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Name Period

Genius Hour Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Content Advanced & shows Shows a general Shows some Shows little __ x5= ___
deep understanding understanding of the understanding of understanding of (max. 20 pts.)
beyond surface level topic. topic. topic.

Creativity Strong evidence of Evidence of divergent Some evidence of Little evidence of ___ x3=____
divergent thinking thinking throughout divergent thinking divergent thinking in 8 pts.)
(max 12 pts.)
throughout project. project. in project. project

Stretch Product is a big Product is a stretch- Product is a Product is not a ___x2=_____

stretch-completely many new elements stretch-a few new stretch-NO new (max 8 pts.)
new to student. for student. elements for elements for student.

Presentation Speaker was clear & Speaker was usually Speaker was Speaker was unclear
confident. clear & confident. sometimes clear &/or not confident. __ x5=___
Presentation fit Presentation fit &/or confident. Presentation didn’t (max 12pts)
(max. 20 pts.)
allotted time. allotted time. Presentation fit allotted time.
Audience was highly Audience was almost fit allotted Audience was not
considered considered time. Audience was considered.

Reflection One page of One page of One page but does

Half a page but does Does not meet the __ x5=___
Half a page of Half a page of reflection
thoughtful reflection based on not explicitly
not explicitly reflect one page limit (max. 12pts)
(max. 20 pts.)
thoughtful based on individual half
reflection based on groups process
progress on the process of
reflect on the
the project
personal process process of the
and what was done project
well and what could
have been done

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