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Baseline 3 month P Value

Refrence Propolis Study Sample Intervention

Formulation design CAL BOP PD CAL BOP PPD
Nakao et all Propolis RCT 24 patients Propolis ointments were P < 0.001
ointment administered to each study group significant
(three times at 1-month intervals) to
a tooth with periodontal pockets ≥ 5
mm without local anesthesia.
Lisbona- Propolis RCT 40 patients
González et toothpaste and
all mouthwash
Salvatori C et Liquid Extract RCT 150 patients - treatment SRP + curretage P < 0.001
all propolis with - treatment SRP + curretage+ significant
generalized chlorhexidine
chronic - treatment SRP + curretage +
periodontitist propolis
El-Shennawi capsules RCT 18 patient with - The patients had undergone 1.38 ± 0.11 ± 1.13 ± 1.93 ± 0.08 ± 1.23 ± P < 0.001
et all,2016 178mg (made agressive periodontal therapy (scaling and 0.24 0.06 0.01 0.39 0.06 0.14 Significant
by periodontitist root planing).
Arkopharma, - The patients had undergone
Spain), periodontal therapy (scaling and
root planing) with periodontal
surgery or the use of Propolis.

Seth et all, Liquid Extract RCT 20 patients - subgingival irrigation with 25%
2022 propolis with chronic propolis extract
periodontitist - subgingival irrigation with 0.2%
Park et all, Propolis RCT 104 patients 0.0618 0.7272 0.5940 0.7879 p <0.0001
2021 capsule Significant
Mali et all , Honey Bee RCT 20 patients - Irrigation for two weeks with 4 mL (p < 0.05)
2018 Propolis with chronic 20% propolis hydroalcoholic significant
Solution periodontitist solution two times a week.
- Ultrasonic scaling and root
Andrade et all. Honey Bee RCT 18 patients - pi gi (p < 0.05)
2017 Propolis with chronic significant
extract periodontitist

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