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A. Prior Knowledge
Why do you read stories?
What fascinates you to read stories?
List a few stories/ novels/ plays that you have recently read.

B. Learning Objectives
To identify the elements of story.
Apply rules of punctuation while writing a story.
Use literary devices in story writing.
Write a story using all the elements of story.

What is a story?
A story is an account of events or series of events, either true or fictitious.

What are the elements of short story?

A good story is a like a tasty soup. Here, we are going to learn the different ingredients or
elements that go into a story.

Elements of Story
1. Setting
2. Characters
3. Plot
4. Rising action
5. Climax
6. Falling action
7. Resolution

Let's discuss them in detail.

1. Setting: The setting of a story is the place and time when a story takes place.

2. Characters: The characters are the people, animals, or other creatures in the story.

There are often two types of character in the story:

The Hero - Protagonist
Villain - Antagonist

3. Plot: Plot is the sequence of events in a story. It has a beginning, middle, and end.
What happened?

4. Rising action
To build interest and suspense
The rising action progressively moves the story forward.

5. Climax
Rising action leads to the conclusion, at which point the central conflicts are fully resolved
and the story ends.
How was the problem solved?
What lesson was learned?

6. Falling action
Falling action comes as a direct result of the climax.
For example, if the climax involves the hero winning a car race, the falling action is the
victory lap and all the accolades.

7. Resolution
 Giving a satisfying end to the major storyline
 Give an adequate ending to every character in the story

C. Assignment Tasks:

1. Imagine that there has been a major rainfall in your city and you are stuck at school /
class for an entire day due to floods in the city. Write a story mentioning your
experiences in the confined area of your school.

You could include

- Friends stuck with you at school
- Deplenished food stock
- Power outage
- Discomfort
- After initial hours of fun, later, frustration and boredom sets in
- Relate it to feelings that Anne Frank shared when she had to hide in the annex

2. Complete the following story prompt in not more than 200 words.

I was fascinated by the history of my house…

3. Complete the following story prompt in not more than 200 words.

I went over to my bookshelf, closed my eyes and picked up the first book I
touched. I opened the book to a random page and from the very centre of the
page came a …….


I am able to

Identify the elements and genre of a story.

Use imagery and descriptive elements to create characters, plot
and setting.
Write a story using all the elements of a story.

I need to ________________________________________________________

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