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Instructions for Case Studies

20 Points (10 Points per Case)

Due Date: 16 March 2023

Course Instructors: Nadia Ashour, Eman Khan, Areej Alasseri

Instructions: Watch the sessions in the following links, and imagine that you will assess, or have
already assessed the patients. Write a diagnostic report of your observations for each patient in
preparation to explain the status of the patients to their families.

User Name:

Password: CaseStudy1

Case 1: Motor Speech Case Study

Provide a full evaluation report utilizing the attached forms and report template, focusing on the

 Case history: what do you want to know? What will you ask?
 Communication effectiveness: what tools will you utilize?
 Cranial nerve examination
 Describe the patient’s speech domains including the following:
o Respiration
o Phonation
o Resonance
o Articulation
o Prosody
o In addition to intelligibility, speaking, and articulation rate of the patient
 Hearing, if applicable
 Trial therapy
 Impression, including your diagnosis based on your observation and information provided
highlighting the type of dysarthria
 Prognosis & recommendations

Grading rubric:

 Accurate scoring and reporting of results: 2

 Accurate interpretation of results: 2
 Accurate differential diagnosis and supporting information: 3
 Appropriate treatment recommendations: 2
 Mechanics, organization, grammar: 1
Case 2: Aphasia Case Study

Focus on the following:

 Case history: what do you want to know? What will you ask?
 How do you plan for assessment?
 How will you assess? What will you look for? What test/assessment tool will you use?
 Impression: Based on observing the case, describe the patient’s communication abilities and
ensure you comment on each of the following, if observable within the video clip:
o Auditory Comprehension
o Spontaneous Speech
o Naming
o Repetition
o Reading
o Writing
 What is your diagnosis based on your observations? What type of Aphasia?
 Prognosis & recommendations

Grading rubric:

 Accurate scoring and reporting of results: 2

 Accurate interpretation of results: 2
 Accurate differential diagnosis and supporting information: 3
 Appropriate treatment recommendations: 2
 Mechanics, organization, grammar: 1

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