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Esther Greenglass, Ralf Schwarzer, & Steffen Taubert, 1999


1. I am a person who takes on responsibilities. (x)
2. I try to let things work out on their own. (-)
3. After reaching a goal, I look for an other, more challenging one.
4. I like challenges and beating the odds.
5. I visualize my dreams and try to achieve them.
6. Despite numerous obstacles, I usually succeed in getting what I want.
7. I try to identify what I need to succeed. (x)
8. I always try to find a way in order to overcome obstacles; nothing can really stop me. (x)
9. I often see myself failing, therefore I don’t get my hope to high. (-) (x)
10. When I apply for a position, I imagine myself filling it.
11. I turn the obstacles into positive experiences.
12. If someone tells me I cannot do something, you can be sure I will do it.
13. When I have a problem, I take the initiative in solving it. (x)
14.When I have a problem, I see myself in a no-win situation. (-)


1. I imagine myself solving difficult problems.
2. Instead of acting impulsively, I usually think at various ways to solve a problem. (x)
3. I imagine many different scenarios in order to get prepared for different outcomes. (x)
4. I deal with a problem by thinking about realistic alternatives. (x)
5. When I have a problem with my colleagues, friends or family, I imagine in advance ways of
dealing with them successfully.
6. Before tackling a difficult task, I imagine success scenarios.
7. I take action only after thinking carefully about a problem.
8. I imagine myself solving a difficult problem before actually having to face it. (x)
9. I approach a problem from various angles until I find the suitable action. (x)
10. When there are serious disagreements with colleagues, friends or family members, I practice
in advance how I deal with them.
11. I think of every possible outcome to a problem before dealing with it. (x)


1. I often find ways of breaking down difficult problems into more approachable components.
2. I make a plan and follow it.
3. I break down a problem into smaller parts and I solve each part at a time. (x)
4. I make lists and try to focus first on the most important things.
1. I plan for future situations. (x)
2. Rather of spending every cent I earn, I prefer saving it for rainy days. (x)
3. I prepare myself for unfavorable events.
4. Before disaster strikes, I am well prepared for its consequences.
5. I plan my strategies to change a situation before I act.
6. I develop job skills in order to protect myself against unemployment.
7. I make sure my family is well taken care of to protect them from future adversities. (x)
8. I think ahead to avoid dangerous situations.
9. I build strategies for what I hope would be the best possible result. (x)
10. I try to manage my money well in order to avoid poverty when I am old. (x)


1. When I solve my own problems, other people’s advice can be helpful.
2. I try to talk to my friends and explain them my stress to get feedback from them. (x)
3. Information I got from others has often helped me to deal with problems. (x)
4. I can usually identify people who can help me to find my own solutions to problems.
5. I ask others what they would do in my situation.
6. Talking to others may be very useful because it offers a different perspective on the problem.
7. Before drowning in a problem, I’ll call a friend to talk about it. (x)
8. When I am in trouble I can usually work out something with the help of others.


1. If I am depressed I know who I can call in order to help me feel better.
2. Others help me feel cared for.
3. I know who I can rely on when I am sad or depressed. (x)
4. When I am depressed I get out and talk to others.
5. I share my feelings with others to build up and maintain close relationships. (x)


1. When I have a problem I prefer to sleep on it.
2. If a problem seems too difficult sometimes, I put it aside until I feel ready to deal with it. (x)
3. When I have a problem I usually let it simmer for a while. (x)

Din cei 55 de itemi ai Inventarului de Coping Proactiv, 25 de itemi au fost traduşi uşor diferit faţa de
versiunea originală a chestionarului. Deşi la prima vedere numărul lor pare mare şi ne conduce spre a
chestiona traducerea noastră, la o privire mai atentă constatăm că nu sunt diferenţe de esenţă, de topică a
frazei, de semnatică, cid oar diferenţe legate de utilizarea diferită a anumitor sinonime, în tot acest timp
itemul păstrându-şi înţelesul iniţial. Utilizarea de exemplu a sintagmei “a person who takes on
responsibilities” în locul celei “take charge person” nu introduce diferenţe de sens semnificative. Sau
utilizarea sintagmei “who can rely on” în locul celei “who can be counted on” lasă de asemenea
neschimbat înţelesul itemului. Deosebirile sunt exclusive de formă, nu de conţinut şi se datorează
complexităţii deosebite a ambelor limbi, română şi engleză.

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