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Erika Joie Pelagia

Activity 1


1. Describe yourself in the following areas

• I am 50 kg in weight and my height is 5’3”, have a brown complexion, and black chinky

eyes and I do wear glasses since I have poor eyesight

• I liked English and Science subjects back when I was still studying, although I still like it

today but the course that I took before was really my passion, AB Mass Communication

since I really loved journalism before

• Well for me I was the extrovert type of person but could also be an introvert when I feel

like I'm in the wrong circle of people, I tend to be a spitfire sometimes but I actually

manage it very well especially when I started working since I did realize people need

more of kindness and compassion every day, it really goes a long way

• I am not the religious type of person and not the biggest religious person that you’ll

meet but I always make sure that I abide by God’s rules, I always just make sure that I

know what is right and wrong and do the good thing

• I actually am not the biggest cultural person but I make sure that when there are people

who have different cultural beliefs and celebrate them, I always respect them and when

it comes to being Pinoy, I would say I am a proud one since sometimes I do advocate

them online to travel here since we have so much to offer tourism-wise

2. To enhance your life, it's crucial to start by enhancing your personality. Personality development

carries significant significance as it mirrors our thought patterns, actions, and demeanour. An

individual's personality predominantly hinges on their outward appearance, attitude, conduct,

educational background, and other vital attributes. Personality development denotes the

gradual cultivation of specific characteristics and qualities that contribute to an individual's

overall persona. A positive personality will steer you toward both professional and, more

importantly, personal triumph. Nevertheless, molding one's personality is not an overnight

endeavour; it evolves gradually because it demands considerable effort to establish and sustain a

commendable character. I really did learn a lot in my 7 years of work/job experience and one of

those is try to be a good listener, have an effective communication with your managers,

colleagues, department to avoid miscommunications and fallout of the work and your


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