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Madalitienii and the planet Mars 

     First we will recap some information about this planet:

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the penultimate largest planet in the Solar
System. Mars is named after the Roman god of war and is often referred to as the Red
Planet because the predominant iron oxide on its surface gives it a distinctive reddish
appearance among astronomical bodies visible to the naked eye.
   The Red Planet appears to be a cold, dry, remote, lifeless place, but it is not, the
Madalitienii live there.
The planet has a lot of water and is a warm place that harbors creatures with special
powers. When the magnetic field disappeared, people thought that the Martian
atmosphere also disappeared, but the powers of these organisms keep the barrier in life
and hide them from possible dangers, that is, from people.
  The queen of this planet is Mădălina, the goddess of war, the leader of fire who sits at
the end of the round table of the 11 Martian knights.
Of course, their form of organization is monarchy, and the queen has absolute power. The
living creatures on this planet have light red skin and their clothing resembles that of
nineteenth century humans. Their eyes are green and their hair is brown and each living
thing has an element of: earth, water, air and fire. If you think the queen holds fire, you're
wrong. This is the first in the history of the planet to possess all four elements.
    The Madalitiens live there because they have liquid water, energy, carbon and several
other elements, and their queen went to earth in search of the magnetic field, thus there is
the theory that life on Earth comes from Mars, because their queen, Mădălina , is still
with us.
     This was the planet mars and the creatures that still live on it.

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