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Introduction: In the international community, we value the ability to make our own decisions and this is accompanied by immense

freedom however great responsibilities lark. In our quest to providing an answer to the essay we lay claim that the reality about most irredentist claims is that they remain embedded in the emotive right to ownership of that land. In consequence conflicts arise as different people who have established themselves as two separate civilizations clash (Samuel Huntington).In our case since 1949 the Chinese communists established their regime in Peking and the government of Republic of China moved to Taipei. Today over 71years ago two systems based on different ideologies are involved in an issue that looks far from reconcilable. We must note that political views of the different parties involved in the China and Taiwan issue (Chinese Communist Party, Democratic Development party, Kuomintang Party) have stood by different political schools of thought from the 1800s. We will lead this paper in a discussion about topics on chinas economic and military growth, sovereignty ,a question of irredentist claims, Chinese nationalism, strained US/China bilateral relations due to arms deals and a look at stark contrasts in the foreign policies of the US, China and Taiwan. In this essay we will seek further to discuss the rise of China in Asia and the Global plethora as a whole and how this will remain a threat to the US and regional states: Taiwan, Japan and India. Chinas rise from the 1980s can be attributed to change in Foreign Policy and the factors which lead to rise; domestic economy and Military. In this essay we will further elude to the growing pressure Taiwan endures as China continues to grow into a Superpower. This essay will tackle the Taiwan Issue in two folds as sovereignty (China) and an issue of self determination and independence (Taiwan).We argue that the balance of power mainly perpetuated by the US is there not to prevent war in region instead to prevent hegemony. The US and Taiwan bilateral relations from 1980s continue to frustrate the cross strait relations of China and Taiwan. The US we claim is a declining superpower which seeks to contain the rise of China through competitive and coercive policies.Boldly we shall present the possible peaceful solutions to the Taiwan issue offering some advice to both China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC)for the future. Brief History Chinese historical account Since the leadership of Moa Zondeng socialist China rise in different spheres in the international relations was visible. China politically during the 1950s rose as a political force with important links with socialist Soviet Union. The economic platform though was poor and in actuality in 1958 the state suffered one of the worst economic downturns. This resulted in deaths amounting to millions* and a decline in living standards. The rise of China can be tabulated as a result of the post 1978 leadership in governance, which increased economic activity in both Africa and the world at large. The reform era was the start of Chinas rise in the international arena. Background: A retrospective Insight

China today stands at across roads of success as the third best economic exporter; fastest growing economy and Africas biggest economic trade partner. This statistic looks astonishing when we do a comparative analysis on the Chinese economic standings in 1980.The change in Chinas economy is increasing the states ability to influence international relations and geopolitical politik.We may be inquisitive to learn how this will affects us in the future whether you are from Brasil, Russia, India, China, South Africa(BRICS),Taiwan and United states .The rise of China we argue is possibly a direct result of the change in foreign policy engagement and remodelling of their national interests since 1985. The success of the Chinese Foreign Policy has depended post 1978- on presidential influence, leadership skills and the strength of the president party in congress18.With great confidence we can note that the Foreign policy of China has altered other foreign polices of states for example US since 1978. We note positively to our argument that a new term known as U.S China policy clearly defined as governmental decisions that affect the way the United States of Americas relates to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC).Since History in the 1900s the PRC adopted a closed door policy rejecting foreign investments, solely choosing to abide to their own nationalistic export led growth plans. Domestic Economy Attributed to Stable Leadership and Foreign Policy reforms In what can best described as the reform era post 1978 China have structured their economy to a growth led development. The two main drivers of the growth China is experiencing in the global arena is due heavy industry development and secondly the infrastructural development. The development of industry and strong relations between state and businessman has resulted in China positive economic growth. The payoff of these two developments has been immense and felt immediately. Chinas increase in the prices of raw materials throughout the world is a factor that has leads to the growth of China. Notably the rise of a state .argues is measured by their influence in economic sphere of the world. The Chinese presidents Hu Jintoa, Jiang Zemin Rongji (1984-2004) has contributed to the rise of China. The strong leadership of Zemin during his tenure saved the Chinese economy from a financial crisis in 2008 and instead sustained the crippling period.Zemin lead the Chinese economy to a rapid rise with low inflation and the improvement Chinese lives.Hu Jintoa four principles of harmonisation have immensely impacted from 2004-2011.The currency of the Chinese appreciated over 20% from June 2005 to August 2009. The Chinese leaders we argue solely worked hard to preserve and enhance state enterprises in the reform era through nationalism. The result of a good economy is the preservation of state enterprises for example in South Africa during Apartheid (1948-1994) state run enterprises such as Sasol, Eskom and Telkom maintained the South African Economy in isolation. The result of a good economy is the preservation of state enterprises for example in South Africa during Apartheid (1948-1994) state run enterprises such as Sasol, Eskom and Telkom maintained the South African Economy in isolation. During the 1990s the savings of privately-owned corporations amounted to 72 percent of gross domestic savings. In1960 state-owned companies dominated rail, transport, steel, telecommunications, postal services, airlines and air cargo, the ports, pipelines, oil and gas exploration, oil-from-coal extraction and armaments manufacture. Many of these state-owned enterprises were granted

