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Pocahontas' life experiences may not compare closely to my own; however, her

personality and story have so much significance to mine. I knew Pocahontas after watching the
Disney movie dedicated to her and since then, she was the fictional character that I relate with.
Just like Pocahontas, my younger years as reflected in her early life were spent helping with
household chores as I am the eldest in the family – taking care of my younger siblings, cleaning,
washing clothes, and helping my father in works related to fishing. I also managed to build a
close relationship with my father just like her. Mei (2022) listed thirteen (13) positive traits of
Pocahontas in an article. And, I can say that I embodied some of her traits. Pocahontas is seen as
a creation-loving individual and just like her, I take time to appreciate and enjoy the green world
that I was born into. Aside from that, she is spiritual. As I grew older, I came to realize that there
is more to life than what you see and touch. Building a connection to that can help me achieve
self-actualization. Pocahontas is living free-spiritedly and that made her unique to the women of
her tribe. I am a free-spirited individual as well because I create a life as I envisioned it. I do not
let others hinder me from believing in my life principles. Pocahontas is wise, she knew life. For
me, I am wise enough to apply my learnings to real-life solutions. I am wise enough to craft
plausible solutions to my problems. She is brave and that is another trait that we have in
common. When put in a situation where I or others are degraded, I always stand up and protect
not just myself but those who are also around me. As strong as Pocahontas is, I can withstand
pressures and challenges.


Mei, Mia. (2022, June 10). 13 Positive Personality Traits of Princess Pocahontas Worth
Developing. Growing Up Aimi Series.

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