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In the next text I'm going to talk about called (The Golden Apples) is a mythical text
with a story in which several Norse gods appear thus naming the main ones: loki,
odin, honir go through an adventure in which loki it betrays everyone, remaining
with fruits of great importance, unfolding the story in a tragic way for certain
characters that appear in the text ....... Next, the opinion and criticism of any reader
will be revealed.

Story Summary
In the Golden Apple Folktale we get to meet Odin,Loki and Honir, they were
looking for some land Outside of Asgard. What happened was that Thiazi (a giant
that was dressed like an eagle) caught Loki searching and then he made him bring
Idum the goddess, she had to bring the basket full of the golden apples to
Jotunheim (land of giants), Loki then lied to Idum and she was taken by Thiazi,
after all of this the gods began to get old since there were no apples. And later was
discovered that this was Loki’s fault and he was ordered to bring Idum back. With
the help of Freyja’s falcon he flew over the seas, saved Idum by turning her into
stone and Thiazi who was going after Loki died in a fire and was killed by the gods
for trying to enter Asgard.
1- In my opinion, the text has everything it should have, it’s pretty fun and also
leaves you a really good moral, this text shows us things that could happen to us
on our day to day lives, like betrayal or the simple fact of looking around you and
taking decisions with intelligence, that makes you reflect a lot about the decisions
that you can make without thinking about it, Plus it gives you a moral about Nordic
mythology and besides that it has a really weird end that as the story goes you
couldn’t really tell that the end was gonna be like that, in my opinion this was a very
good folktale that exceeds my expectations of a mythological Nordic text.

2-Certain features introduced in the text like for example humans characters can
be taken or seen as traitors or even be look down on, in the case of Loki, he
laughed at Idun because he was loosing hair and was using his skin to become a
bird, the things that we just mentioned we use them as an example because Loki
always lies y hides his true colors from the beginning to get what he wants, The
princess is ridiculed and despised, leaving her abandoned, every trait that can be
In my point of view, this writing seems very appropriate since it not only leaves a
teaching but also makes known a little more history, which would be the Nordic
mythology, giving this text a little more culturalism, sincerely it is a text that leaves
you much to think about.

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