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1- In my opinion, the text has everything it should have, it’s pretty fun and also leaves you a really

good moral, this text shows us things that could happen to us on our day to day lives, like betrayal
or the simple fact of looking around you and taking decisions with intelligence, that makes you
reflect a lot about the decisions that you can make without thinking about it, Plus it gives you a
moral about Nordic mythology and besides that it has a really weird end that as the story goes you
couldn’t really tell that the end was gonna be like that, in my opinion this was a very good folktale
that exceeds my expectations of a mythological Nordic text.

2-Certain features introduced in the text like for example humans characters can be taken or seen
as traitors or even be look down on, in the case of Loki, he laughed at Idun because he was loosing
hair and was using his skin to become a bird, the things that we just mentioned we use them as an
example because Loki always lies y hides his true colors from the beginning to get what he wants,
The princess is ridiculed and despised, leaving her abandoned, every trait that can be criticized.

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