialized and unlock full potential
in his working dimension.
- Activities that are necessary for the development of worker is provided and
managed by different manager
- For more careeer development he is provided with designated task and

- Development need analysis
- Employee Training
- Management Development
- Career Development

Utilization Function
Only training and development doesn't increase efficiency and want of employee to
do work. So motivation and satisfaction
is major factor for one high output. Utilization function involes the psychological
aspect and ensure optimun use of human resources.
Job specification, satisfaction, reward and remuneration, proper holiday and
bonuses, dynamic and flexible environment, help in achieve
proper personal goal leading to high motivation and high outputl.
- Utilization of human resources at optimum level for optimum output
- Motivate employees fo high output
- Performace analysis and appraisal
- Reward and compentsation
- Employee Benefits

Maintenance Functio
As worker are higly motivated and are giving best output they need to be kept
satisfied inorder to
achieve extreme level of loyalty and return from them. So this function involves
management of employees and
retaining productive employees in organization forlong term.
- Employee is provided with workspace and environment that is suitable for for them
and peer their wants and needs.
- Employee is abide to certain discipline, rule, regulations and work acc to them
- Employee is provided with welfare facilities like proper canteen, allowance,
insurance etc
- effective communication and co ordination inorder
All these helps to keep workers in good level and retain the productive one in
organization for long term.
- Employee Retention
- Employee discipline
- Employee welfare
- Effective communication

Contempory HR issues/Challenges in HRM

- Globalization
- Outsourcing
- Managing workforce Divrsity
- Knowledge Management
- Technological advancement
- Ethical HR activites
- Change Management
- Size and complexity
- Chaange in legal trends
- Empowerment of employees
- Work life balance

is the term that describes the growing interdependence's of the world's economies,
cultures and populations
brought about by cross broder trade in goods and services, technology and flows of
people and information.

As the world is globalizing everyday the manager and the workrs both have to deal
with the trades and services
of cross broder nature which will be diferent & difficult for both sides that might
include difficulties in communicating
and working.
Fortunately it also supports shift twards a more integrated and interdependent
world economy. New Entrepreneurs that also
lead to productivity.

means to get resource from outside [of organization or any place ] in order to
achieve specific goal in time.
It involes the process of subcontracting some of the jobs to other organizations
and wrokers to bring quality and extraordinary quality
and experience for the benefit of organization.
This is mostly done to reduce cost and time and get efficient and productive
SInce the different worker and organization work together brlonging from different
work environment and culture there may be some
managing issues.

Managing workforce diversity

An organization considers of heteregenous types of employees representing different
age, gender, ethnicity etc. Globalization has influenced this
too. So manager & all employee have to be in a discipline and communicate with each
other taking care of
each others culture, choices, beliefs. So, know all these, and further more
performing background check HRM
should make environtment for them and work. NOt only managing the environment but
the work, program, policy all need to be dynamic and manage wrokflow.
Managine these is a challenge in itself and not being able to manage can be life
threatening too.

Knowledge Management
This ensures that the employee has necessary knowledge to perform activities and
comple assigned task.
- Managing &haring knowledge to do creative activities with in an organization
- ANd how to use those knowlege and creativities

Technoogical advancement
is the revolution in technology whic uplifts the working process, HRM process and
many more.
It focuses on machines and equipments that is used in organization and the ablity
of worker who uses it.
Necessarily said that the managers do reasearch and planning to get those machines
and the workers been trained
to used it efficiently to give desired output. or else [kholai khola tirai tir, kam
garda pirai pir]

Change management
is the systematic approach of planning and implementing palns and strategies t
ochange the current state of organization ti
other state for organizational success when th planned future state doesn't work.
Simply changing the current state
to other state in order to reduce future risk and increase success. I
This happens with the request for th change, imlementing when all the workers
agree,documentation of process
and the agreement from all parties.

Ethical HR Activities
Ethics is one's beliefs about what is right or wrong and good or bad.
THese activities involves how HR treats employee, how organization stakeholders
treat organization, how their
environment is.
It is a part of managerial function to use leadership culture trainigni codes and
guidelines to help employees
and other economic agents to maintain ethical behavior
So this concerns area like
- workplace safety
- mutual understainding, respect & fairness
- privacy, basich uman rights,
- working environment and how worker are treated

Size & complexity

Larger the organization larger the complexity
Large business operates through branches, subsidiaries and other means at national
and internation level
They do business in various regions using modern managemnt system, modern method of
produciton, network, distribution and other advance technology
SO they need to make strategies and implent according to size of emplyeess,
branches and other factors that concerns.