statutory monopolies. The parastatal monopolies were aggressively used to provide employment for surplus white (mainly Afrikaans) unskilled workers, and eventually to create an Afrikaans-speaking managerial class. These efforts were effectively funded by rents extracted from the rest of the economy through monopoly pricing and the tax regime. China rise comes predominately we argue from is largely due to domestic sources. The rise of China in Asia and the world can only mean that its power in the international arena is growing too. The Chinese are gradually paving their way for a more proactive military security to protect the economic interest. The direct result of a growth in military in China will influence Asian states particularly Taiwan which has an unresolved issue at hand. Military growth Direct Influence on Taiwan Issue The Chinese global security ambitions are we reiterate to protect their economic interests and largely influence the Taiwan Issue.In numerical figures the Chinese increased spending by 12, 7%, which meant an increase of 601 billion Yuan (US $91.5 billion) which will be allocated to improving hardware and increasing the salary for 2.3 million soldiers in the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA).It may be valuable that we foresee the danger the PLA pose in the region and world at large. The PLA is the worlds largest standing military with over 3,455,000 soldiers. In regard to Taiwan let us first define what the Taiwan Issue is all about and how this military growth will negatively influence the Issue.The Taiwan issue is simply defined as the Chinese claim that Taiwan is a province of China and there only exist one china. The Chinese refuse to recognise the Taiwan as a state and no external international community may be involved in this issue. The Chinese state irredentist claims on the island of China (Taiwan) have created a great rift between the two states Taiwan (ROC) and China (PRC).The US influence on the China and Taiwan issue has played an integral role. The US recognises the Taiwan state as a sovereign state apart form China. The US has the necessary clout to influence foreign policies of both states. The recognition of Taiwan (ROC) by the international community more especially the US infuriates the Chinese who have relations with the US. It is noteworthy that we know that the US and China bilateral relations are solely based on economic interests. The Chinese continued economic globalization and rise has seen them become more assertive on the Taiwan issue. The Chinese military framework is built to ensure that issues like Taiwan case remain without any external influence. The Taiwanese on the other hand affirm the rocs sovereignty by maintaining formal diplomatic ties with internationally recognized states like the US. China Nationalism Chinese Communist Party-Taiwan Issue It is imperative that we note that the rise of China both economically and militarily would mean that a change in the international system would change and most importantly a relative advantage would be created over other states. This change in the international system we argue would influence the irredentist claims of China and strengthen their goal of achieving one China. We further argue that the growth of the military which has seen new aircraft technology, missiles capabilities improved

