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70 Questions

1. What’s the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain? What’s the
Isle of Man?
Great Britain is the largest island in Europe form of England, Wales, Scotland.
Great Britain and Nothern Irelnd together form the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Nothern Ireland known as the U.K.. The Isle of Man,
is ‘crown dependencies’ and not officially part of the UK. Each has complete
internal self-government, including its own parliament and its own tax system. Both
are ‘ruled’ by a Lieutenant Governor appointed by the British government.
2. What are some of Britain’s major cities?
Those are: London, Birnigham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff.
3. What are National Parks and where are they?
Protected and uninhabited countryside, those are the Lake District in England.The
area around Mount Snowdon in the north-west of Wales is very beautiful and is the
largest National Park in Britain.
4. Which are Britain’s largest ethnic minority groups?.
Those are: white British, white other, Asian Indian, Asian Pakistani, mixed
ethnicity, white Irish, black Caribbean, black African, black Bangladeshi, Chinese,
Asian other.
5. What are Britain’s main imports and exports?

6. What does the Union Jack stand for?

The Union flag, often known as the ‘Union Jack’, is the national flag of the UK. It
is a combination of the cross of St. George, the cross of St. Andrew and the cross
of St. Patrick.
7. What are ‘GMT’ and ‘British Summer Time’?

8. Does Britain have a National Day?

Britain doesn't have a National Day.
9. How do the British celebrate national and religious holidays?

10. What and when are ‘bank holidays’?

11. What is Pancake Day?

Shrove Tuesday-this day is also known as Pancake Day. In past centuries, lent was a
time of fasting. Both meat and eggs were forbidden throughout the six weeks. The
tradition was to eat up all your meat on the Monday before it started, and all your
eggs on the Tuesday - in pancakes. Nowadays, the fasting has gone and only the
eating remains. Two events are associated with Shrove Tuesday. One of them is the
pancake tossing contest (to see how many pancakes you can throw into the air,
rotate and catch within a certain time). The other is the pancake race. These are
still held in many places all over Britain. You have to run while continuously
tossing a pancake - if you drop it when it comes down, you’re out.
12. What is Guy Fawkes Night?
This is the day which celebrates a famous event in British history - the gunpowder
13. What is the significance of the poppy and when is it worn?
Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday in November). This day originated from
Armistice Day (11 November) which marked the end of the First World War. It is used
to commemorate the dead of both World Wars and of more recent conflicts. On and
before this day, money is collected in the street on behalf of charities for ex-
servicemen. The people who donate money are given paper poppies to pin to their
clothes. No politician would be seen on this day without a poppy!
14. What are Britain’s national flowers?
Britain's national flowers is the red-white rose and thistle.
15. What are Britain’s national costumes?
Britain doesn't have a national costume (The kilt, a skirt with a tartan pattern
worn by men, is a very well-known symbol of Scottishness.).

16. What is Burns’ Night and how is it celebrated?

On 25 January every year, many Scottish people attend ‘Burns suppers’. At these
parties, they read from the work of the eighteenth-century poet Robert Burns
(regarded as Scotland’s national poet), wear kilts, sing traditional songs, dance
traditional dances (called 'reels’), and eat haggis.

17. What are the most common superstitions in Britain?

18. What is the most popular food in Britain?

A ‘fry up’ (several items fried together), fried fish and chips, ‘pudding’,
‘sweet’, or ‘dessert’(any kind of sweets), crisps
(class distinctions are involved
19. Why do the British like drinking tea?

20. What is ‘haggis’?

Haggis is a traditional Scottish meal made from sheep’s heart, lungs, and liver.
21. What are the rules of cricket?

22. Football, soccer or rugby in Britain? Name some British clubs.

23. Why does Britain have 4 teams in international sporting tournaments?

24. What are the origins of the Wimbledon tennis championships?

25. What are some popular British sporting events?

26. What are the Highland Games?

27. How do the British spend their leisure time?

28. What are some stereotypes about the British?

29. What do these words mean: pub, ale, pint, snooker? Describe them.

30. What and when are the Proms?

31. What is British humour?

32. What is the Edinburgh Festival?

33. Why is Big Ben so called?

34. What is the Giant’s Causeway?

35. How old is Stonehenge?

Stonehenge was built on Salisbury Plain some time between 5,000 and 4,300 years
ago. It is one of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites in the world.

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