Change in Legal trend

Human resouce Manag. concern with Human and its resources.
So, its very important to take care of how the Human rss in treated, how are they
compensated! In this process
the HRM should also keep in their consiousness about the legal policies that keeps
on being updated.
All the policies during hiring, firing, payment, benefits should be made beeficiary
for both org and worker.
= no exploitation of worker
= no overworking other activites without concest
= harassment
all should be covere nd updated in legal charts of company

Epowerment of employee

-the employee needs to be update about new technology and working processes
-and if the org want beeter result then the employee must be empowered
this means giving the importance to employee and helding employee accountable for
the action and decision made
by worker.
-less funding , inadequate training, deve;opment, turnover etc ar example of
challenges in empowering employees

Worklife Balance
- dher kam gqaryo bhane personal life balance na hola, stress hola, ani pachi kam
gardai garda ramro result nadela
- also kam kaam garne personal life ma matra focused bha bhane org bata fire hunce
chance, if not kaam gareko incomplete hune ani result satisfactory na aaune

Responsibilities of HR manager
_ Huamn Resource PLanning
- Job Analysis and design
- Hiring Candidate
- Training appointed candidate
- Design workplace policies
- Monitor Performance
- Resolve Conflict
- Ensure the health and safety of Employee
- Rewards and Incentives

Responisbilities of HR manager

The responsibilities of an HR (Human Resources) manager can vary depending on the

organization, but generally, they include the following:

Recruitment and Selection: HR managers are responsible for finding, attracting, and
hiring new employees for the organization. They must develop recruitment strategies
and implement them effectively to attract top talent.

Training and Development: HR managers are responsible for providing training and
development opportunities to employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. They
must develop and implement training programs that align with the organization's
goals and objectives.

Compensation and Benefits: HR managers must manage the compensation and benefits
packages for employees, ensuring that they are competitive and aligned with
industry standards.

Employee Relations: HR managers are responsible for maintaining positive

relationships between employees and management. They must handle employee
grievances, manage conflicts, and facilitate communication between employees and

Performance Management: HR managers are responsible for managing employee

performance, including setting goals and objectives, conducting performance
evaluations, and providing feedback.

Compliance: HR managers must ensure that the organization complies with all
relevant laws and regulations regarding employment, such as equal employment
opportunity and labor laws.

HR Administration: HR managers must oversee HR administration, including

maintaining employee records, managing HR policies and procedures, and managing HR

Overall, the HR manager plays a crucial role in ensuring that the organization
attracts and retains top talent, maintains positive employee relations, and
complies with relevant laws and regulations.

Chapter 2

Human Resource Planning

is the process of analysing an organization's human resouces needs and developing
stratefies to meet those needs.
It involves assessing the current and future needs os an organition in terms of the
number of employee their skills and ability

Human resource planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has
the right number and
kinds of people at the right places, at the right time, capable of effectively and
efficiently completing
those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives.”

Characteristics of HRP

Goal Oriented - directed towards achieving goal

Future Oriented - forecasts the types of HR and identifies and compostion for the

Developing human resource strategies - once the future huamn resources needs is
identified the next step is to develop
strategies to meet those need which involves
and development strategies to ensure that organization has the necessary HR to
achieve its goals

Implementing HR strategies

Forward Looking: Hrp is forward looking, as it involves forecasting an

organization's fututre human reosurces needs.
This requires abd understaing of the organization;s goal and objectives as well as
the external factor that may impact its human rss needs such as changes in
economy or technology

Envoronmental process
Prat of as Acquisiton Function
Part of corporate planning
Environmental effects

HRP process
accessing Matching demand
of current ==> Supply forecasting ==> Demand forecasting ==> & supply forcast
==> Action plans

- accessing of current hr
- supply forecasting
- demand foreasting
- matching deamnd and supply forecast
- Action plans

Accessing of current hr
- first stage in hrp is to look at jobs currently being done and the people doing
those jobs
- here job and skill everything is analysed: who is ready for higher positions,
prormnce analysis, etc
- who needs to leave job
- kasle kasto kaam gardai cha, ko succession plain ko lagi ready cha, systematic
data bank 9HRIS), employee haru ko performance kasto cha sabai analyze garne

Demand forecasting
- kati ra kasto khalko employee chaiye ko cha future ma bhanera bujne in terms of
quality and quantity
= popular methods of demand forecasting consists of managerial judgement, experts
forecast and statistical techniques.

Supply Forecating
- measures no of people likely to be available from withon or outside organization
- internal source == transfer, promotions, demotions, people returning rol leave of
absence, study etc
- external source: consists of people who do not work for org

MAtch demand and supply

- in case of less no of employee org has to hire req no of employess
- in case of over staff fire/reduce level of existing employment
- matching process gives knowledge about requirements and sources og human

Preparation of action plans

Action plans are prepared to deal with shortages and surpluses of human resources.
Recruitment plan: It indicates the number and type of people required and when they
are needed

Redeployment plan: Transferring or retraining existing employees for new jobs.

Redundancy plan: Plan for golden handshake (VRS), retrenchment

Training plan: It indicates the number of trainees or apprentices required and the

Productivity plan: It indicates reasons for employee productivity or reducing

employee costs through work
simplification, mechanization etc.

Retention plan: It indicates reasons for employee turnover and shows strategies to
avoid wastage
through compensation policies
Control points: The entire HR plan is subjected to close monitoring from time to
time. Control points
are set up to find out deficiencies, and periodic updating of HR inventory.