and large amounts of investment in military have given rise to possibility of war to resolve the Taiwan issue. The root of the Chinese fixation is purely domestically related to regime security rather than national security. The CCP the ruling party in China have taken measures to ensure that the Taiwan issue remains important to the people of the PRC-as no regime can survive the loss of Taiwan a part of China. This irredentist claim is a pursuit that the Chinese will protect with their lives. In the Middle East two states the Israeli and Palestine are embroiled in a territorial dispute that also remains unresolved. In this irredentist claim the Israeli and Palestine would both rather go to the grave than give up their territory. Back in China the CCP is fastening its long held nationalistic mission of Taiwan reunification. The Taiwan issue is tied to the survival of the CCP rule as if it fails the to put up a fight and not to allow Taiwan to become independent-it may lose power to control the people. The very same people it can be argued are the custodians of the success story behind China rise regionally and in the international arena. The controlled people in the closed society under CCP may demand democracy even worse request change of government which will undeniably affect their nationalistic credentials negatively. The soft policies which China has deployed in the Taiwan issue have insofar affected their irredentist claims. The US has taken advantage of the soft policies as we recently saw the selling of Arms weapons to Taiwan. Trilateral Relations: China, USA and Taiwan (800) Balance of Power-Taiwan Issue, Economic Interests and Mutual Cooperation, Containment, Arms weapons Deal It could be argued that the US role in Asia is one of maintaining its position of regional prepordendence.Both states often recite reciprocal promises of cooperation and constructive competiveness yet they are hedging. The hedging of both these states is taking place at a time when the security landscape of Asia is evolving and the Taiwan Issue most critically at the centre stage. We argue that the US fears the rise of China and that may evolve into a revolutionary power with revisionist goals. Chinas rise in military and economic propensities raises alarm to the US as the balance in power will shift. This shift will affect regional states Japan, India and Taiwan. Evan Medeiros argues that US foreign policy makers have grown increasingly weary of chinas ascendance. The US foreign policy towards China is marked currently by engagement and balancing mechanisms. In this essay we argue that stronger forces of US foreign policy lie in competitive and coercive policies that discourage and challenge Chinas rise. The rise of China in the region will affect the US national security interest in East Asia in respect to Taiwan. The most recent events which took place in January were an acquisition of arm took place between Taiwan government and US has is evidence of the US efforts to protect national security interests. The Obama administration announced the sale of arms on the 29th of January 2011.The Arms were reported to be valued at $6 billion worth of Patriot anti-missile systems, helicopters, mine-sweeping ships and communications equipment to Taiwan. The actions of the US have negatively impacted on US-China cooperation. The Obama administration has defended this action on the basis that Taiwan needs security to protect itself in East Asia. It is imperative that we acknowledge that to China the Taiwan issue is a matter of life and death-graveyard

sacrifice they will not make. The actions of the US have resulted in an increase in military spending by 12, 7% the Chinese. We argue that the arms sale to Taiwan is the most sensitive issue to the Chinese and will affect future relations negatively between the two states. China views Taiwan as part of its territory and contends that U.S. arms sales to the island. The vice foreign minister of China Zhai Jun said the US action to sell arms to Taiwan is a gross intervention into China's internal affairs. In 1978 under the Jimmy Carter administration the arms sales to Taiwan were underway and continued under Ronald Reagan administration. It becomes a more sensitive and prominent issue under the Reagan administration which we argue lead us to a status quo-crisis. The United States protected their actions we reiterate on their own national security interests. The US maintains that the weapons sales to Taiwan help to maintain stability in East Asia by making it more difficult for Beijing to bully Taiwan. The United States is legally obligated to provide weapons for Taiwan's defence, under the Taiwan Relations Act. The events of 29th January 2011 will prompt the increase in Chinas military growth and may lead to conflict in the future with US. The military threat China pose will result in hard power as a solution to resolve the Taiwan Issue. Beyond the economic cooperation between Taiwan and China, a territorial dispute remains unresolved and a possibility of war rages. Cross Strait Relations between China and Taiwan (600) Taiwan Issue, Economic Interests, DPP and KMT Let us trace the historical links of this territorial dispute to where it is today. It was the Dutch in 1624 who founded the Taiwan settlement at Fort Orange later called Anping the port of presently known as Taiwan. The Japanese era (1895-1949) then came to pass with it divided into three periods. The first was the initial consolidation of rule, martime law and then the rule of military men. It was Japans first real colony and it wanted to prove that it could manage possession for efficiently than Britain, Germany and France. Japanese rule was further underpinned in 1898 to 1906 under General Kodama.The importance of this historical analysis is that it creates a pathway to better understand why Taiwan is so important to China. For far great a time the Taiwan state has been managed by foreign states and never in the control Mainland (China) .The relentless efforts to reunify Taiwan with China merely decades of lost time. The cross strait relations though we argue have been marked by positive economic relations. Taiwan's economy has become increasingly linked with China even amidst the export-oriented economy. The Taiwanese share economic interests as China as this is proved by, China accounting for over 28.9% of Taiwan's total trade and 41.1% of Taiwan's exports. This means China is Taiwans largest trading partner behind it firmly being regional state Japan accounting for 13.4% of total trade in Taiwan, including 20.8% of Taiwan's imports.

Possible peaceful solutions to the Taiwan issue Resolutions to resolve the Taiwan Issue (400)

Opinion& Conclusion (200)

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