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A cover letter is your opportunity to showcase your professionalism, your interest in the
company as well as your specific traits that are related to the job description.

 Always have a cover letter, even if It saves the employer from opening 2
the position only asks for a resume separate files
 Keep your letter short; one page no  Take the initiative, ask for an
more than 3-4 paragraphs interview
 Be sure to have your address and  Close the letter by thanking the
contact information accurate and up employer for their time
to date
 Address your letter to the hiring
managers and department heads
 Be professional; formal tone with
business letter format
 Open with an attention grabber that
generates interest immediately
 Write a letter that reflects your
personality, skills and abilities – Be
 Show that you want to work for that
company, outline any knowledge
you have about them or the industry
 Downplay "I" and emphasize "you."
Make the letter employer focused
 Customize your letter to the
requirements of the job
 Demonstrate how you will fit in with
the company goals
 Use terms and phrases that are
meaningful to the employer
 Avoid vague and general statements.
Be specific about your experiences
 Be positive and upbeat, focus on
what you can do for the employer
 Proofread your letter for any
mistakes (spelling, grammar and
tone). Have someone proof read
your letter
 Send original letters; not general
photocopied letters
 When emailing your resume put the
cover letter and resume in one file.

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