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Common Law is gone

There is no longer Anglo Saxon Common Law which is what the organic Constitution was based in.
There is now International Uniform Commercial Code or UCC being administered in every courtroom
in America circa 1966.
- UCC, does not recognize the Constitution of 1776.
- UCC, does not recognize your God-given Constitutional Rights and only offers lip-service to the
document, and extends meager granted privileges that can be taken away without notice at any time.
- UCC, is a private foreign owned corporate contract legal system copyrighted, trademarked and
registered while being administered from the Financial District of London City, England through the
International B.A.R. Incorporated.
- UCC, assumes you guilty not innocent. There are no jury's of your peers.
- UCC, assumes you to be a "federalized citizen" who has waived all sovereign natural born live man
of flesh and blood living spirit of soul status thus making you a ward of the court with no human rights
as a "corporate fiction" or soulless unit of commerce, a dead entity, lost /dead at sea.
- UCC, is what the United Nations Charter is based on, which also does not recognize the
Confederation of or Constitutions of 1776/98.
The court system in America is based solely on protecting the interests of the international
banking/military corporate-state, and not on civil liberties which are granted privileges only and not
Constitutional Rights.
Never proclaim your "civil liberties" or "civil rights" as they classify you as a 14th Amendment
"federalized citizen" or corporate fiction with no inalienable/unalienable Soveriegn or Constitutional
Rights and you are thus declaring yourself to be a ward of the corporate-state.
It is incumbent on every American to realize that the court system, and its attorneys do not represent
you or protect you. They are all foreign corporate employees of the Middle-Court of Inns, at the
Financial District of London City, England, and take an oath to serve the British Crown Corporation
first and foremost. Though they are not told this out-right.
When you walk into a courtroom any where in America, you are now on foreign owned private
corporate property, and have just waived all sovereign rights.
The flag that you see, is not a constitutional flag of the Republic.That flag was captured at the
bankruptcy of the USA. It is, a corporate logo flag of Empire of the Crown Incorporated or Crown
You are now under Caesarian Pontifex Maximus banking/admiralty/military occupational rulership and
authority with absolutely no Constitutional Rights.
Don't believe me? I challenge you to storm into the courtroom and DEMAND your Constitutional

Rights and see with horror what transpires next ... the judge has the option at this time to throw you in
prison for contempt of court.
If you do not learn this vital information and much more... you are roadkill as the totalitarian corporate
police-state becomes more aggressive and lawless.
It (UCC), was administered because America is not a sovereign nation since the silent coup and
contrived bankruptcy of our nation in 1933, but rather a private foreign owned off-shore corporation
called; and, Washington D.C. is foreign territory on American soil:
Corporations can only recognize other corporations and UCC is international contract corporate law.
All law is now contract law. In order to re-instate Anglo Saxon Common Law, we must also revert back
to a Constitutional Sovereign Republic, that recognizes We The People, as living breathing natural
sovereign man/woman on the land, and not subjugated units of soulless corporate inventory under
British Admiralty Law, Etruscan Roman Trust Law, and English Common Law.
We The People will never be free from the Wall Street and London banksters who stole our nation in
1933, and has driven our nation and people into a bondservant status as collateral to pay-off all debt
incurred by USA Inc. since the Civil War, and then the Bankruptcy file with Congress in 1935.

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