Importance of HRP

- Environmental Adaptation
ability to transform with changing technology, environment, political, cultural,
social forces

- Minimize future risks and uncertainity

minimize future risk created by globalization, technological changes, wrokforce
diversity etci to reduce
risk and associated risk ny pre determining hr needs

- cope with changw

HRP enables the enterprise to cope with changes in competitive market.
Environmentals changes often generate changes in job contend
,skill demans number and type of personnel

- Regain highly talented personnel

- support strategic planning
- helps to implement equla employment opportunity
- help to win government cotracts
foundation of hr functions

Assessment of current HR

- current employees to skill, experience, performance herera, analyse garera

business kati effective bhanko cha patta laune
- yesbata employee le self-assements ra questionnaries bata aafno jabb kato cha,
kasto feel huncha job bare ani performance kasto cha janna milcha
- yo sabai kura jane pachi harek department ko major strenghts k raicha janna
Assessment of current HR involes
-HR inventory
-Management inventory
-SKill inventory
-Successin planning

HR inentory
- it lists down all the information of employees like education, experience, age,
gender, job preference,
special achievent, saralar related data
- it is a vital tool in HR planning and policy making
- HR inventory ma bhako data chai yesto hunu paryo ki current job position lai
matra relevant na bhayera future
ma recruiters le tei data use garera job opening garos and select garos
- HR inventory kina manager garne bhandea to identify gaps between current level of
skills and relevant knowledge prosses by the employee and the knowledge, skills and
abilities are nneede to meet future buiness goals
Skills Inventory
is an individualized personnel record held on each employee except those current in
management or professional position.
These records are entered in organization Human Resources Managemnt databse.
Skill inventory contains inforamtion like;
- personal information
= education, traing, skill, competencies
- wokr history
- performance rating
- career information
- hobbirs and interest

Management Inventory
is an individualized personnel record for magers , professional or technical person
that includes all the elemens
of skills inventory with addition of specialized duties, responsibility and
- hsitroy of management or professional job held
- record of maangement or professional training course and dates
- key ccoutnabilities for current job
- assessment center and appraisal data
-professional & industry association membership

HRIS - HR information system

A human resource information system (HRIS) is software that provides a centralized

repository of employee
master data that the human resource management (HRM) group needs for completing
human resource (core HR) processes.

An HRIS can help HR and organizations become more efficient through the use of

An HRIS stores, processes and manages employee data, such as names, addresses,
national IDs or
Social Security numbers, visa or work permit information, and information about

It typically also provides HR functions such as recruiting, applicant tracking,

time and
attendance management, performance appraisals and benefits administration.

Succession Planning

Succession planning in HR is the process of preparing people for future roles to

support continuous
business functioning.

Succession planning is a long-term, strategic investment that buffers both large

and medium-sized
businesses against inevitable future disruptions or sudden job vacancies.

Succession planning involves training and educating people so they can assume new
with confidence and poise.
HR leaders train people to fill various positions in the company, supporting smooth
during departures, transfers, or promotions.

Benefits of Succession Planning :

Decrease hiring expenses , Reduce time to hire and time to fill , Support
continuous workflow despite
disruptions , Promote engagement and retention , Have higher performance , Plan and
prepare for retirements

HR demand & supply forecasting

HR demand and supply forecasting is the process of predicting the future HR needs
of an organization
based on the current and anticipated business needs.

This involves estimating the number and kind of employees required to meet business
as well as the skills and competencies needed to perform various job roles.

To conduct HR demand and supply forecasting, organizations typically use a

combination of
qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods.

This may include analyzing historical HR data, conducting surveys and focus groups,
and using
predictive analytics tools to forecast future trends.

Effective HR demand and supply forecasting is critical for ensuring that an

organization has the
right talent in place to achieve its strategic objectives, and for avoiding the
costs associated
with overstaffing or understaffing.

Technoques of HR demand andd supply forecasting

Trend analysis: HR professionals can analyze past workforce data to identify trends
and predict
future workforce needs. This technique involves looking at historical data such as
e turnover rates, retirements, and growth trends to forecast future workforce

Workload analysis: HR professionals can analyze the workload of different

within an organization to forecast future workforce needs. This technique involves
the amount of work being done by each department and the number of employees
needed to handle
the workload.

Expert opinion: HR professionals can gather input from experts within the
organization, such as
department managers and executives, to forecast future workforce needs. This
technique involves
conducting interviews and surveys to gather insights and opinions from experts
within the organization.

Succession planning: HR professionals can use succession planning to forecast

future workforce needs.
This technique involves identifying employees with the potential to move into
higher-level positions
and training them to take on those roles when they become available.

External factors analysis: HR professionals can analyze external factors such as

the economy,
industry trends, and competition to forecast future workforce needs. This
technique involves
monitoring the external environment and making adjustments to workforce plans
based on changes in
the business environment.

Data-driven modeling: HR professionals can use data-driven modeling to forecast

future workforce needs.
This technique involves using statistical models to analyze historical workforce
data and predict future
workforce needs based on various scenarios and assumptions.

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