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Bone of Contention

Favored Postulate Supporting Citation for

Arguments Arguments

Life arose on the early 1. Polymers, which are Tokyo Institute of

Earth by a series of huge molecules Technology. 2018.
progressive chemical consisting of a series of Simple chemical
reactions. Such monomers, are found process that may have
reactions may have in all living things. led to the origin of life
been likely or may have Polymers will find it on Earth. ScienceDaily.
required one or more difficult to arise without Retrieved August 21,
highly improbable the help of enzymes. 2021 from
chemical events. The experimenters and
or the researchers releases/2018/06/1806
showed that with the 13101933.htm
help of alpha-hydroxy
acids, life on Earth may
have started.

2. Life emerged Whitesides Research

because of the Group. (n.d.). The
assembly of organic chemical origins of life.
reactions. https://gmwgroup.harv

3. Simply. The Big What is the Big

Bang Theory. Where Bang? 2021.
life - or the universe https://spaceplace.nasa
rather, started. .gov/big-bang/en/

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