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NAME : Winda Lestari (2188203048)

CLASS : 4.3

Project Based Learning


Project Based Learning is an approach to learning that provides opportunities for students to deepen their
knowledge as well as develop abilities through problem solving and investigation activities.

This PjBL (Project Based Learning) learning model does not only focus on the end result, but emphasizes
more on the process of how students can solve problems and finally produce a product. This approach
allows students to gain invaluable experience by actively participating in working on their projects. This
is of course more challenging than just sitting quietly listening to the teacher's explanation or reading a
book and then taking a quiz or test.


1. 1 claim (min 2 data); quoting + Original and result

"Goodman and Stivers (2010) define Project Based Learning (PjBL) as a teaching approach that is built
on learning activities and real tasks that provide challenges for students related to everyday life to be
solved in groups"

“Made Wena (in Lestari, 2015: 14) states that the Project Based Learning model is a learning model that
provides opportunities for educators to manage classroom learning by involving project work. Project
work is a form of work that contains complex tasks based on very challenging questions and problems
and guides students to design, solve problems, make decisions, carry out investigative activities, and
provide opportunities for students to work independently.”

Project Based Learning is a learning media to achieve goals and place talents, skills and intelligence in
learning. With this method, students will collaborate and communicate with each other to work together
on a predetermined project.
2. 1 claim (min 2 data); paraphrasing + Original and result

Project-Based Learning is designed to facilitate students in conducting investigations using complex

problems. (Rahma Wahyu, 2016)

Through learning activities carried out by applying project-based learning this has an impact on student
creativity. This is evident from the results of research that has been carried out where the results of the
analysis show that student creativity is in the very high category. (Chintyaariputri, 2017)

There are several facilities in project based learning as a medium for students to build knowledge and
experience directly, in the form of real tasks such as project work, group work, and depth to get a
meaningful learning experience. Using project-based learning there is an increase in student creativity.
With a high curiosity and able to express opinions, make decisions in their own way, and when students
solve problems they are able to manage information to find solutions to these problems.

3. 1 claim (min 2 data); paraphrasing + Original and result

The learning experiences of students during the implementation of the project-based learning model
include students being invited to care about problems in the surrounding environment in their daily lives,
practice being sensitive to the environment, learn to look for essential questions, students practice
thinking logically, critically, and details, thinking about the details of the work to be done, associative
thinking, namely connecting one aspect of work to other jobs, thinking about time sequences, learning to
divide tasks according to interests (Ai Sri Nurhayati and Dwi Harianti)

This learning media provides experience with problems in the surrounding environment, practice
understanding and finding solutions to each problem.

The advantages of applying the project based learning model are: “(1) it increases students' learning
motivation to learn and encourages their ability to do important work, and they need to be rewarded; (2)
improve problem solving ability; (3) making students more active and successful in solving complex
problems; (4) enhance collaboration: (5) encourage students to develop and practice communication
skills; (6) improve students' skills in managing resources; (7) providing students with learning and
practical experience in organizing projects and making allocations of time and other resources such as
equipment to complete assignments; (8) provide a learning experience that involves students in a complex
manner and is designed to develop according to the real world; (9) involving students to learn to take
information and demonstrate their knowledge, then implement it in the real world; (10) make the learning
atmosphere fun, so that students and educators enjoy the learning process” (Kurniasih in Nurfitriyani,

In using the project based learning model, there are many advantages that will be obtained including
giving and increasing learning motivation, solving existing problems, creativity, having experience and
making the learning process more relaxed and easy to understand.

4. 1 claim (min 2 data); summarizing + Original and result

The project-based learning approach creates a "constructivist" learning environment in which students
construct their own knowledge. Whereas in the "old school" model, the teacher is the task master, and in
the "new school" model the teacher is the provider. (Brandon Goodman, 2010)

The creation of this learning model certainly gives a positive side to students to be more developed, think
critically and be more creative.


Project Based Learning is an innovative learning model that involves project work where students work
independently in constructing their learning and culminating it in real products. Project work contains
complex tasks based on very challenging questions and problems and guides students to design, solve
problems, make decisions, carry out investigative activities, and provide opportunities for students to
work independently.

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